

— speedfreak101 Report User
Rawr 25 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Haha .... waht??
Rawr 25 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Fine we'll compromise
You get the panties
I get the girl...without panties
Rawr 25 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Why not both?
Rawr 25 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
I need these too!!
The girl not the panties...
The internet kills me 5 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
As a muslim i can understand the joke and ...... i....i cant breathe.....
Im laughing so hard
Send help...
That feel when you accidentally read a MAJOR spoiler 10 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
To sell it and buy pizza!
Loads of pizza!!
That feel when you accidentally read a MAJOR spoiler 10 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
*catchs it and runs away maniacally laughing*
I must say, this penguin looks rather dashing! 12 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Looks somewhat like a racoon but, ohwell, the internet never lies
i j*zzed in my pants 6 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Sir i suggest a bath and a fresh pair of pants...
I just felt like uploading this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
The lady giraffe was like:
"Ok,put it in..."
Acquaintances: grimace in the hallway 3 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Thats some RKO...
Money is 3 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
In my opinion, not having money is the root of all evil..
I mean, just look at it 5 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Well not all of it is bad
I mean you could get the top part real quick..
Everything you need for a good breakfast 8 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
No eggs?
You call this a breakfast?
Would actually be awesome to stay in one of these with friends 10 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Now where am i suppose to find 20 friends?
Is there a sale somewhere where i can get them cheap?
I show up everyday and am here for 8 hours 6 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Some solid advise..
Do not go on a vaccation
If they find out that they can do all there is without you, you will certainly be fired.
North Star 12 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
*Points at Kim*"..and thats a porn star"
Perfect loop 3 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Is there a video of this?
If so,can someone please post a link cuz i have seen this gif a number of times and dont understand it...
Ghost organ 5 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Couple of days ago i saw this as a heart from which all the blood has been removed.....so which is true?
May I present you, Magnum from Pakistan 13 comments
speedfreak101 · 8 years ago
Its like a desing urself magnum
for $2.50
· Edited 8 years ago
So much wisdom in a quote 4 comments
speedfreak101 · 9 years ago
how did Abraham Lincoln find out about internet explorer?
Swat Valley Pakistan 1 comments
speedfreak101 · 9 years ago
the area was just reclaimed by the Pakistan Army from Taliban two years ago
Selfie 5 comments
speedfreak101 · 9 years ago
i hope those are buttons i see...
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
speedfreak101 · 9 years ago
-countries, even in mine.
but i know, despite being regularly told that america is very aggressive and "bad hearted" nation,it is not.America is a large country and is full of many communities and different types of people.
the people of america are no different then the rest of us and are actually very friendly.
so it is wrong to judge them on the basis of actions of few people and by believing lies told by the media.
Even on this website there are users that come from all types of communities and countries but none seem different from others and all are friendly
so why believe the "facts" and lies of the world when the reality is quite the opposite.
Again apologies to anyone who finds my comment offensive.
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
speedfreak101 · 9 years ago
why then,may i ask, are you constantly blaming ALL Muslims for the worsening situations in Europe.
there is no hard evidence that only the muslims are responsible for such crimes in Europe.
I know muslims are easy to blame because of our bad reputation due to some groups i mentioned earlier who use the name of islam to do such heinous crime pretending they are requiered by islam to do so.
muslims already lived in europe and sweden when the rates of crime were low so its wrong to blame them too.
Muslims live in each country of the world, even in the most peaceful areas, so if they were required by Islam to fuck things up everywhere and do such crimes ,i promise you the world would be a lot less peaceful.
in every country,race ,religions there are people who "fucking suck" so its wrong to blame and potarit the whole community for the actions of such people.
like for example the case of america was being argued above
by the role of media the picture of america is not good in other-