"To be insane is to go against all logical and sane reason; not trying to stand out and be yourself"— Sweater Master Report User
This had me laughing too hard 5 comments
· 9 years ago
"How is your semester going?"
Play music and enjoy 10 comments
Suppose two swallows carried it together 15 comments
I'm the alpha 21 comments
So.......How do I look? 12 comments
Endless edge brownie pan 21 comments
For those of us called bort 43 comments
For those of us called bort 43 comments
· 9 years ago
If someone could find Sky-Blu on one, please let me know. That'd be great.
For those of us called bort 43 comments
Let's take a moment to admire this pile of bacon 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I work at an Arby's in Indiana, and make at least twice the amount of bacon in the mornings and it barely lasts throughout the day.
"I don't want any damn vegetables" 7 comments
· 9 years ago
If that was my punishment, every other word that came out of my mouth would be fuck.
Edited 9 years ago
No one explain it 50 comments
No one explain it 50 comments
She's been posting crap for a while... I lost it 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Schizophrenia is also an actual mental illness, but that's none of my business. *sips tea*
Edited 9 years ago
Pureblood slytherin hermione 18 comments
· 9 years ago
So I have blue eyes, and I dyed my hair dark. So does that make me a slytherin?