Roll tide! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
Nah this is photoshop. If you look carefully at his sister and Mr ratburn, you'll notice that her coloring is too bright for the screenshot and her artstyle is too sharp to be in the show
YouTuber ReSet found guilty...For giving Oreo cookie with toothpaste to homeless 9 comments
· 5 years ago
He has also come out with an "apology" video where hes not actually sorry and that "people dont know how to take a joke"
Roll tide! 4 comments
· 5 years ago
It's a joke. Ratburn married a man.
Alabama is known for incest so they combined both sides into one joke
Alabama is known for incest so they combined both sides into one joke
The North. (Saw this meme in shitty quality, decided to remake it) 4 comments
· 5 years ago
"Theres only one thing worse than a rapist"
*removes paper to reveal the word "child rapist"*
"A child"
*removes paper to reveal the word "child rapist"*
"A child"
Stupid parents let their kid throw rocks at flamingos 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Theres not a lot of information out since all the sources I've read say damn near the same thing. A student (zoo didnt reveal age) was skipping rocks in the habitat. Rock broke the flamingos leg and the zoo was forced to put it down. Zoo is working with the family to try and move forward.
I have no idea what the move forward part means since I cant find any sources with more detail
I have no idea what the move forward part means since I cant find any sources with more detail
Kojima seems to like new Godzilla 7 comments
Kojima seems to like new Godzilla 7 comments
That one time Saudis were right 2 comments
· 5 years ago
In Saudi Arabia, dabbing was made illegal by the National Committee for Drug Control as it was deemed that it alludes to cannabis and other illegal substances.
-shamelessly stolen from wiki
-shamelessly stolen from wiki
Uncovered material Cobra 3 comments
As soon as I wake up I drink rum 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Nullshit. I need to be up and around for at least an hour before I make mine
You sneaky rascal 7 comments
Here we go again 5 comments
Requirement before the cashier at Aldi opens another register 2 comments
· 5 years ago
While at Walmart your not allowed to sit unless you're on break, Aldies wont let their cashiers leave their chairs
Stupid people are mildly infuriating 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Arguing with anti vaxxers, those that say climate change isnt real, people who think ots ok for the govt to tell women what they can/cant do with their own bodies, and those that say Godzilla King of the Monsters was a bad movie
minecraf, heck yeah minecraft, budder minecraft- 17 comments
It’s never for the right reasons 10 comments
Gotta mix funny with serious in my book