I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).
— PurplePumpkin Report User
Chad apple 10 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm just picturing you voraciously eating pineapples with a bleeding mouth from bromeline, screaming "more".
Idk how people think this 10 comments
· 3 years ago
I swear I'm not trying to hijack this post, but the concept of "universal self-evident truth" has no room in maths, things have to be proven. And yet, to demonstrate that 2+2=4 you rely on another arbitrary axiom. It all boils down to Gödel's theorem of incompleteness, who proved in 1931 that "mathematics can't demonstrate their coherence". There is always an arbitrary part that has to be taken for granted. There is however an ongoing debate since then in the mathematicians community to decide wether or not this limit concerns the thought processes or just means the mathematical language is devoid of meaning, but it really cannot be decided this bluntly.
I know it wasn't the original point but it's a crazily interesting yet complex concept, the most accessible article I've found is in French, if anyone's interested, but not very in depth. https://www.science-et-vie.com/archives/2-une-limite-logique-on-ne-saura-jamais-si-1-1-2-40830?uid=NDI4ODAw
Edited 3 years ago
I know it wasn't the original point but it's a crazily interesting yet complex concept, the most accessible article I've found is in French, if anyone's interested, but not very in depth. https://www.science-et-vie.com/archives/2-une-limite-logique-on-ne-saura-jamais-si-1-1-2-40830?uid=NDI4ODAw
Reverse d-day 3 comments
· 3 years ago
Cuckoos: ugh wtf I don't want to raise a child, let's drop it at the neighbors'.
Smh Julia 39 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm interested in dinosaurs too, I have a super official diploma about that, so can I join these DMs, whatever's happening there?
Edited 3 years ago
Idk how people think this 10 comments
· 3 years ago
So I've looked it up and the instances of "math is racist" I've seen are 1. clickbait that stemmed from someone saying algorithms reinforce inequalities and 2. people who criticise CRT, while CRT things I've looked up say the contrary (I'm not a specialist, far from it, I've looked up google scholar, normal search engines typing "maths is racist" which led me only to criticism against crt, and some big CRT websites such as equitablemath). So the meme looks like an exageration of CRT, people don't seem to actually think that. Which is hella reassuring, that was a concerning take.
As for 2+2=5, *apparently* it stems from a Twitter user who said it could work under certain circumstances -and that's a bit tongue in cheek, but not wrong: there was this car with 2 engines having 2 horsepower each belonging to the 5 hp category, because 2.4 (rounded out to 2) + 2.4 = 4.8 (rounded out to 5). Can't tell about how it's used though.
Edited 3 years ago
As for 2+2=5, *apparently* it stems from a Twitter user who said it could work under certain circumstances -and that's a bit tongue in cheek, but not wrong: there was this car with 2 engines having 2 horsepower each belonging to the 5 hp category, because 2.4 (rounded out to 2) + 2.4 = 4.8 (rounded out to 5). Can't tell about how it's used though.
Chad apple 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Yes, that's what I was trying to imply. Don't eat kiwi skins.
@nelson, I'm very sorry for you when it's gonna come out.
@nelson, I'm very sorry for you when it's gonna come out.
Yes... Fight 11 comments
Idk how people think this 10 comments
· 3 years ago
"2+2=4" is, in their minds, not a universal self evident truth" yeah and they're right. "1+1=2" and "2+2=4" is something you have to demonstrate when you study maths at a higher level, because mathematicians know and obviously agree that it is by definition arbitrary. (and you demonstrate it in terms of values, not numbers, since these are as arbitrary as the alphabetic order)
Edited 3 years ago
Underwater Egyptian City of Thonis 6 comments
· 3 years ago
The site was actually discovered in 2000 and it's still being researched, it should take a while because the site is big, very well preserved thanks to being submerged, and is putting back in question things we took for granted about Ancient Egypt, so don't worry, for now there are no parasites here! And I suspect that once the studies are done, they're going to deploy some protection measures.
Although little part was above sea level and had been looted at the end of the XIXth century, but what hasn't been looted in the XIXth century...
Although little part was above sea level and had been looted at the end of the XIXth century, but what hasn't been looted in the XIXth century...
