A question worth answering 24 comments
· 10 years ago
Without going into too much detail, the "days" he created the earth aren't like the 24 hour "days" we revolve around. We don't know how long the days were, they were most likely much much longer than we think. It's hard to wrap our minds around it because we are raised to think of time in short calculated numbers. So the sun doesn't need to be around to signify a "day" in the bible. :) Hope I helped, it's a confusing subject
Beware of the Beliebers 41 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes yes you are correct. But those laws were abolished, as explained in the bible. Hey, I've got nothing against homosexuals. My brother is gay and i love him to bits but I also love God. People tend to pick things out of the bible out of context in order to make it sound silly like "wearing mixed cloth"... which if you read the bible, you would know the law was removed. Not trying to hate or judge here... I just want people to know the truth. So yes the bible states that homosexuality is wrong and that law was not abolished like the others, but NO ONE has the right to judge. We are to love our neighbours. Whether you believe in god, evolution, or flying unicorns, everyone needs to stop picking on eachothers beliefs.
Abortion in sign language 80 comments
· 11 years ago
I totally get the pro choice outlook, but just think about a women who is pregnant and then is drinking and doing dangerous physical activity, and how appauled everyone would be. They would critisize her for endangering the babies life. But when a woman kills (sorry there just isn't another word for it) her unborn baby it's looked as something completely different...? I'm not here to judge anyone, I know people get abortions for different reasons but it seems people are brushing it off as no big deal. "Pro choice"?...sure, but abortion is NOT a positive thing. How many of you would be "Pro choice" if it was your own mom debating whether to abort you before you were born? Hm... anyways, thats just another side to the issue, not here to judge
The weird standards of beauty nowadays 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Idk it's their health and their body. It's none of our business in my opinion. They can do what they please with their bodies and it's not up to us. We have to stop judging with our eyes.... that's all I'm trying to say
The weird standards of beauty nowadays 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Why the fuck do you care what anyone else looks like? Everyone is different, so stop comparing for fucks sake!
You can do it no matter what the others say 17 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sure you've heard a story like that but I'm afraid it isn't true. You can't open a biologically males lower stomach area and just drop a uterus inside him. What would you attach it to? Even if they got that far, the baby wouldn't survive. A biologically male body is not built to carry a baby for nine months. There are so many factors to this. Yes, technology is getting very advanced but this is not something we can do as of today. Sorry
You can do it no matter what the others say 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Hi :) I don't mean to sound rude at all... that is completely impossible for a someone born without a vagina to carry a baby. It's interesting but absolutely false. I'm not sure where you heard that but it simply isn't true. It's physically impossible for a man* (or someone transgendered with a penis) to give birth or even carry a baby. Where would a surgeon even place a uterus in a male body? How would they get one? I am not judging anyone transgendered. I just want people to know! :)
every time I see a comment saying "LOL!' 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Sorry, but who cares? I don't think saying 'lol' is a crime. Rules aren't fun.
Good guy canada 18 comments
When I feel like giving up 5 comments
· 11 years ago
After so many times of seeing this picture I never realised they forgot the "of" before motherfuckers
Oh, lydia 14 comments
· 11 years ago
One time i was reading aloud from a science textbook at school and i accidentally said orgasim instead of organism
"captain" crunch has been lying to us this whole time 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Well the left picture of the stripes looks like a child colored it in so why are we taking that seriously? Lol maybe captain has just three stripes
Edited 11 years ago
As an introvert, I hate it when people do this 11 comments