

— supernovamike Report User
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
If that truly was the rationale, then maybe (just maybe) you'd have a point. Saying it's a mere issue of discomfort is a dishonest distortion of the truth -- typical straw man stuff.
Is it really so hard to understand that someone might actually be concerned with the well-being of society? It's not like that's a new thing.
· Edited 10 years ago
legend 36 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Repentance isn't just saying "oops, my bad." It's a process that changes who you are. It's the way for everything to be made right again. Of course you can't always (if ever) fix the damage and make it like it never happened, but who says it needs to be? If someone is truly repentant, God says forgive them. If you cannot do that, then that is your mistake, not theirs. Jesus was clear about this.
Besides the fact that this guy clearly has no functioning concept of religion anyway, what he is saying is that it doesn't make sense to have moral standards that are higher than he thinks they need to be. It's a classic "how dare you think you have standards higher (or at least different) than mine?" It's really just another form of self-righteousness.
J.K. Rowling tweeted this picture 5 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
She must've been reading a different book than the rest of us...
legend 36 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
so pretty much he's saying that morality and responsibility are bad, and repentance is even worse.
That's kinda sad. A world without repentance would be miserable indeed.
legend 36 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Only because he has more social control and better wordcrafting than most. That often gets mistaken for intelligence... as we see here.
· Edited 10 years ago
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
And therefore, "success. "
Odd standard, I think...
"I'm not as bad add you so therefore I must be doing a pretty good job."
Seems legit.
If made right it could be so sucessful 17 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
The Wii game was decent. Could use some improvement, but it felt authentic enough.
Everybody knows that God is a mallard 16 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
That's deep
They Aren't Robots 16 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Lots of people have been saying this for awhile.
*sobs even more* 19 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Don't wait for it; go get it! Make it happen!
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Can we really expect someone to not be depressed at least a little when they are at odds with their own anatomy? That's not anyone else's fault.
Gee, I wonder. 47 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Not if it's not an irrational aversion, which it very often isn't.
It's a dumb term either way.
And he really listens when you talk (literally) 42 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
I've signed papers before. Do I get an award too? :D
They don't align 29 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
That's just so weird to me. I guess we grew up in different cultures. In mine we are just not so uptight. That's not a bad thing either.
Punch dat n*gga 44 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on the term "God." It can mean whatever it needs to mean for whoever is saying it. A Muslim could say the pledge without feeling they are referring to any "God" other than their own.
Besides, there is no such thing as "the Christian church."
I think saying that it was a tool against communism is oversimplifying it. The pledge existed well before the Cold War, and it has persisted afterwards because it is not just a defense, it is a source of unity. The ideals behind it are just as important today as ever.
They don't align 29 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Ah I see. So we're living in total paranoia now. I don't believe"privacy"includes some "right" to never be seen in public. If you're that concerned with showing your face, then simply don't. Putting some innocent stranger through hell for simply taking a casual picture is a very selfish way to deal with your insecurities.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
I think the point in that case is just that it's okay for men and women to have different rules in society. That is an Idea that is lost on many progressives.
Then you have the worst of them who shoot their own foot off by arguing that women have to act like men or they will never feel fulfilled. :P
One of the best education system in the world 13 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
'Cuz I totally knew what I wanted to do with my life by the end of 9th grade.... not.
They don't align 29 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
why the heck would you be so butt-hurt that you were in the meaningless background of some stranger's picture that you feel the need to sue them?
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Why The LGBTQI Community Needs, Loves And Appreciates Our Allies.... 87 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
They have to keep adding new letters because people keep coming up with new and exciting ways to"identify" themselves. It's all the rage, apparently.
Punch dat n*gga 44 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Is the Pledge of Allegiance a law?
The political hypocrisy 18 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
^guest talks about a couple hundred immigrants. I wonder if guest is really clueless to the fact that there are millions of them...
Besides, there was no legal immigratiom system back then. I'm sure we all agree that mistakes were made, but that's all said annand done. Learn from the past, but don't beat yourself or especially your opppnents over the head with it.
3 · Edited 10 years ago
Dictator vs Parliament 11 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
13 Therefore, if it were possible that you could have just men to be your kings ... then it would be expedient that ye should always have kings to rule over you....
16 Now I say unto you, that because all men are not just it is not expedient that ye should have a king or kings to rule over you.
17 For behold, how much iniquity doth one wicked king cause to be committed, yea, and what great destruction!
(From the Book of Mormon)
The things we learn as we grow older. 24 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Biker gang people are usually pretty awesome deep down anyway.
Banks 22 comments
supernovamike · 10 years ago
Didn't read the fine print, huh?