Tis 1 comments
· 3 years ago
I would add: who challenges you to be better in a definition of better you agree with, and making life better even if there's nothing wrong, like more than not wanting to see you sad, wanting to make you randomly happy.
Chad apple 10 comments
· 3 years ago
My nutjob of an elder sister would eat kiwis with the peel, apparently some people do that. She's now allergic though.
I happily can relate to this 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I see 0% chance of this happening with my boyfriend's family, to the point where it's a bit funny to imagine.
A few more years.... maybe 7 comments
· 3 years ago
Ok so I also can't help you (I just vaguely remember some programmation on CamL, Mathematica and Matlab) but that's an interesting field. You're welcome to come vent whenever you're under academic stress and I'll listen to you, that's about the best I can offer.
ADHD Planner 1 comments
· 3 years ago
I don't have adhd but I feel this: "note stuff down to not forget them!" Sure, but I'll 100% forget to look at the list and will also do weird stuff like put a piece of watermelon in a bowl, another bowl on top of it and reflexively put them in the cupboard. The stuff my brain comes up with are so unpredictable I can't make lists for everything.
Happy 14th of July! (Joyeux Quatorze Juillet!) 3 comments
· 3 years ago
What can I say that you haven't, the guy in the center is the marquis of Launay, director of the Bastille, who would imprison people just because the king said so -no trial necessary. The storming is obviously a symbol of the people controlling the power in place and reclaiming their freedom and the abolition of unjust privileges. So 3 days after the event, the revolutionaries adopted an emblem where the colors of the Parisian people, blue and red, were surrounding the white that represented the king; it's still our flag today.
The revolution took a little while, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were only killed in 1793. In the meantime, we'd had the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen -declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen- and soon after the Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne -same but with women, ofc not applied, author was killed-. The former stated that "all men are born, live and remain free and equal in rights".
What can I say that you haven't, the guy in the center is the marquis of Launay, director of the Bastille, who would imprison people just because the king said so -no trial necessary. The storming is obviously a symbol of the people controlling the power in place and reclaiming their freedom and the abolition of unjust privileges. So 3 days after the event, the revolutionaries adopted an emblem where the colors of the Parisian people, blue and red, were surrounding the white that represented the king; it's still our flag today.
The revolution took a little while, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were only killed in 1793. In the meantime, we'd had the Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen -declaration of the rights of the man and the citizen- and soon after the Déclaration des droits de la femme et de la citoyenne -same but with women, ofc not applied, author was killed-. The former stated that "all men are born, live and remain free and equal in rights".
Shark Attack #15 - Attaque de la Connaissance 5 comments
· 3 years ago
Vocabulaire français de la semaine du requin (which we don't celebrate)
un requin : a shark
le naseau : the nose
le museau : the snoot -do NOT boop-
l'oeil : the eye
les branchies : the gills
la tête : the head
la nageoire pectorale : the pectoral fin
la nageoire dorsale : the dorsal fin
la nageoire caudale : the caudal fin
le que : the what, but la queue : the tail.
See you later for the next lesson!
Vocabulaire français de la semaine du requin (which we don't celebrate)
un requin : a shark
le naseau : the nose
le museau : the snoot -do NOT boop-
l'oeil : the eye
les branchies : the gills
la tête : the head
la nageoire pectorale : the pectoral fin
la nageoire dorsale : the dorsal fin
la nageoire caudale : the caudal fin
le que : the what, but la queue : the tail.
See you later for the next lesson!
A few more years.... maybe 7 comments
· 3 years ago
I would adopt you bro, but I'm really not sure that would help.
What are you gonna study?
What are you gonna study?
I cannot describe how painfully scary it is 3 comments
Seriously, let's drop the Hay's code. 4 comments
· 3 years ago
If show writers who see this could be inspired to be original and creative instead of pushing the same old tropes over and over, that would be great. -after all, like any of these tests, or like Oulipo fun rules, they're free to take them or not, but it would make it heaps better.
Edited 3 years ago
A few more years.... maybe 7 comments
· 3 years ago
How many years do you have left? (in academy, not enquiring about your death)
Mark Zuckerberg mines data from the first Facebook user 2 comments
· 3 years ago
Idk to which extent it's supposed to be the case but it has the vibe of Of mice and men
Smooth sailors. 3 comments
So do we dress as dinosaurs and roam around the city?