deep throat smoking man


You morons hang vacancy sign on your asses and my foot looks for a room - Red Forman, American patriot

— deep throat smoking man Report User
But someone else still likes you, not me, someone 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Haha I think my cat would definitely hate me if we were on a deserted island or something and I respected Jainism all of a sudden (she wouldn't know but she'd definitely hate me if I went to mosque to pray 5 times a day for hours without feeding her first, I mean in today's world you don't get a smoke break time is money how do Muslim people even do it) she'd also hate me if I was fatter than her, so appearance too. If I was pale ginger boy or black man in icey dessert and blew our cover to polar bears she'd also hate me. If the island has only fruit I'd eat it and then breastfeed her (if I was pregnant) so gender too. Cats are people. Ethiopians don't hate Americans because they are fat. They're jealous they get to eat.
What do you think? Build this myself 25 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
But he still eats where he shits, does he (I assumed gender)
What the hell?? 3 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
If he didn't have those nostrils I'd think he's Darth Vader
This mom is a true hero 9 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Oh my god. Poor thing. This is why we don't put moms and kids in the same unit in the US Army. They would never leave them behind the enemy lines. What's that all about, US Army? You send 5 good boys to save 1? Or is it "How did he manage to get behind the lines unharmed, you do it too, and save him. If you get killed that means you're incompetent and you'll die anyway tomorrow or whenever" . It must be this cat's logic too.
At least it got there? 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Haha I just remembered something that could be a meme. When someone said "fucking house" or "fucking car" or "fucking.. goat" I thought (when I was little) that they're really gonna do it! And with the pouty mouth I cried "Please don't cuss my house"
Sometimes you just have to run 5 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I would be more scared if this was levitating bear
The irony 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Cause they wanna sell each and every one. That's good company
Beautiful black wolf hybrid 11 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I've seen it. I think it's BBC material. Eiffel Tower crumbling and stuff. I remember eagles living in Old New York (eagles would outlive dogs fo shizzle cause they're airborne) I don't remember dogs from it. There are simply too many of them. And theyre like, human babies, but not zombified .they'll just need food. They'll eat everything without capability to renew the stock. They'll plague the earth.
4 · Edited 8 years ago
Not Trump 10 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Are those quote marks or duct tape
Every day at work 4 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
My life
Beautiful black wolf hybrid 11 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
When I watch zombie movies I don't think about people, they'll be dead in 2 months. Top. Starvation, loss of blood and clothes, they'd die out. I can survive that with my basement supplies . They never made a movie "What about month later.. ". They put wolves in The day after tomorrow but, fuck wolves. Do you realize that there are about a billion dogs that would go out of "puppy chow" we (as a human industry) provide them every morning. And that they'll eat 1.5 billion cows in, like, a year. Wild animals in less. And then it starts. I even researched which dog is most likely to survive the apocalypse. Border Collie my ass. I'd put my money on this chump(and his puppies). This girl is probably gonna be queen of the world(so, guest no. 3 comment gets it right). Where are dogoes in 28 weeks later . Don't you forget them in World War z 2. Just remember that movie with island of dogs.
4 · Edited 8 years ago
The perfection of Camelia flower 1 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
When I was just a little boy, I thought Boy George sang Camacamacamacamellia.. And I also somehow thought Camellia is a place or something, like Camelot, cause of Dame aux camelias from Alexander Dumas son (Lady with/from/in Camellia)
8 · Edited 8 years ago
She deserves some recognition 8 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Totally, man. I mean if caps are melting why don't ethanopian rivers rise?? Anywho, how is global warning even in the same category as peace? I call fake on the whole thing - person on the left doesn't look like AL Gore at all.
7 · Edited 8 years ago
This man is a Legend 19 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Even if it is a joke, you're all fucked up. If I see this midget in my close proximity I will stab him in the dick repeatedly, if he even has one that is.
Also when its my house as well 24 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
When I was little whenever bass drum (not bass drum from the band's drums but bass drum of school orchestra although we don't have that we have turbo-folk trumpet bands cause it's in the same level with my upper body) passes besides me I felt my heart starting to beat in the same beat
Have a great day 42 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Am I pretty or you just THINK I'm pretty?! Oh my gosh I'm glass half empty guy
Cold front approaching Austin 11 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
I could've sworn that's scene from the Mist
"I hit my kids in public" starter kit 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Really WTF I even hate spoons that look like that
This is how we do! 14 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Yes... but do you have a driver of train (I don't know how it's properly called) admitting on public state TV that he once almost killed hundreds of people in a train wreck cause he pushed brake in orgasm (girl trying not to pay a ticket by bj-ing him). You can always go worse (Serbian)
It took a while 15 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Fun fact - the code for American nukes activation was 1234 for years
I would die for crispy fries 8 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
Mmm cancer sticks. In my father's generation they called cigarettes cancer sticks.
Best friends 2 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
O bože bože bože kakvi preljepotani. I had to say it in my language.. They're thaaaaat sweet
This is true will 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
....but did he make electricity by himself, or grow a forest for fire I don't know what he used for boiling chicken and salt. Oh how I love belonging to a locust ruling race of this puny earth. Dildo elephants still travel for hundreds of miles to lick the caves for salt, salmon to its maternity ward, all these stupid birds with inflammation in their wings, instead of just turning the thermostat up. And all I have to do is work some retarded easy "job" to give money to my "salt dealer". We're sooo ungrateful. I'm going to ask for more job for the same salary starting tomorrow
· Edited 8 years ago
GOD DAMMIT KAR- SARAH ! 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 8 years ago
"What Do I have between my teeth? Is it a virgin from a convent or a virgin from chess club? "