

I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).

— PurplePumpkin Report User
No WiFi? No prob 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
*pulls out bomb*
Your whataboutism can’t save you you triggered weebs 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Yup, in 2017 some activists here have managed to get a complementary health care service for sex workers, which is already great, but really they're alone to deal with it and snatch rights for themselves.
Your whataboutism can’t save you you triggered weebs 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
It depends on the prositute and who her pimp is if she has one (or he, even though male prostitutes are more rare they shouldn't be swept under the rug), but yes, psychological and physical violence are a big problem for them. Exposition to STDs and risks due to butched abortions are also problematic.
Some are dragged into prostitution by a random person who offers them drugs, which creates an obvious relation of dependence right at the beginning and destroys their health, on top of making them prone to accepting whatever for their fix. (you can argue it's not part of "being treated like shit" if they take part in keeping consumption, but I'd file it under organised dependance)
They're also rarely taken seriously in the case of a rape because "it's their jobs" -nvm the concept of consent-, which puts them in a situation of vulnerability towards the aforementioned pimp and they can struggle to leave this line of work.
Finding a Great Cat Gif After Hours of Searching 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
You know me so well! That's me when I read something that looks fishy but then it makes sense and I'm like "mlem, doing me a learn"
Its the elder monkey 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
...does this mean I'm supposed to be in love with the monke?
Its the elder monkey 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I'm listening.
...apparently we lay big eggs. 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I tend to read a wide variety of stuff and I've found this weird ass trope to be strangely common in bad and forgettable thrillers, which I used to devour a few years ago (it's generally one of the detectives), and I've seen it more rarely in slice of life-feel good books (I just read this when I have nothing else so maybe my data's unsufficient). I don't recall seeing it in other categories of fiction (and also obviously not in nonfiction).
...apparently we lay big eggs. 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Good point!
We should feed an AI a lot of these books where a woman looks at her once perky breasts hanging in shame, not knowing she's still fuckable, etc., and feels her sex organs weirdly coming to life like in this post, then see if the result can manage to be any worse than the original material.
6 · Edited 3 years ago
Life has no meaning 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I'm listening.
Goku would get clapped lol 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Death be like "ok I'll come try again next century" and walks away massaging their sore ass.
Early verbal training makes all the difference 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I've been talking to my furbaby normally for the past 9.5 years and she never responded, I think she might be deaf.
Idk if she has the worst luck ever, or the best luck 4 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
She didn't have luck, she had a plan to fuck up those ships.
Your whataboutism can’t save you you triggered weebs 11 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Technically they were women forced into sexual slavery for soldiers. Doesn't agree with weebs who are caricaturally seen as rejecting all imperfection from Japan, land of anime and endless purity.
No WiFi? No prob 8 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Minesweeper is great, fight me
Why you gotta do me like that Google 2 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I refuse to believe their arms are so thin despite spending a lot of time on these websites.
Taxation is theft 3 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Mine were 1. pretending to kill me like his arm was a weapon (he wasn't 5, he was about 50) and 2. following me in a train station screaming I had a bomb in my bag, shortly after some terrorist attacks. I'm lucky I'm a little white girl who looks innocent otherwise I could have gotten punched by security, but I really didn't have the profile.
4 · Edited 3 years ago
Trust me, it is 23 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Nice x)
En échange j'ai : c'est quoi la différence entre un footballer, un handballer et un pédophile ? Le footballer marque du pied, le handballer marque de la main et le pédophile Marc Dutroux. (élégant)
Correct answer? 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I'd say if you feel like the vibe is good, yes. It's worked for me the one time I've tried it. It can show you're confident, easygoing, and ready to actually enjoy your work. I've also used it in academic settings and giving museum tours and it's always been positive, so I think the key is really ssensing the vibe and not overdoing it. But be prepared for this not to work and if it does indeed not work, keep talking like nothing happened otherwise it gets awkward.
3 · Edited 3 years ago
The question society was lacking 5 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I'm the happy purple penguin, looks about right.
The way to beat the system 1 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
That's not a hack, that's a glitch in the game!
And that's how babys are made 9 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I'm the dumpster and I'm in!
Trust me, it is 23 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Entièrement d’accord, traditionnellement c’était leur rôle d’ailleurs, des fabulistes aux bouffons. Si ça gêne, à moins qu’ils soient dans l’insulte de bas étage, ça révèle un problème. L’humour très noir peut bien marcher sur moi pour « évacuer » (genre un prof qui dit « la cladistique, c’est quand on met le vivant dans des boîtes » et mon pote qui me sort « comme ta grand-mère »), mais on dirait parfois que l’humoriste capitalise sur la mort des gens dans le cadre d’une tragédie et je pense aux proches qui ont besoin de temps.
Après en pratique pour que ça me fasse rire ça dépend de comment c’est dit et de la fréquence d’exposition. Une bonne blague misogyne par exemple, oui, mais ressortir le vieux «  les hommes aiment le foot et les femmes le maquillage » sans rien ajouter est lourd à force. Du coup la médiocrité de la vanne fera ressortir pour moi le côté sexisme gratuit et facile. Mais bon, suffit de changer de comédien à écouter.
Tu as une blague noire préférée ?
The Purge 17 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
I’m joining your team, and *yes*
What about getting some financial aid to households that can’t afford decent living conditions? And maybe be nice above necessity, paying people’s mortgages and getting them random gifts like some thug good fairies?
Introverted Characters 19 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
To answer your previous point, it seems to me that extroverts can have « typically introverted » qualities and vice versa, yet the general tendencies are so that these qualities keep being typical. My experiences with extroverts and introverts are also different than yours, maybe because I roughly fit this category more so I know how to make an environment that fits an introvert better while they keep their reservations with new people. Those are general tendencies anyways.
And while it’s true that there’s the image of the shy and anxious introvert, these are not part of the definition -which is based on enjoying socialisation differently and not being unable to do so. Yet it’s quite frequent. But extraversion also has its problems, all of the extroverts I know have trouble staying in one place for an extended period of term, and being alone. For our experiences to differ like this, maybe there’s also a cultural component at play, I don’t know.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
The Purge 17 comments
purplepumpkin · 3 years ago
Ah ok! That's good to know, thanks!