

— sirviantis Report User
French is classy they said 35 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Story time, one day this word came up in our dutch(read through the comments a bit, it's in dutch too) class, and I didn't like my teacher very much. One girl really didn't know what it was or meant, at first nobody believed her but the class was noisy so the teacher had to do something about it. The dude calls one of my friends to the blackboard and the class just loses it because they all assume someone's gonna pull out a dick or something. Bro wouldn't get up (Obviously) class starts explaining to the teacher that he can't request that, that it wouldn't be SFW etc. The teacher tries to save himself by explaining "I just wanted him to clean the blackboard" but no one would have it.
Eventually I walk up to the front of the class I don't say a word but I just start wiping the blackboard, slowly. Once that's been cleaned up I pick up a piece of chalk from the tray and put it in the man's hand, condecendingly. <A bit more in the replies to this comment>
He is invincible 7 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
First time I actually enjoyed this meme, any of the three to be honest, you've done a marvelous job my good sir!
A True Gamer 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
In tabletop gaming's defense it does get quite interesting, I once sold my soul to open a door
Meanwhile, one of his friends lives under a rock 2 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Now we know why Spongebob is so dedicated to his job, I wouldn't want to lose such a paycheck.
We also learned why Mr. Krabs is so protective of his money, he's losing the better part to spongebob allready so he needs to keep what he's got.
Oh, and squidward is so down all the time because he knows what he gets is only a small fraction of what spongebob earns.
Imagine Dragons 15 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
You're awesome at naming things, not only is it allmost the spiecies name its also delightfully disgusting and disgustingly cute.
Immunology humor 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I'm quite sure vaccines don't work after the contagion, though then again I don't watch TWD so that comment might not've made much sense...
Imagine Dragons 15 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Your dino has taco in its name, lol
Flat earth 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Flat earth 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Airline companies are obviously in on the whole round earth conspiracy, that's why they fly super fast and make turns in the sky, duh
Flat earth 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
But, you don't need to assume that the earth is flat to launch a satelite, you could just drop it off the edge couldn't you?
Local bar's breathalyzer replacement 9 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I get the same thing though people who don't know me often tell me I come across like I'm high so I'm not sure how much that's worth
Metal 6 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Why is this even a meme, it's not funny, half the time I don't even know where it's from and I still don't understand where it's from
Beauty is in... 9 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I'm disappointed whoever made it didn't make it BEE-n
This quote tells the truth 3 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I seem to have the exact opposite problem somehow.
Trick to sound smart when you're dumb 10 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I'm bilingual, sometimes Ivforget what the word is in my nativr language...
Day 593 of your daily dose of cute: Besties! 14 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Wow, you did actually did it, I'm impressed
Turns out that was news to him, too 11 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I googled it, for the first time in my life I've read about a condition and didn't diagnose myself with it!
Robot uses public transport 1 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Dude, the nearest busstop is about 1 kilometer away from me and the buss only stops there 6 times a day, only 3 of which go to school. I do that shit daily.
Day 593 of your daily dose of cute: Besties! 14 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
DDOC: just what I needed
Day 593 of your daily dose of cute: Besties! 14 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Really, care to translate then?
I'm trying to think of a better pun but every one I think of is bad... 1 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
IIRC it's the same stuff that makes fruit go ripe, so there's a life hack for ya
Shut up Dave 12 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I'm pretty sure that if you'd tell scientists that was required for that kind of funding they'd spend an afternoon playing rigged soccer, they'd get twice as much goals and only half the drama
A bachelor i can get behind 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
What about temptation island with dogs and humans?
Hoomans are a little primitive 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I know right, that'd be so easy, just put a grinder on that baby, go out and make some babies, I'd be such a pebble playboy
*stomp stomp clap* 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Buddy you're a young an strong man
Playing in the streets gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on your face you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place