

— rockanrolldoctor Report User
Introducing the cat spa 9 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Rock the cat spa.
Little company during tough times 1 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
I think you mean "ruff" times..
Well that seems strange 7 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Who knew Christian Bale was Swedish? And a metal head?
~15.5 hours. No shame 15 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Probably had a paper due, huh?
Best wingman 3 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
...and that, kids, is how I met your mother.
What lighting does to a tree 4 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Hollow Tree Burning sounds like the name of a shitty screamo band..
Panoramic horse 6 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Easily the most badass soldier 11 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
Admiral Tuffie McHardnuts.
Or Rasputin.
Some more confusing toilet signs 1 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
McGuire's, Pensacola.
The life 3 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 7 years ago
My hero.
Shit happens 7 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
That's what he gets for driving a PT Cruiser..
This is how I'm surviving finals 1 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
Aka- American politics.
I think this guy should be the next Bond (Henry Cavill) 15 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
I still think Idris Elba would play an excellent bond.
Civil War Ramen in Japan 5 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
I like that the Iron Man bowl comes with what looks like a couple of Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos.
Gerd Blers Ermurica.
What band/singer would be suitable to have a concert there? 39 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
Squirrel Nut Zippers.
17 Funniest Lies Parents Tell Their Kids 12 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
My uncle once told me chalk is made from the pulverized bones of dead people. The sound of chalk on a chalkboard still gives me the willies..
Unfortunately surprisingly accurate 80 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
"It was the first I had heard of drug addiction and the concept filled me with horror."
Maybe applicable to my first relationship, but I've had quite a few since then, so I'm pretty well dead inside by now..
You forgot to plug your beats in Justin 12 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
The picture on the right makes it look like his left arm ends with a giant finger..
It's 2016, and I still can't see this sh*t. 15 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
Looks like a sailboat to me..
Inventions for lazy people 14 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
Wasn't the FlowBee on Wayne's World?
Why the f*ck is Captain Jack running away from them? 15 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 8 years ago
Ariel's face, doh..
Sesame street 14 comments
rockanrolldoctor · 9 years ago
Oscar's been on the street so long he's become claustrophobic; saving of course his security can, or aluminum womb, as it were..