

— Roanoke Report User
Yeah what the hell is wrong with those people? 5 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I probably wear socks more often sleeping that awake. … back in the before times, when I left the house 5-7 days a week I wore socks more often.
I'll start: "I knew I shouldn't have finished that fast 9 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Let me try again.
I got either a chair or a pair of shorts. I'm taking the shorts 16 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s good to be prepared. :)
I got either a chair or a pair of shorts. I'm taking the shorts 16 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’m doing okay on this. There’s an 8 inch knife to my right.
Di** church 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
What about the guy that took the photo from that angle.
There's a fine line .. 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I find that my straight, fine hair’s fine line is between “sleek and elegant” and “did you just get out of bed”
Ape Croak 6 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I like this. A lot.
Hehe 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Statistically speaking, it seems a more likely outcome than not.
Good luck 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Hmmm. I see your first problem.
Some serial killers receive thousands of love letters 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
It’s true. Serial killers receive lots of love letters—from very stable, well adjusted women that make wonderful mates because they are totally well adjusted and thinking clearly.
Well 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Yeah. Those shoes don’t fit… take care of your feet folks. They have to last a long time.
I don't sleep 9 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Any of these listed and sometimes options that aren’t listed.
Life hack! 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
That’s awesome.
Lets see what I can do 7 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Great British pub! 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’m here for it. What’s the address?
I'll give you two bags of potatoes for that baby 2 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Oh dear 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Dad bard 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
This gold
It's not "healthy," it's lazy parenting 20 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I’m with you on that. Nothing says a circumcision can’t be performed at any time!
Regarding wisdom teeth, did you know that more and more people don’t grow them?? It’s much more common now than ever before to not have wisdom teeth and it’s been suggested that eventually wisdom teeth will be uncommon.
It's not "healthy," it's lazy parenting 20 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
I recommend you read about David Reimer and come back to the reason why dialog. Yes, there are conditions that make circumcision seem beneficial/necessary. It is not always purely cosmetic. But, as a default, it is not necessary.
We have a vaccine for HPV. I know vaccines are scary, but a young person could have a vaccine and. Or require a surgery. Isn’t that a good trade off?
Ultimately, surgical procedures carry risk, even if the risk is low.
It's not "healthy," it's lazy parenting 20 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
When my son was born, we had to sign papers agreeing that we did *not* want our child circumcised. I was appalled.
As I understand it, today is different. But I can’t shake the alarm that parents are so readily backed into this situation where they think they are doing the right thing by mutilating their babies.
It's not "healthy," it's lazy parenting 20 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
*to be clear* I don’t support any sort of unconsensual genital alteration.
That said, there is a big difference between a clitorectomy and removal of foreskin. Men without foreskin are still able to have fulfilling orgasms. Women that have had purity mutilations performed are generally unable to have orgasms and often unable to have enjoyable sex.
Both mutilations are problematic, but there is a difference.
It's not "healthy," it's lazy parenting 20 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
If you bathe with any regularity, there is nothing unsanitary about having that bit of skin. Just was your business.
No shame in being cut. No shame in being uncut. Just know, be aware, it is entirely a cosmetic procedure.
Missed opportunity 1 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Good point.
Uhm .. 3 comments
roanoke · 1 year ago
Now I want one of these for my field.