

— TheLord Report User
Kevin! 16 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
It's all you need sometimes 5 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
I've tried to make a habit of asking people who say they're 'okay,' 'How are you really?' As long as it's in context, of course.
This Dad Catches His Daughter Doing Embarassing Selfies On Video 10 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
Seems staged. Still quite comical though.
Even I wouldn't want a girl roommate. And I'm a girl. 17 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
Well, that escalated quickly!
who remembers this? 12 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
After seeing the post of the guys cutting a guy in half, I'm relievex humanity can enjoy the simpler things such as this.
Dream Man. 14 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
He's clearly not on the table though.
b*ner wave 14 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
I've always wondered if anyone I've lived with in the past 15 years has walked in on me with a raging morner' and simply walked back out and never mentioned it.
Giant teddy bears 8 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
Looks like a Costco intervention is on the horizon...
First year in college? It's time to step up your game 9 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
I can vouch for that! About to start again ten years later with a properly developed sense of discipline.
I never knew I wanted an outdoor bathtub until right now 10 comments
thelord · 9 years ago
Low polygon beating heart 3 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
This is making me have chest pains.
Interesting bicycle 8 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
Seems sexual
Meanwhile in Indonesia 5 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
LIMBO! How low can you go!?
Memes in real life 11 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
The good get better and the bad get worse.
Owl enjoys being petted 6 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
How do we know this is a look of enjoyment and not pure terror?
Trying to sleep in summer with the covers on 11 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
Is this the new QWOP prototype?
Worst lemon ever 13 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
That's one lemon of a lemon.
The downs of being a doctor 39 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
I'm not saying eugenics. But...eugenics. Procreation-card voided.
Those eyes 10 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
Those eyes say "THIS IS HOW IT ENDS!?"
When radiologists take a selfie 2 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
- "Is it on?" - "I don't think so." - "What's that warm humming sound?"
zzzzzzzzzzz 6 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
I just know I'd wreck my teeth/head on the rim of that on a daily basis.
FML 14 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
Looks like an infomercial for squeeze bottle ketchup. "You tap, but it flaps! You shake, but it breaks!"
I need this so bad!! 6 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
We already have these in the u.s.. They're called 'Tostidos Scoops' and they are better than the spoon design because they can hold more dip and are less likely to break.
Keep dreaming duck 11 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
Or it's a troll. I tend to think morons are just trolling. Leaves me with just a little faith left in humanity.
Hell yeah! 29 comments
thelord · 10 years ago
*The last mistake.