

I'm terribly lost
TarotNathers13th Report User
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
That's basis for why I believe we could possibly travel forward in time, the airplane analogy is really good, I pictured it as when we go to sleep, we wake up in the future. Technically, we are constantly moving towards the potential future, but always never reach it since it becomes the present.
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I'm merely convinced that if time travel were possible, you simply are unable to travel backwards in time.
Humans are humans 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Yes, unironically.
Humans are humans 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
My problem is for talking about European colonialism, he fails to point out anything unique or particularly eye-catching about it. I suppose my problem reading the tweet doesn't give any new information since all I see is "__________: Is that yours? It's mine now." To me it just feels like a lazy meme template using genericity instead of specificity passed off as wisdom. I didn't learn anything new from the tweet about Europe and their colony making period of history.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Humans are humans 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
"Is that yours? It' mine now." Is six words that can be acclaimed to any culture that did anything resembling conquering, be it another nation, or the tribe just past the river. That's the fault I find with Neil's tweet. Using this "meme" as a reason to put the blame for why humans do this on one period of history (note: recent history, which we can dissect with much more clarity and nuance than ancient history) from one culture group is erroneous. I'm not saying neil is saying this, in a vacuum he is correct, but across the broader records of history, ancient and modern, we shouldn't take this tweet as exclusive to one culture or group of cultures.
Could be Satan 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
All I wanna know is what happened to caller id telling you who the hell is calling you.
We're not gonna make it, are we? 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
To quote a meme: "Year 2 of Two Weeks to flatten the curve"
Pizza Pizza 6 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
"LIttle Caesar's, it's Hot, and it's Ready"
So sexy 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Well, she was attractive enough to two roman emperors so the thought is not unfounded, but probably overplayed.
*Terrified Screaming* 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
What makes this slightly less painful to witness is realizing this thing is just a normal AK with some weird furniture stuck to it to make it look like a bullpup.
Angy! 7 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I mean, I've seen a better photoshop of an unbullpupped aug. I personally think the hanguard with the rails is a little much.
Most famous stalkers in history [MSNBC] 6 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Any reason you say that here specifically and not on the post about Elmo being banned from the wherever the conservative party holds their convention?
Uhm a you okay Texas? 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The Democrats usually lead in this regard. They are always willing to try something new when in comes to politics and assuring their political agendas and policies come to pass, where as the Republicans just play the game as it's dictated. It's just that what goes around comes around, and whatever perceivable gain/ advantage disappears into the other camp the next election cycle, once the people realize that you're a politician who lies, and you might as well give a go to the guy who says he won't do what they other guy has been doing for 2-6ish years give or take.
Uhm a you okay Texas? 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
And if you wonder what I mean by that, this is what happens when two sides have no willingness to reach an agreement, and prefer to wait until they are majority power in whatever system they're a part of to force their position into law. I'm not picking on any particular side and saying that they started it, but way back in like 2008 when the Democratic Party of the United States had a majority they elected to officially change the way Justices were elected to the Supreme Court, where once you had to have consensus amongst all the elected officials, but changed it to majority rules once they were in power since they didn't want to compromise with the minority party at the time. fast forward to Trump getting to pick 3 or so Judges on the Court (ergo it biting them in the ass real hard) and they they started talking about how once they were in the majority, they were going to add seats to the court so they could fill the court with more Democrats than there were Republicans.
Uhm a you okay Texas? 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Well, this is what no compromise gets us.
Unique 4 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Thankfully my ignorance deludes me into believing some small, insignificant part of me is unique, if not always, then at least for a moment.
And they can’t do nothing about it 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Man, I missed this format of meme.
Uh oh they are there to arrest me 4 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
The more and more I look at that gif the more I wonder why the entire side of the wall was destroyed when he essentially is moving at walking speed at one of the windows.
Found the one ring in canada 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
My cousin had a replica ring and lost it while they were helping weed the garden beds behind the house. For a moment, reality wasn't as certain as I thought it was when I grabbed handful of earth and it fell away to reveal a gold shine.
It do be like that 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Honor demands one of us dies, preferably at the hands of the other, while still holding the flag.
Without double standards, they have no standards 105 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Threaten that if you catch him alone you will kill him, and when you spot him while he's going to put out a fire, chase after him, fling your bag at him, and try to take his gun. Open carry obviously has lawful precedent that you can legally murder or seriously harm someone if you happen to spot a firearm on their person.
The floor is delicious 16 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Because their side is better than the enemy side. Reality is subjective to a degree, but in the end, someone's gotta be wrong, and how could it possibly be you?
It's free real estate 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Zulu's gave em a run for their money. Granted, some of them did pick up guns the british lost, but not bad for a native force using spears and shields.
Hidden for politics 77 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I shouldn't be disappointed to see idiocy on twitter, but this is a new low of missing the point and the verdict of Kyle's case. Thank god that kid wasn't judged by the court of public onion, since all that brand of justice cares about is whether or not the head rolls.
If they knew the war would end up claiming 700,000 American lives maybe things could’ve 5 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
One could posture "different" doesn't mean better.