

Don't be afraid of the dragons in the forest. 10 points if you can identify the song that's from

— Spøkelse Report User
How true 47 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Toxic Masculinity is just the negative effects of fragile masculinity. For example, refusing to change a baby's diaper for fear it would make one less of a man. It's about what happens when a man conforms too much to society's ideas of what makes one a man. In a way, it's like a form of gatekeeping- surely you've seen those idiots who think that men without beards aren't true men, or think that one isn't a man for even lesser things, like driving a certain car or doing a certain art. Toxic masculinity is what keeps the male suicide rate so high- emotional repression in men is enforced by people of any gender who think that men shouldn't cry, shouldn't express feelings with those close to them. In the youth, the behaviour of males who are aggressive are excused- "boys will be boys". Masculinity in and of itself isn't toxic, it only becomes so when relied on too much. Toxic femininity is also a problem- see the other comments in this comment section. The point is that social norms can be
Cleaning skills 100% 8 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Yes, some modern art is genuinely artistic and has feeling such in it, but much of it is sadly just a way for the rich to make more money. Here's a video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSdbASDdwU4
Not to mention, some of this modern art is just money laundering.
You start with a sum of dirty money.
You visit some really famous artists and buy up all their paintings with your dirty cash. The paintings don't even have to be good, just valuable because they're attached to a name.
You assign an auction house to help you in auctioning these art pieces that you have bought.
The art pieces you sold off at the auction will be paid by the buyer or the auction house, depending on the arrangement.
You now have clean money by selling off your art collections.
Hot damn, bout time someone took responsibility 13 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Every human has the right to seek asylum. Perhaps it is El Salvador's fault that they had to flee, but keeping human beings in conditions like they are- in the supposed best country in the world, is disgusting. Children have no choice where they stay and where they go. To a certain degree, neither do the parents. What the U.S. government is doing is wrong- no matter under whose administration, Obama or Trump. Even if the intention is not to kill these people, what is happening now is deliberate negligence. I remind you that Anne Frank did not die of being gassed, she died because the camp she was put in was overcrowded and filled with disease.
High detailed irate Fish 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Actually, staff banned like half the accounts for having porn.
Oh, here’s the tea 32 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Maybe fun for kids, visually pleasing, but hot garbage otherwise. Beauty and the Beast really pissed me off.
Broken glass effect 15 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
It was all a ruse by big brother 12 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
When's the last time someone was murdered for liking lasagna
Broken glass effect 15 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
The boat part is actually a reflection of what is behind OP
We could regulate our industries without giving up everything 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Or vote for regulations that make fishing responsible
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Honestly, I do a bit of both. Internet enables my hyperfixationsz
Fukushima? 6 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Well said indeed. Many of our problems are caused simply by greed or laziness.
Autism reaching new height 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Please don’t compare autism to this bs
The lizard people are out rulers 2 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Remember that the lizard conspiracy theory was made by a guy that thought Jews ran everything, so replace lizard people with Jews, and a lot of memes stop being as funny.
Sounds about right 8 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Rural Europeans (especially those who live in the mountains): I’m on my way
So the Heatwave has taken over Europe... This is in Germany. How is the Rest of you doing? 17 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
he/she/it=they by the way, it makes things easier
The difference in todays world 13 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Fan art makes bigger money than other pieces, the stuff that sells best on my redbubble has been by-request fanart.
So the Heatwave has taken over Europe... This is in Germany. How is the Rest of you doing? 17 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Relatively bearable, but I'm further north than most of you. Plus, I’ve experienced this heat before, but there’s not appropriate air conditioning..
· Edited 4 years ago
And that's just the problem with cats 7 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Makes a piece special, in this case
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
*growls in a friendly way*
Say no more 11 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Apparently it's called 우리 야근할까요
Getting an A leads to headpats 8 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
If you deserved higher, then it's alright to argue for it.
A long exposure of the Golden Gate Bridge on a foggy morning [oc] 6 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Can you not use google? More or less, this is a composite of all the remains constant in a series of photos.
· Edited 4 years ago
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
Just the meme
The equality we deserve 21 comments
silvermyth · 4 years ago
This was actually widely reposted within LGBT+ circles!