

I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).
PurplePumpkin Report User

You talkin' to me?

You talkin' to me?

Don't get on the theatre kid's nerves

Don't get on the theatre kid's nerves

I'm taking notes

I'm taking notes

Cistercian monks had a way to write numbers from 0 to 9999 in one symbol

Cistercian monks had a way to write numbers from 0 to 9999 in one symbol

Another post said they spoke fluent German, so a good ol' opera it is.

Another post said they spoke fluent German, so a good ol' opera it is.

Ducks will be there on the last day of the world

Ducks will be there on the last day of the world

The power of friendship

The power of friendship



What happens if your conjoined twin commits a crime?

What happens if your conjoined twin commits a crime?

Y'all in death row

Y'all in death row