

— Roanoke Report User
Photo without filter and with. Which one do you like better? 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It’s a tough call. The filter really adds some dimension to the pic. I’m not usually into filters.
5 · Edited 4 years ago
Theres easier ways to smell like whiskey 12 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’d rather smell like campfire, whiskey and gun powder, the old fashion way.
Biohack the world 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
This is actually not an uncommon trait in the scientific community. Although sometimes it does legitimately turn out to self poisoning.
Well, yes 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It’s funny because I’m making what was my dream salary when I went to school. Thinking through numbers, I believe 10-20k will definitely be motivating for a long time. I’m not sure I will ever get to a salary of 200k+ (where 10k falls below 5%, which is the kind of raise that tells me I’m doing a good job).
· Edited 4 years ago
Facebook screenshot isn't meme 26 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Which is especially foolish when you consider that studies show women (typically) have better muscular endurance.
And, a woman (or a man) who hasn’t put in the regular/consistent hours of training probably can’t waive a sword around for half hour. But someone (male or female) who has trained can certainly support that weight whether it’s 3 or 15.
Me either 15 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
My kid goes to school in the US and they have “houses.” It’s a private school with a boarding program. I wonder if that’s part of it. Because half the students are physically in one of three houses. Then the day students get to be honorary members of a house.
He's worthy 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Also. Someone needs to teach a fellow about incognito tabs...
Well, yes 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I would love to have enough income/capital to not find an additional 10-20k annually motivating.
Who would refuse 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yes, do I need a résumé, references, specific blood type?
Facebook screenshot isn't meme 26 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I have no understanding of the weight of swords, but why does this other dude think that a woman can’t wave one around—regardless of whether it’s 3 lbs or 15lb?
How do you like them apples? 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
The maker of this chart has not eaten a pacific rose apple!!
Yesss thank you 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I grew up with the little mermaid too. And they did the right thing selecting an actress for her talent and ability and the way she works with the other talent. It will make the production better.
And if you’ve ever worked with a director to select talent for a production you know that sometimes the best talent to fit into your production isn’t necessarily the best talent in the room. There’s an important synergy to consider. And it’s incredibly hard to make those choices.
So maybe there’s a white girl out there that was amazing, but just didn’t fit the casting or wasn’t as good at the moves or the songs or was flat in the role. But in this story, race is not really an issue for the mermaid. There’s none of history that the land dwellers have regarding race (for her upbringing) and it may add interesting plot as they address that issue on surface.
I liked the differences in the Aladdin remake and I look forward to seeing the new little mermaid.
Yesss thank you 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It is an important aspect, as is gender, and will affect the way the character is portrayed, but it doesn’t mean that the difference is destabilizing to the character.
I’m not an advocate for just changing a character just to meet a quota, but I think if it’s done thoughtfully it makes the presentation better. If the character is so static and nothing should change then Why bother with a reboot. Do something different or don’t do it.
Well I hate pickles so.. Who? 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I see. Understandable.
Yesss thank you 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I don’t know. I feel like it’s one of those things we get caught up on. I think sometimes the race/gender/hair color is important to the character and is sacred. But sometimes it’s just a feature. And if it’s a feature, why does it matter?
The Black Panther needs to be black. That’s an important aspect of the character. The race of the little mermaid is at no point an aspect of her character or the story, but her gender is. The little mermaid is decidedly female. 007 is decidedly male; does his race matter? I don’t really know.
I think we sometimes encounter characters that are portrayed in a way that is different from what we saw in our mind and that’s jarring, but it’s not always wrong. Sometimes it’s valuable to see a character we love portrayed in a way we found hard to imagine.
Definitely starts with a 3 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Those don’t sound like fun experiences.
If you’re responsible, it’s not big deal either way. Have a drink or two and enjoy it. Or do t have any and enjoy it. Getting brain damage drunk is not good or fun. But there’s a balance. You can drink a little without drinking too much.
I'd watch that 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yes but no. (But mostly yes)
5 · Edited 4 years ago
Your feelings 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Manipulating statistics and reporting a twist on findings isn’t the same as doing responsible science.
And that’s a big part of why people think sciences don’t believe what they are saying because the will look at the material and when you say, “so you’re telling me, based on this study I should eat a pine cone every day?” And the scientist might say something like, “that’s on interpretation, but this study just confirms that the vitamins and minerals are complete. This study didn’t review the prescience of phytotoxins or the bioavailability of those nutrients.“
And then Everyone says, see science is flawed. It didn’t tell me not to eat the pine cone.
Not my post, but danm to the point 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
But how is that number when compared to celebrities? I’m guessing the comparison isn’t equivalent to the amount of work/expertise/difficulty.
Even an entry level employee costs thousands of dollars to replace. So a laborer with experience and training is expensive.
He makes a good point and I don’t like it.
Well I hate pickles so.. Who? 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
What did the pickles do to you?
1 · Edited 4 years ago
QWERTY 1 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Now I want an ice cream sandwich...
Skin 10 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I want to know more of these.
If you get it 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Anxiety ticks differently 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
People often think I’m an extrovert, because I’m loud and gregarious.
But I have limited energy for people and need to be alone to recharge. I’m very much an introvert, but I’m not shy or quiet.
Well this is something 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
There an old lady that keeps calling my kid, but she insists that she has the right number. I keep telling him to be her friend.