Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Very very true 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
From a coding point of view, the system most likely uses whole numbers (ie : display the result of 'number_of_votes_yes / total_votes'), because that's the first instinct anyone will have. And that results in performing integer division (meaning you get a whole number and a remainder), so it could be 99.9999% and it would still show as 99.
Debt is weird 20 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Dude he did it because they made a piece on debt and debt collection agencies. And yes, they do sell debt for pennies on the dollar.
And yes, they bought it for "entertainment" (not publicity), they're running a TV show, that's their business. Makes for a good show, makes for a good deed, brings attention to this phenomenon (which they are trying to do since, you know, theyre MAKING A PIECE ON IT), and now he gets to claim he made a bigger giveaway than Oprah giving away cars.
That's a win win win win.
Debt is weird 20 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I dont know why you're down-voting him tho, the fact that medical expenses and education expenses are through the roof doesn't mean the DEBT system is fucked.
Being able to forgive debt is an obvious concept, and the other concept is just "a penny now is better than the promiss of 1 dollar next month. So it makes sense that some compagnies would specialize in giving you that penny today, do they can make a dollar next month.
Never thought of this point of view 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
And a mamoth gets you food for a fuckton of days.
Help me understand this concept 44 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
So are you advocating for reducing the military expenses and instead investing that in some healthcare / education reforms that the USA direly needs ? Because that doesn't sound like half a bad idea !
Help me understand this concept 44 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean every other first world country is somehow making it work. Maybe having companies like amazon who are making BANK pay their fare share would help ya know ?
Because that is how a man does it! Others are foolish to think otherwise 6 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
How baggy were those pants ? Because regardless of pocket size, a 2L bottle is just... noticeable.
I have shorts I use at festival that can fit 0.5L in the pocket easily (and somewhat comfortably), but it's still pretty obvious I have something in my pocket.
Well girls we did it, sexism is no more! 8 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I think the way it is planned is :
- Women make more money
- Therefore women have an inherent advantage
- Men realise they are struggling to win / keep up
- ???
- Reflection ensues on gender equality.
If you believe a group is priviledged, flipping the roles for a game to make the priviledged group realize how the other group might be struggling is not a terrible idea.
Is Monopoly the one who should be doing this? Is this the best way to do it ? Do you agree with the initial assumption of priviledge ? Debatable, though monopoly was conceived to show the problems of rampant capitalism, so you could argue it's in fashion.
Well girls we did it, sexism is no more! 8 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
The way I see it, if I'm the banker I deserve to get paid.
Pro tips 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
"Its not mine, and I promised not to tell who gave it to me."
Tf samsung 18 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
You DO KNOW you can make your phone ring (even if its on silent mode btw) by connecting to your account right ? (how exactly probably depends on your phone). You can also access its GPS location through google. (all this assumes it has battery and service)
When would they realize? 3 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
In their (potential) defense, I check my phone constantly whenever I'm out of my house. That includes work, if Im out shopping or w.e because I have my phone on me. I usually don't check it as much if I'm out with friends because I'm not an asshole, but I'll still check it from time to time because its usually quite accessible (i wont do that mid conversation, but theres are lulls.
On the other hand I am MUCH MORE unresponsive when I'm at home (after work, or during the weekend) because I'll usually just put it on a table and do other stuff around the house so I just won't check it.
2 · Edited 4 years ago
The irritating gentleman 8 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I advise the use of headphones. You dont even need music. It takes a special kind of moron to talk to someone on public transport to begin with, if you also have headphones in it takes this to new limits.
You can also ignore their first attempts (if there are some) as if you didnt hear them. If they push forward despite all that....
Pasta la vista, traditore! 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Even with the pot being too small, you can put them in, after 10 seconds the end in the pot will start to soften up, so you can bend them to fit into the pot.
Welcome to 2019 9 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
It's not a small consolation. As long as its a landslide win for the dude then everything is working as intended.
You can sue people for basically anything, no matter how ridiculous. But youll get laughed out of court. You should only lose hope if the ridiculous claims start winning (or even start being close battles).
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mean at this point the only "advantage" of imperial is that "people in the US are used to it". Sure. Still pretty obvious that metric is superior if that's the only thing the imperial system has going for it.
And btw, you can apply that argument to temperature change. You're saying celcius isn't as good in daily life because you can get confused or w/e, as someone who has used celcius all his life I can guarantee you I don't get confused. 20 is 20, 15 is not 20 and 25 isnt 20. There's no confusion going on. I've heard that argument that farenheit is better for weather temperatures, and that might be true, that still doesn't change the fact that the rest of the imperial system is terrible.
Also, final note, Kelvin to Celcius conversion is linear, and that's a big deal, since any time you care about temperature difference (and not an absolute temp) then Kelvin or Celsius are the same, and in general conversion is trivial.
· Edited 4 years ago
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Celsius is just K+273.15 so yeah, all differences are linear, and celsius is just recentring the scale towards the temperature we use more in real life.
*Grabs popcorn* 26 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Hum I'm pretty sure scientists don't use imperial. The metric system is objectively better. That doesn't mean you can't use the imperial system and be ok, but it's harder for no reason and a hell of a lot less convenient.
Don't do it! 8 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Eventually that would cause everyone to suicide, and the pain would be transferred to dogs and cats everywhere and we just can't have that.
Personal trainer Ned Norton runs a gym for people with disabilities called Warriors on 4 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
It's "jumps" tho, otherwise youre missing an 's'
Yes. There is an "ask " section 16 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
I mentionned it when we were about to do the deed. It went great. She had no expectations of me knowing wtf I was doing, so I felt free to experiment a bit, and she felt comfortable taking the lead or guiding about some things.
Idk, sure it's "embarrassing", but wtf, we're about to have sex, might as well to the best I can to enjoy it.
How the USA gonna deal with mass shootings 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
That's one really optimistic way to look at things.
poopun · 4 years ago
They do. Uber very much tells you the license plate of your ride. At least in Europe, but I don't see why they wouldn't in the USA. It's the only 100% sure way you have to know that guy IS your ride, and you're stepping into a stranger's car. Be safe, check plates.
How the USA gonna deal with mass shootings 17 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
No offense, but regardless on your stance on gun control, the fact that you have reached a point where you're blased by mass shootings is terrifying. wtf is wrong with the USA that mass shootings are "normal" ?
Now all the incels will sue her, imagine the face of the judge during the entire procedure 7 comments
poopun · 4 years ago
Yup, checked her website, that's what she says. I now know what her website looks like and that 50 dollar gets you a used chewing gum.