Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Now all the incels will sue her, imagine the face of the judge during the entire procedure 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Nah, I hate that I know that but I'm pretty sure she mentionned the bathwater was filled after she "played around" in the bath. God. I can't believe I know this.
Is that even possible? 53 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
It's possible (you need to force it). As in, when you wake up with morning wood you CAN and need to pee you CAN PEE. But it takes some effort and thinking, it doesnt happen on accident. So if someone manages to do that WHILE having sex I would be impressed.
Don't forget to H Y D R A T E 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Not in French ! "Vive hydra honhon !"
I hope they remember you 2 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
@liger79 @ravenclaw67impala , this will be our second, yet probably last, tour of stupid instagram celebrities. Same girl as /fun/535784/hes-too-good-for-us/ :)
I've become so numb~~~ 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Yeah, I'm a developer, and I'm far from hating my work. Sure I'd rather have free time, but I don't dread Mondays, and I'm not depressed at work. Programming is fun, and as long as the office isn't a toxic environment (bad management etc...) it's definitely not bad.
He's too good for us 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Pewdiepie is a famous youtuber i think ? She is a "gamer girl" (she actually calls her that I think), that basically knows how to exploit the hornyness of viewers to make money.
In particular she said for X amount of subs she would make a pornhub account, then created an account and uploaded non-porn videos (as you would expect, but thirsty viewers hoped for more).
From that screenshot I'm assuming she made a video whose title hints at a video of her a pewdiepie (which would get a lot of views since its two "celebrities"), and im guessing one of pewdiepies watcher told not to bring him into this.
She is the girl who did the "gamer girl bathwater here". There's one thing you cant deny, she knows how to milk her audience of horny boys for money.
That's cool 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I've been in two once, it's pretty neat.
Dont judge a book by its cover 5 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Well I mean this is straight from 9 (there's a watermark), and its quite old, I remember seeing this a while ago. So either i missed your sarcasm, of this wan't the best example :)
That's our kind of music 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I heavily disagree. Spanish language is far from ugly to listen to, and by god, spanish accent when speaking english is INCREDIBLY attractive to me. To each their own.
True story ! :D 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Then Alabama is the destination of your dreams !
I even made this myself 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I doubt you did this yourself since this isn't reddit.
What a good dad! 8 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean... Amazon_com/HAIREALM-Mannequin-Hairdresser-Training-Cosmetology/dp/B01HO3LXVK
Thats 30$. And it's the first one I found, you might be able to buy cheaper. 30$ is.... expandable to many people.
When your house number is 45 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
You do realize this guy is obviously trolling right ?
"clever ideas" 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
You can tell by the ACTUAL camera attached to the stick too.
Trashy enough ? 26 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Also i'll add that it's a really poor way to illustrate the ridicule of victim blaming in rape, because most likely the people who will say see the metaphor and realize its a terrible thing to say will NOT be the ones who use such stupid arguments, and they on the other will not see it / will agree with it (if only because they don't care about this dude and this allows them to remain consistent).
So you're just gonna end up convincing people who agree that victim blaming is horrible, but they were already on your side, and entrench the people who spew these arguments by giving them the chance to say "exactly, see this time it benefits a girl, but she's right too."
I actually feel bad for winrar 1 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Don't. Winrar's business model relies on being the most commong software to handle archived files, so that everyong is used to it, which is a huge incentive for companies to use (AND PAY) for winrar because most people already know how to use it !
Even though he insists 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Trump doesn't know how to do any of those ?
Even programmers are dating now ! 10 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Double quotes are perfectly fine tho.
char* mystring = "hello, world";
is valid in C (pretty sure, havent used C in a while), definitely valid in C++.
And the '.add(...)' indicates an object oriented language, so most definitely not C.
Also @awake_ash , C is NOT an easy language. Far from it. Good luck on your classes :)
Please tell me this isn't true 21 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I'm guessing once they've been called in they are legally bound to provide your assistance if you need it. They can't just let you there to die if you are unable to move.
Clamp the police? 9 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
Orange man Bad?? 42 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I would add the fact that he is utterly ignorant and too ? proud / stupid ? to believe competent people when they disagree with his childish views. Latest example : he is somehow convinced that China is paying the tarrifs he imposed when every economist will tell you that those tarifs are reflected in an increase cost of chinese consummer goods which is relegated to the american consummer.
I'm not american, but that's what would annoy me most : the man's morale could be discutable, if he at least was competent instead of screwing his country over...
title 4 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
I mean you're letting him turn his cubicle into an office AND giving him an olive garden gift card for it. That's the dream of every office worker.
Does anybody else remember this gem? 6 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
There was just a huge french LAN with 40k euros of cash prize, the winning game was played on worms. 40k golden banana was witnessed.
Yoink 2 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
That's a World of Warcraft inspired picture. Obviously the abilities and achievement have been customized :)
Do it for her 3 comments
poopun · 5 years ago
So... then the man is blinded. That didnt solve anything.
10 · Edited 5 years ago