

I'm almost always on the internet, and when I'm not I'm either reading, writing or serving my furry master (the one pictured, I'm not THAT weird).
PurplePumpkin Report User

I just finished a phd position interview and this is 100% me rn

I just finished a phd position interview and this is 100% me rn

This cat living in 2720

This cat living in 2720

Flip flap flappy let's keep this comment section clean GIF

Flip flap flappy let's keep this comment section clean

Avocado is a berry

Avocado is a berry

fs is a smol website

Nom nom is that a baby carrot?

Nom nom is that a baby carrot?

Sup smol thugs!

Sup smol thugs!

I need to lure a trash panda to my home one day.

I need to lure a trash panda to my home one day.

"Croutons of Christ"

"Croutons of Christ"

Fire pretty

Fire pretty