

Likes: music, wrenching, booze, and using my considerable catalogue of traumas to make deeply upsetting black comedy

— The_average_Gatsby Report User
Or the scooby gang 11 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Only problen being thats a 66 GTO/tempest not an impala
thats where babies come from 9 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
A very eloquent summation
Absolute madlad! HE DID IT! 4 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Hah get fucked VICE
thats where babies come from 9 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
I wanna touch the pole
Meat is murder? Yeah, right 6 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
People like that should be tried for animal cruelty
I'm glad I don't come across stuff like this at 1am 12 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
So if you think about it, there are as many different realities as there are people in the world
How everyone knows 4 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
I used to be able to pick my truck door up off of the hinges while it was closed. Best truck I've ever had
9 awful fantasies 8 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Plus the hammer could easily be a softer metal since the sword steel would be hot and maliable while they're forging it
Hmmm, okaaay.. 4 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Dex- 0
Disney better make this happen. 11 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
A commercial flop that garnered critical praise and became a cult classic
Whiskey maturing every year 6 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Oh no, that bottom line is where it starts getting truly special
Just Elon Musk being Elon Musk 3 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
The way wall street is speculating Telsa maybe ol muskie aught to spend more time actually running his company
Oh shit handle 9 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
The oh shit handle is for when shits about to get wild
Hit and sunk 2 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
We think it because it's true
Petco 5 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Too precious
RA RA RASPUTIN 12 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
There was a cat that really was gone
8 · Edited 6 years ago
This looks sweet! 12 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Using tom hardy's mouth to talk maybe?
This looks sweet! 12 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Im hyped as hell for it, i just hope the studio doesnt try to force it into a pg13 rating. Venom is a dark as hell character and i hope they do it justice
Kids these days!! 12 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
The bottom right two definitely wont summon satan. Might steal some body parts tho
requestng b o op on sunny snoo t 5 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Beautiful heart 3 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Latte looks a little cold to me
What 9 years can do to Mr. Bond 9 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
And friendlier looking
What did your uni/college give you? 5 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Surge review 2 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
First surge, now jolt, im excited to see what gets brought back next
Shall we bomb them to learn them manners ? 6 comments
the_average_gatsby · 6 years ago
Technically all alchohol is slightly poisionous, thats what makes it work