
You morons hang vacancy sign on your asses and my foot looks for a room - Red Forman, American patriot
— deep throat smoking man Report User
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Ask any American in the 60s what does he think about McDonalds. He'll say all the best... And "fuck you Russians". Since you came to the scene look what you did to our loveable America. It's on her knees. Because some baby doesn't like bacon. It's very simple. Think of me as Red Forman from That 70s show (I am reddish haired and mostly Czech Jew)and you're that puny Eric Forman. Now imagine me with boots in your butt.
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Bla bla bla. You sound like a movie. I thought we agreed you people have all sorts of disorders, amongst them adhd. That's why my sentences, aside from few missed commas and wrong use of word, are incomprehensible to you (even if I miss a comma ina right place, if you didn't have gold fish brain, you could've make sense out of it). If you paid attention, to anything (outside your bubble,i don't mean American bubble I mean you personally I know most of Americans are normal people unlike you) you wouldn't say all I say has nothing to do with the post. And yes you would know that you're far far away from not hurting anyone, you ruined the world. Before you came to world it was OK. And for the last time, do not twist my words, milkshake said she doesn't care if I go to war and I told her to fuck herself, and, oh miracle, she turned it to her side. I don't "wish" you to go to war I'm telling you war will knock on your door.
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh... Are you telling me we need to remove him for almost starting a war with Croatia over a rice crispies chocolate (I kid you not, it almost happened) . Once again, have you not seen east European protests? Your "walks" against government are "pussy smoke" as they say here, if you pardon my expression. But we also have real police. Who killed us. We did everything we could. The only left scenario is literally Syrian scenario. http://www.google.rs/url?q=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DpTzUbJhoESQ&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwi38dKAjK_SAhVDXBQKHbbUBkkQtwIIFDAD&usg=AFQjCNEkD_7pEm_h_L5LTIYCIa4KY8fVow there 00.00-01.36. We finally defeated them, with cracked skulls, and now we're gonna lose, over you telling them your police is "also" "brutal". Simmer down. Or don't, but I implore you, from time to time, say there are many who are worse than you many times over. In food and police and politics, burn Serbian flag, I can't.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah @diyrogue, you finally got it (I know you didn't I'm just kidding)... Americans laugh at Americans.... Russians would go to gulag if they spoke against Russia or god forbid put flag in flames.... And don't start with That's American freedom (of speech) Russians don't have. Freedom of speech, my dear "American" is... It's OK to spit at America, but if you're concerning questions you are concerning (invasions, junk food or whatever) freedom is when you first attack worst of them and then you can spit America too. You my "friend" on those subjects NEVER attack the worst ones. You only spit at America. That's not freedom. That's...
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
I read thoroughly, every comment. you said you condemn people who attack police officers. I don't care about that. I just beg you not to tell they're brutalizing you, or anyone. Cause you are inciting 99% people. Around me. I don't care if you're inciting Yemenites..... And I assure you, I spoke with your highest qualified Latin professors. They suck. But I don't laugh at that. It's physical impediment. They can't say Pro Bono. I made them say it. I explained it to them. They simply can't. But if they say Shah but not Bah(J.S.Bach), that's just cockiness.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
See @Zeus, who ever you are, founder of fs.. . I'm politely calmly trying to explain to @sincere_milkshake and she's having seizures. My president is starting a war over your posts. Literally. Over "You can't tell me not to kill 100000 Muslims, your army is killing people".Literally starting a war. And I've been called to a drill yesterday. So I have full right to say.... If I see one more post about "corrupted" "Amurican" society, burgers, police, or "poorness" of Americans, I swear I'll....
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
@diyrogue don't twist my words. I wrote whole passage explaining that I attacked few people that are arrogant ignorants saying I'll call Bach "Back" even though I can pronounce it, I can say Shah, but not Bah, because I do what I want and fuck you Germans I speak German fluently. My whole answer was explaining that... don't make me copy it. It's your problem you don't read it whole! I do think all Americans can't speak Latin, but some of them are polite enough to acknowledge that, and few arrogant pricks are... Well, you . I explicitly said that. It's not my fault you don't read. Don't twist my words.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
6.5 billion people literally eating and drinking literal shit (in village next to my hometown there was a man who made brandy, moonshined it, from actual human excrement) saying hamburgers are shit cause they saw it here, in your posts. Can you imagine how those brains function? Gnawing lard and laughing at two thin strips of bacon in your hamburger. Gauging unborn baby out of woman's stomach and saying Amuricans are butchers for bombing them, and other terrorists.... You incite that kind of people. Stop burning US flags . Burn their. From time to time. Goddammit.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
There, I explained it. Really can't do it any slower. If you don't understand that's just up to you. I really can't help it. Problem is in your brain.
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
@sincere_milkshake Sorry milkshake I really can't be any slower than this. I'll try again, slowest I can. Serbian dude (it also goes for dude from Yemen, Mongolia, Slovakia, Kenya, Morocco, Colombia, Ecuador, you know, 80% of the world of course) spreads 5cm of pure lard, not watered down with milk or water, not with additional contents, pure lard on a bread, sits down on the internet, hooks up on your Amurica post and laughs like snorting pig "Huahuahua Amuricans, eating deep fried French fries huahuahua" while gnawing on lard. And I'm like "You just ate chunk of lard big as my fist... " and he's like "Huahuahua Amuricans". It's the same with police brutality, police here really kills people, for nothing, they're all dealing drugs, 100% takes bribe.... Same with the army. Army here plays football with kids'heads chopped off. But who's gonna stop em. They now think you're the same as them. Nobody can't persuade them to stop.
