Maybe it's about time I put something here... HI MOM!
I love games, movies, series, anime and everything inbetween. Currently a Game Design student.
Society must patrol thots 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Fun at parties
title 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Because having the feeling you need to stay in a relationship because of money seems like a stellar idea.
This is the official Youtube Twitter account 10 comments
· 6 years ago
This is an attempt to defusing the situation like when blizzard told us that we have phones, so we shouldn't complain about diablo immortal
You're right, but I'm righter 8 comments
Everyone needs to learn this move 11 comments
It's cause I'm anxious 5 comments
"Grid girls blame feminists for losing jobs" 8 comments
· 6 years ago
And most of these "feminists" tend to generally attack these jobs because they are so focused on looks, which honestly isn't necessarily a wrong thing.
Hol up 13 comments
A small motivational quote to you guys 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Let's just conclude that this motivational speech isn't an exact science.
10 years apart 9 comments
Bro 8 comments
Daily Dose of Cute October #30 5 comments
Daily Dose of Cute October #30 5 comments