

I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance

— texasranger Report User
Can't spell "necromancer" without "romance" 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Necromancers are just healers with bad timing
Do the boiz still like this format? 2 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Ok that actor idk his name but hes in alot of big titles. Harry potter Game of Thrones Chernobyl and Guardians of the Galaxy. But we only see him for like a few minutes. Just wanted to point that out.
Get this to the White House 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Ive lived in the greater Houston area my entire life and I unfortunately consider seeing stars a special treat. Id love for this to happen.
· Edited 4 years ago
Life on social media 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Honestly though. We've become so good at putting filters on things. Facebook Instagram and others are just ways of showing off how great life is even though life sucks and we're depressed.
Were depressed because we've replaced the things that matter like human connection, nature, and creativity with an blind desire for money and self image.
We form fake relationships just to feel better about ourselves or worse use them for our image or gain.
We have fickle friends who will cancel if something better comes along
And we're locked in a constant mental struggle between self loathing and shallow narcissism.
And then we turn and throw stones at our politicians who are also greedy dishonest and narcissistic. Who btw are just a reflection of us.
"Be the change you want to see in the world" -Ghandi
Sorry rant over.
Is faxing even a thing still in 2919? 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
I had to fax some medical records to my Navy recruiter. I just hope that was a one time thing.
The annihilator 12 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Its American and specifically for the A-10 Warthog close air support aircraft developed in the late 70s. Its designed to kill tanks armored vehicles buildings it doesnt matter. Its still in service with the US Airforce and is highly praised by the Pilots and the ground troops it protects.
Heres a video of some target practice
Lots of edits sorry. Found some stuff to add
7 · Edited 4 years ago
The annihilator 12 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
The fart of freedom
The creepiest and scariest thing, that maybe remained and will remain a mystery 15 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Yeah this fucker was huge. I thought it was a dog then it moved. I know its not like a super scary story but it certainly made walking back very interesting.
· Edited 4 years ago
The creepiest and scariest thing, that maybe remained and will remain a mystery 15 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
So i was a camp counselor right. At a camp in deep east Texas. Translation: dark woods and critters.
My co counselor and i took our cabin of like 10 14 yr olds to the sports field after lights out to tell stories and look at the stars.
Its about an acre big and surrounded by dark woods.
So were in this circle and the kid directly across from me sits straight up and looks at something. He goes "guys theres something out there".
Of course the kids start freaking out and like 7 flash lights come on and point wear this kid was looking. Thats when we saw it
Two yellow eyes about 100 feet behind the group. We saw the eyes first then the pointy ears went up and it turned we saw a tail. This thing was the biggest fucking coyete i had ever seen. Like Rottweiler sized. It just watched us then slowly trotted away.
Then we heard like 3-5 more in the woods on our right.
We decided story time was over
*heavy crusading* 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Time to invade the holy land
True af 2 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Yes just look at henry cavill jason mamoa and kit harington
Is this becoming a trend 6 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Wait.... Is her phone attached to her bracelet
Now, imagine this movie 6 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
That was half the plot of game of thrones
Beautiful 5 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Its so....straight
Dangerous mind 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
I think my brain just became self aware and is now hurting itself.
Where salvation Drake? 3 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Thats assuming that Hell isnt real and Ghosts are. But who can really say for certain only the dead can answer that.
Insulting 330 million people is a whole new level 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
We didnt invent food we created cajun gumbo fried alligator, burgers and fries.
We didnt invent video but we created batman alien jaws star wars and star trek and hollywood lifestyle.
We didnt invent literature or story telling but we have mark twain scot fitzgerald grr martin edgar allen poe and steven king.
We didnt invent music but most modern music played around the world is american and the genres also originated in america rock jazz blues rap are all american.
· Edited 4 years ago
Insulting 330 million people is a whole new level 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
The post is talking about exhistance so i am. "You are nothing without the rest of the world" expresses denial of exhistance or at least that's what i got from it.
There are things that are ours and we are something without the rest of the world. In fact where would the world be without us. Im not gonna try to sell you some romanticized notion that the US is perfect in everyway. Its not and anybody who tells you that is lying or ignorant.
BUT you cannot deny the impact the US has on the modern world on a cultural level. You watch OUR movies eat OUR fast food wear OUR clothes listen to OUR music read OUR novels watch OUR sports. Its OUR culture.
A marbled fox, a domesticated breed 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
I feel like its about to give me a quest
Insulting 330 million people is a whole new level 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Half of what your saying is subjective opinion. Im not debating quality of american culture. Im defending its exhistance because there are original aspects to american culture. Im sorry if some asshole american cut you off in traffic or spilled your drink but america has some originality to its culture and i will defend it.
I had a comment earlier but i didnt like it so i said this instead.
Edit: spelling
· Edited 4 years ago
A wwii bunker 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
I dont know if thats sand it looks like broken concrete. The beaches of normandy have "whiter" sands than in the image. Im basing that off of my visit to omaha pointe du hoc and utah i havnt been to the other 3.
A wwii bunker 4 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Is that at the maginot?
Insulting 330 million people is a whole new level 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
All the examples I listed were original cultural creations of americans or people whos works have a large cultural impact on the country and the world.
Insulting 330 million people is a whole new level 11 comments
texasranger · 4 years ago
Thats more science than culture but sure PLANES TOO!