

I'm terribly lost

— TarotNathers13th Report User
US of A 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Well, I would argue the Roman Legions were interested in building things or having things built that made life easier for them. This was the empire that tore down Carthage and salted it's earth.
US of A 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
There's a long and complicated answer to that, but the short and flawed one is getting Osama was never the real point of going to the middle east neither was eradicating terrorism.
We go to Берлин 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The ultimate counterplan to what the Nazi's had on the eastern front: Take Moscow
They wiped her off the Chinese internet 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I'll amicably concede my previous statement since justice was performed in an expected manner.
They wiped her off the Chinese internet 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Okay, she had it coming, but the government that essentially allowed her to operate and then decided to wipe her off the face of the earth without so much as revealing what exactly happened to them in the end doesn't feel like proper justice, just someone kicking something under a rug to hide it.
I see no flaw in his logic 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I like how our perception of the rich is that they do in fact have a Scrooge Mcduck-esque hoard of money they refuse to share with anyone else.
Megatron was fighting the Autobots fascism. 11 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
*shrugs* I don't know what I am, just that I believe what I believe. Anything that makes sense to me is reasonable enough to believe in.
The Netflix ATLA adaptation is going to suck 7 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I would've thought they would be played by Inuits but what do I know.
Make sure to stretch before combat 6 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The Hobbit was worse by far. Watching them after reading the book (and having it read to me as a bedtime story) had me wondering why it was stretched to three movies with at least 4 or so plotlines that absolutely didn't need to be there.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Megatron was fighting the Autobots fascism. 11 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Violence is force, and all power any authority has ultimately stems from force.
The American People Cannot be Trusted with Assault Weapons 42 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
There is literally a source at the bottom foot of the image. The US Government Accounting Office (GAO).
The American People Cannot be Trusted with Assault Weapons 42 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
He could've done that, but he wouldn't piss off the ultra far right, he would piss off EVERYBODY, including his own voter base. Everything he has done has either set the stage for the Taliban to become the ruling authority in Afghanistan, or for a later re invasion when things get bad enough that the UN stops mincing words and letting nations onto the council who should not be there. It is an absolute clusterfuck that Biden set in motion, and I cannot comprehend how we can blame ANYONE else other than BIden and his piss poor administration.
The American People Cannot be Trusted with Assault Weapons 42 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
It's flabbergasting to see people explain away this whole issue with Biden's terrible withdrawal as Trump's fault. Somehow it's good that we were pulling out but it' bad because TRump was doing it for RE election, and it was bad Trump had gotten every major power in Afghanistan to sit down and agree the US could leave. Biden good for pissing off the Taliban by changing the date for when all US forces had to be out by 4 months, which he didn't even use to withdraw, he just up and left with all it's disastrous consequences 2 months early. Trump wasn't even in the opening argument of why this was terrible. It was just a rational look at why the withdrawal was so bad. Leaving thousands of nationals and allies stranded and rearming the taliban for the next 20 years (at the least), and despite all the intent to have the Afghani's in control and NOT the Taliban, it looks like we have achieved the opposite. Biden SHOULD be under blast, because he COULD'VE said: Nah, we ain't leaving.
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The Allies attitude to the whole war was "Germany First, then we deal with everything else.".
The American People Cannot be Trusted with Assault Weapons 42 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
That was the whole point of extending the date of when they were supposed to be out by 4 whole months. You use those whole four months to withdraw gradually, not all at once, in the middle of the night, without telling any of your allies that you are going. You get non-combatants out, and start withdrawing equipment or distributing it to your remaining allies. and pulling back troops to withdraw them to their points of evac. The Biden administration literally told the Taliban, "I'm going to have this Cake and eat it too", took two bites, and decided to toss the whole cake into the trash.
There is hope 16 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
He made the deal, and Biden altered and broke it. He changed the date for withdrawal 4 months later from the agreed upon date from Afghan village leaders, government, and the Taliban. He then pulled out of Afghanistan 2 months early, and absolutely, undeniably, unmistakably screwed it up. 80+ million dollars of equipment and arms, thousands of Americans and Afghan allies such as interpreters and translators left at the mercy of the Taliban which has proven that they do and will shoot them in the streets after dragging them from their homes. I don't know how in the hell you can even type what you did thinking us the villains.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
There is hope 16 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Yeah, in two years time we can welcome China as our new benevolent overlords.
Unverified claims should be ignored. 12 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
My skepticism is based on the reality that reality, is very boring. I personally believe that every news channel and organization sensationalizes stories that should not be spiced up, since it's how we consume media. We don't watch or popularize boring media, but everyone wants to go see what hots and spicy. Thus my belief that media is encouraged to lie about things as long as they are exciting since we will consume it.
Unverified claims should be ignored. 12 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Being verified on twitter does not equate to everything you say as veritable either.
Boom boom boom, I want you in Kabul 9 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
It should be known that Biden altered the deal after it had been agreed upon that there would be a specific date for the US to withdraw and be out of the country, pushing it back months. Months that should've at least, beyond pissing off the Taliban that the deal had been altered without their approval, given the US more time to withdraw all assets without it turning into the clusterfuck it became.
Boom boom boom, I want you in Kabul 9 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The fact that our allies have to show us what being good men and women in times of crisis looks like has done more damage to any faith in our capability to act than 4 years of Orange Man ever did.
There's No Reason For That 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I'm merely giving a reason why medical science says why we have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs. I'm not polling the public for their opinion.
Different Perspective on Submachine Guns 7 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
In a word? Cost cutting.
She sells sea shells to she-cover from the she-cession 16 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I thought he couldn't look more like a clown than when those pictures of his brown-face surfaced.
EDIT; Twice
3 · Edited 2 years ago
That got dark 6 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
They can't hug their uncle though, so that what makes them brothers across dimensions.