

— Roanoke Report User
Too late to be relevant? 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah. Same. What was the movie?
Moron 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Wait. What is going on here?
Let's read it together 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
You want to know which scripture they’re reading, don’t you?
Let's read it together 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I don’t think that’s what is happening in this photo.
Fantasy Novels not centered on war 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Keep reading the series. The first few are good, but the next few are much better. So much gold.
What is your name wise one 8 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Easy solution, don’t send your 4 year into the bathroom alone. Who does that?!
As greatly organised as the 1906 Olympics. 15 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
They refer to the phenomenon as implicit bias. Most people don’t think that they are selecting based on gender, they truly believe they are selecting the best person for the job. In the Case of board and C-suite, the ripple effect of men be more likely to be promoted makes the candidate pool of women very small—further compounding the issue.
As greatly organised as the 1906 Olympics. 15 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Harvard business review published a study about the gender divide at top level. They pointed out that statistically, companies with an equal number of women at the top perform (over time) better than those dominated by men. They also found that male leaders were hired when things were going well and often female leaders were hired when things were already failing, then blamed for the failure.
They also published a study that showed when hiring based on a specific skill (in this case playing a musical instrument) when the interviewer didn’t know if the candidate was male or female, women were selected more frequently (by a statically significant amount).
bye bye karen 2 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
I got shingles at 26. I am really glad that my kid won’t ever have to have chicken pox or shingles.
Britian is a lie, wake up 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Considering that the brand, Game, sells games and consoles, I’m going to step out on a limb and reassure you that this is not real.
How are you gonna be this mad at something you don't even believe is real lol? 12 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Now i want to watch it even more…
We don’t NEED you back in the office, but we’d really like it 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah. Before the pandemic, I was always pretty staunchly opposed to WFH (for myself). I liked the separation both mental and physical and the ritual of preparing for and going to a place to get work done.
As it turns out, I like the hybrid schedule. My work consists of a variety of projects and tasks, so I do some things better in different spaces.
Not really a one size fits all in terms of the type of work and the person.
Using slime molds as a calculator 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah, it’s certainly missing some lines that humans would need.
I mention terrain because I live in the Appalachian mountains and recognize how convoluted my drive can be because there’s a mountain in the way.
Imagine being able to go on a date 9 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Right? It’s better when you share it.
Using slime molds as a calculator 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
The problem with this map is that it does not account for terrain — rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.
Everything started to go wrong when we stopped getting these 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Yeah. It came in two parts, which made it easier to wash.
Turkish Delight 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
That’s not yogurt. It’s a mix of starch and powdered sugar.
Chadmaître 7 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Truly, there’s a long history of the church supporting science. There’s a few hiccups, like the thing with Galileo, but generally the church financed and perpetuated science for a long time. It’s only in very recent history that a selection of Christians have decided they must oppose science.
But, easily there are parallels between the two that take no great feat of imagination or mental gymnastics to believe.
2 · Edited 3 years ago
Maybe we at least have a conversation 28 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
They have to pay for their own childcare.
"Zolpidem works" 5 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Looks like kiwis actually have serotonin.
The burn ward is that way. 1 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Solve that pretty easy. All money that comes into the household (except the kids’ money) is the household’s. Then there’s no splitting anything. :)
Land of the free 17 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
Seems like the easy solution, but everyone doesn’t have the same teeth. I have very weak enamel. I eat very little sugar. These days not even fruit; no sweet beverages, or even sauces/toppings on food. I use prescription mouth wash. I brush my teeth morning, mid-day, and night. Keep a tooth brush in my car, at my office and my home. Floss, use dental picks and that fancy thick floss. I almost always have a cavity at check up.
My spouse sometimes only brushes once a day and rarely flosses, but seldom has cavities. Drinks Red Bull.
It’s not always black and white.
Seems about right 3 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
This doesn’t include the zipper pouch with tobacco leaves on it to hold your tobacco and lighter etc.
Hold this for a sec 6 comments
roanoke · 3 years ago
One of very few instances goats are okay.