Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety
if thor supports gay rights, why can't Australia? 13 comments
· 9 years ago
The current government just can't because a large number of their voters and supporters are against gay marriage, therefore losing that support. Granted, what's his face from Britain did it even though he is on the 'opposite side'
Abusive passenger beaten and tied up on siberia airlines flight 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Wait, are you saying they are getting removed or just labelled by him as a repost
Sass level: Maximum 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Wearing a tank top I don't really care if it's sticking out a bit but it's when it's half falling down my arm or possibly getting twisted or unhooked that it matters
Sass level: Maximum 11 comments
· 9 years ago
If my underwear was sticking out above the back of my pants I'd want someone to tell me. How is this different. If my strap is showing I'd want someone to tell me. No real reason why but It has a place and that place is under my shirt
First in 9 comments
· 9 years ago
if you are the first to comment on a youtube video, a lot of people type 'first'. It's sort of become a sort on on-going joke. The fact that she is a virgin means no one else has done her. Therefore, he is the first
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
I did not infact, insult the entire continent of North America, I explained what i believed to be the reasons behind why people think these statements are true about the COUNTRY of America. Also the seconds have of your statement doesn't make sense. Are you trying to imply that I insulted America then went to their country anyway or are you trying to say, in poor english, that i 'shouldn't go there' (not as in the country but the figure of speech way)
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
At this point in time, literally every country is made up of immigrants, emigrants and expats. Very few people have had their entire family line stay in one country. You can't claim that America is good because of this or that it makes them different or is an excuse for the bad parts because every country has them too and that negates the fact
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
Then when you really look at it, America exceedes everyones expectations in some aspects but you fall so far behind in other aspects that the rest of the world sees as rights and things that are expected. Healthcare and the corruption in your government (big companies paying out politicians, much more that everywhere else in the world). The fact that you don't see healthcare as a right is frankly absurd to the rest of the world. confusing and almost illogical gun laws and the highest incarceration rates in the world. On many of the lists of the best countries to live in/the safest countries to live in you don't come near the top yet on the lists of how people rate their own countries you always come in the top five
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
The cocktail of ignorance, pride and the unusual nature of the US gives arise to this unadulterated pure nationalism which I don't think other countries come close to. Most other countries just know better. Everyone other country has nationalism but they know that they aren't the best. The remarkable thing about American patriotism is that it's fuelled by the odd idea of American exceptionalism. It genuinely appears to be the case that a good number of Americans consider themselves the 'most free", the "most fair", the "most wealthy", the "most entrepreneurial", the "least corrupt", the "most abundant", etc etc, without letting facts get in the way. There is also this odd assumption that the things that American does differently to the rest of the developed world are again things to note and celebrate. So the British are hugely proud people,check out the pride on display in the Olympic Games opening ceremony, but they also acknowledge the faults and mock themselves openly about them.
Being fat is not a disability 24 comments
· 9 years ago
The original post said that they were perfectly fine walking from their cars to the venue then there. The scooters aren't these ladies, they were rentals ones from the place (the OP saw them getting them, standing and walking perfectly fine) so they aren't using them all time, just now. This is why the original OP said this (because the title was stolen from there), not just based of the fact that they are fat but from other things he saw as well. Apparently they also went straight to the front in front of a bunch of children then proceeded to talk the whole time. I'm sorry about your friend but that's not exactly what is going on here.
Being fat is not a disability 24 comments
· 9 years ago
If anyone actually wanted to find the original story that is accompanying this photo, just type the title into google and click the imgur link. I would link it but I can't right now
It was their decision to consume the alcohol 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Being disinhibited by the high alchohol levels is iften the reason behind things like this (drunk drivig and killing people for example) and they wouldn't have done the thing had they not been consuming alchohol but it does not excuse the thing that they did. Often times people who kill ithers drink driving feel absolutely awful after because it is so out if character fir them an they feel even more guilty
The biggest challenge will be getting men to wear it on a date 23 comments
· 9 years ago
No one is forcing them to buy this or condemning them for not buying it, it is just a preventative thing that some people may wish to purchase. Considering that this is not even really a product that is on the market and the post is years old anyway, this further supports this point. If it was some massive thing then maybe it would be more frowned upon to not use it but what's wrong with it anyway. It is sad but it is the reality we live in. Things like this do happen and having a preventative thing like this will give peace of mind to some women who are more cautious of these types of things.
Just add an 'o' or a 'y' to the first syllable and you're set m8 49 comments
· 9 years ago
Australia has Iron knob, cockburn, woodenbong, cockwash and chinamans knob too. Gotta love australia
Never say it's too late 4 comments
Just add an 'o' or a 'y' to the first syllable and you're set m8 49 comments
· 9 years ago
(woolloomooloo is a town, so it wagga wagga, walla walla, poowong, humpty doo and tittybong)
Poor dogs #stopyulin2015 :( 87 comments
· 9 years ago
I understand that it is trying to do something good but a hashtag and re-posting this on other platforms won't really do anything. Yes, more people will know about it but no one does anything further because people are lazy and issues like this are to hard to comprehend or too far away properly to be able to fix
Just add an 'o' or a 'y' to the first syllable and you're set m8 49 comments
· 9 years ago
She probably rooted that bloke from up at woolies. I saw her in her thongs up there after passing through woolloomooloo
Just add an 'o' or a 'y' to the first syllable and you're set m8 49 comments
· 9 years ago
after the maccas run (trip to mcDonalds) you gotta chuck a u-ey (do a u-turn) round to the servo (service of gas station) to try and pash (hook up/kiss) the sheila (woman) at the counter. You might grab a couple 4n20's (brand of meat pies) while you're there to eat in the ute (truck type thing) with dazza (nickname for dan). Fuck shazza though (screw sharon), she doesn't even deserve the free dead horse you get (doesn't even deserve the free packets of tomato sauce you get). Strewth
Will this create a shit storm in the comments? 56 comments
· 9 years ago
I personally believe that gender and sexuality can both be fluid and move and change as you grow and learn more things about yourself. When it comes down to it though, your biological sex is still that of a woman up until a certain point and arguing and yelling at people about whatever the fuck tumblr is calling it now is stupid and doesn't help the cause at all. If anything it detracts from people actually trying to do something, the same way feminazis have ruined the name of feminism