Seb Gruc


Seb Gruc Report User
A guy at out office won the cubicle decorating contest this holiday season (first time a 2 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
That guy was given the opportunity to get himself a fully private space, and he took it. I respect that.
Truckers trying to keep a man from jumping 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
yeah but imagine a 130km/h coming when he jumps. And imagine the poor driver :/
Just go straight to marriage 13 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
So is that a soft no on anal then ?
Smells like Parkinson's 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well that's how harry discovered he could talk to snakes so... seems legit.
Simple solution 14 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
You gotta focus on the bright side of things. At least you didn't learn it while in the middle of a distance run.
18 · Edited 5 years ago
When coder write code. 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
To be fair, in uni I very rarely commented. Projects were bullshit, and I can remember the two / three projects I have in parallel and know what my code does for the semester duration.
Not my part ? not my problem. (kinda, obviously we had an understanding of the overall code of each other) The code works, we pass tests and benchmarks, the teacher isnt going to have fun reading the code of EVERY GROUP.
The semester ends, noone cares about this project anymore, so it doesnt matter that i have no clue what it does.
Now that im working.... boy that shit better be commented
It's still kind of a ring, right? 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well I can't afford to take her to Saturne...
It's as simple as that 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Then don't use youtube ? Pay for youtube red ? Servers and stuff cost money. Money comes from ads if youre not paying.
Runs in the family 11 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Don't worry, I think most people have a strict policy that involves cuddling none of the tarantulas that they find.
Celebrity asking how much their supporters make to make the tickets affordable 10 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
The fuck are you downvoting for ? Hes mathematically correct. May not be the best kind of correct, but its up there.
And although you can consider what ilikemoderation said, which is that she is looking to maximize profit while remaining withing the budget of her supporters, the key word is MAXIMIZE. She is looking to price the tickets as expensive as possible WITHIN the budget of her supporters (which is an exercise in which you do need to know how much people make).
(please note im just saying this is a question of maximization, NOT minimization, without judgement. minimazing profit would make no sense, and its all about finding that balance between your supporters budget, and your profit margin.)
Bullied 7-year-old finds a cat with the same rare eye condition and cleft lip 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
That kid will be bullied now, but will be a hit with the ladies in a few years. Stay strong kiddo, it gets better.
Same time Different wings position in the mirror 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I hope youre joking because it was half a meme for a while, but pretty sure SOME people believed it.
Light travels at 3.0*10^8 m/s. In this scenario the light has to travel maybe 10cm more in the path from the reflexion compared to the direct path. So it would take the light an extra 3.0*10^-10 seconds. Thats not even a BILLIONTH of a second.
Choose which button to press 30 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Noone said I could only press one. Im smashing all of them and figure out whats what later.
School vs. College 17 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
There was no tweet of this conversation, hence it appears trump was not involved.
Also, combo breaker.
This is so true 10 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well i bite my nails quite a lot, so I can see how someone would be 'I WANT THAT BIG ASS NAIL'. That being said, it doesnt help with the ladies.
I really can't f**ken belive there's such heartless people out there 31 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
As a below 6 foot dude I get that girls can prefer a tall guy and as a result not be interested and its perfectly ok.
But at the same time.... any girl shallow enough to ASK that is an instant 'no' in my book. I have personal preferences in term of physical appearance too, but i would much rather meet someone in real life and see if we click (both physically and personality wise) than try to check a buch of boxes over the internet.
I've met a few girls who didn't fit some of my 'criteria' and who I actually found crazy attractive.
It's ok to have physical preferences, but I feel like if youre 'stuck' in them to the point where you instantly turn down anyone who doesn't fit an imaginary checklist then you're probably shallow.
PS : I'm aware of the irony behind my statement, and I stand by it.
Bye guys 12 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean at this point is noone gonna just write a similar website ? If yall are leaving, this is a business opportunity in the making.
I don't know jack shit about web-development, but im fairly certain a meme website wouldn't be hard to code.
Landlord of the year 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Wait even with a handwritten letter from the landlord saying he is waving your rent for december ? Surely if you take this to court you would win ?
Fixing bridges and potholes is not that important 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Well look who doesn't understand basic economics / politics. Whether you like or not you need someone in charge. And its NOT easy work. Why would someone COMPETENT do that for minimum wage ? They wouldn't, they would go to the private sector where for equal skills they wouldn't be rewarded as a burger flipper.
So you have incompetent workers with responsibilities now, taking decisions that affect EVERYONE. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE. Due to the nature of their jobs, these people making minimum wage are in contact AND responsible for managing money. Well guess what that leads to ? Poor money management and corruption.
Pika pika 2 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean... It litterally says wheregers in the meme. And this isnt the same as the pika meme (this is horny harry. Its sex related). And that was pointed out on the original website too.
Can relate 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
"I have been eating for healthy and going to the gym 3days a week for the past 6 months. The end of the year approaches, and I have a weird feelin g in the pit of my stomach. Nevertheless, I keep on keeping on. Eat my veggies and lift my weights.
I wake one morning, feeling anxious, but I dismiss it.I catch a look at myself in the mirror, and I like what I see. The hardwork is paying off, now is not the time to quit. Have a salad and a workout.
Yet my anxiety keeps rising. Towards the end of my workout I notice an old man in a robe observing me. I feel compelled to talk to him, but first I finish my series and eat my banana.
As soon as I'm done the old man approaches, he gauges me, nods approbatively, and instantly my anxiety disappears. Without a word he hands me a cellphone. I take it, and the voice on the other end simply says 'Hi, do you have a minute to talk ? I am here to teach you how to do your taxes.'
Princessmonstertru was right. It's over for you bitches."
People work fast when its related to money 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Also pretty sure paying off your student loans is the dumbest thing you could do, as Im pretty sure its fairly easy to identify you from your student loans. So its a great way to get caught I guess.
Our reward 7 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
All hail Tdoom ! His teachings will take you to a whole new level. Embrace his rithm and escalate your life to new heights ! Follow in his steps to double up your happiness !
Tdoom ! Tdoom ! Tdoom ! Tdoom !
Jesus, he's stupid 16 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Because they are responsible for either accepting it which implies :
- making drastic changes to our way of life to make a positive change (this can imply reduction of comfort (forbid the use of cars in many scenarios where they aren't 'mandatory', w/e else you can think of), cost of life increase etc...) which is NOT what a politician wants (its gonna make him look bad).
- OR saying straight up "fuck the planet".
Whereas if they take the liberty to discuss it and deny it then you can convince people coal is a good idea.
Tfw no bf 5 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Also, if the number are accurate, that person is not going to stop just because 'The number you have tried to reach is no longer in service.' We're talking 7 calls a minute assuming she is calling 24/7 for a week.
Thats next level batshit crazy.