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Same goes for food. You... Are.... Not.... The.... Fattest.... The most glutinous.... The shittiest food producing country... But with your Amurica posts you somehow convinced people whose children for breakfast eat 5 spoons of pure lard on a bread that your kids are eating shit food. They who eat pure, cold lard on a bread http://opusteno.rs/slike/2014/07/nostalgija-lebac-i-mast-23304/_sp-nostalgija-lebac-i-mast.jpg somehow think McDonalds is junk. And burn it down. You're ruining the world. You're inciting savages to think they're better... And then they go more savage.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Why don't they burn Russian flag (who was world police in Poland, Lithuania.,Hungary, Caucasus, Iran Afghanistan yeeears before US, killed all their natives before 1500 A.D.- normal people, not living in tents, living in small towns not worse than Russian towns, before anyone set foot on American soil, invaded everybody). Nobody burns their flag. They burn your flag. They so got to you that you also think you are the invader so you too burn your flag, aaand..... 786 countries burn your flag and you help them with that, and nobody burns Russian or ISIS, aaaaand world thinks US is the worst. They burn McDonalds they burn your embassies...
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
I am really sorry. Not for you, for me. I'm writing mile long sentences to the people who lose focus after 5 words so I can't explain nothing to them. "We're inciting people to kill police"?? . No! You slowpo. You incite my police... Cause they heard American police,which "was" the best in treating people became "brutal", just because some spoiled brat thinks they brutalized him (by throwing pepper spray or something). Even if they beat you... Have you ever saw how eastern Europe police beats... Well they now think (because of you) they're the same. Do you understand it now. If they try to stop genocidal butchers of Balkan (Bosnia and Kosovo are now under UN supervision) UN representative, Incko said to war monger Dodik "You cannot start new wars" and he responded "You're gonna tell me, you torture black people, you are world police, you invade etc, don't forget natives" and they burn US flag... Buuut when Putin comes.. He kisses him on the mouth. Why don't they burn Russian flag
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not American, but I'm more American than you'll ever be. If I saw you burning US flag, I promise you Jewish Autonomous Republic (that's next to Siberia for those who don't know) for you, immediately. No court process. Immediate deportation.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
And I've seen a lot of comments here like "What's with these Americans arr the fattest - they're not".they're simply not. And your food is not the worst. That's a fact. And you just continue inciting people with these posts, in god forsaken asshole country of mine to burn your restaurants and flags. And incite policemen all around the world beat people to pulp saying "What? What do you want, Americans beat their citizens too" . You are a pillar of the world. Sun that people look upon. Don't shit on the sun. Without reason. Stop saying your police is worse. The world believes you and becomes 180degrees worse, if that's even possible.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
@diyrogue šta je, počeo pubertet glas da mutira pa se misli da se uskurčilo? I said my opinion. My opinion is very precise and concise. It's not my fault it's too much for you. I asked you, so it isn't me and my point of view, I asked you, you people, on various occasions "Why do people burn McDonalds to ashes in riots against... Idk.... Albanians... what does McDonalds have to do with all that. It's beyond ridiculous. And remark no. 2 of yours - it has everything to do with that country you (I don't know how and why)live in. It's your flags they're burning how that escapes your comprehension, beats me? Every time I mention Serbia you lose connection. It's called an example, I could have said "They're burning US flag in Yemen or whatever". Your flag, and when they have enough balls , your WTC. Answer me and I promise I'll understand and stop. Why do they burn McD here? And why did people burn US flag in US, and not ISIS flag? I'll give you my answer. Cause of "Amurica" posts.
Edited 8 years ago
The trauma to children in family violence 24 comments
Child sex offenders in South Korea 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Can rapists rape even without sex drive (just because they're evil)?
Dang, Happens everyday 4 comments
· 8 years ago
That's why they named a country full of drug lords, shitty telenovelas and cruuumbling debilitating economy after you (Colombians no offense)
*Garnet voice* beep beep! 7 comments
· 8 years ago
It has written pronunciation underneath it bipu on retasu (l/rettuce), that might help
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Again not true. I comment very witty and funny on funny posts. I rarely post political posts. But I respond every time when someone mentions "Amurica"...for the reasons I already mentioned (you're affecting 99% people around me, they used to love McDonalds 10-15 years ago, we had the only McD in eastern bloc, and now they burned it, and everything American)
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
Somewhere out there they're planning the new 9/11 , (somewhere out there, as in 20m from me) burning your flags because of posts like this. If it only was at least funny I'd say let it be. This kind (Amurica) jokes are waaaay last century.
Edited 8 years ago
The real plan 76 comments
· 8 years ago
What a hell you two? You can express your opinion on hamburgers. And I can't? You are one current, having your opinion . That McD is fattening the people with "worst food on the planet" turning them into whatever. And I (and as far as I can see, not only me, but even if it's just me I'll keep my opinion, I don't care if I'm alone in it) I think that's complete shit, and you're affecting people around me, I find you very threatening to me. Can't you understand that already, goddammit.
Edited 8 years ago
Dog gliding over the apex of a hill 10 comments
Which other countries celebrate Fat Thursday? 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Time will tell. It's already speaking the story. You and your cheeseburger haters have already brought America on its knees, and killed many. But worst is yet to come.