Knitting the Weather 15 comments
· 4 years ago
They're called temperature blankets/scarves if anyone wants more inspiration or instruction. My advice is to record each day's temp in a journal because you will miss days and buy more yarn than you think you need so you don't run out because of an unexpected warm spell in February.
So pure 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I'd be upset if my child did this. But only because I'd want them to tell me their friend was in need of breakfasts, dinners, housekeeping, and groceries too!
I guess they only teach it to jedi masters 5 comments
I guess they only teach it to jedi masters 5 comments
· 5 years ago
There was nothing physically wrong with Padmé. She lost the will to live. The Force can't fix that.
Feel like some members of this community need to see this 25 comments
· 5 years ago
Rorschach has an incredibly distorted view of the world. He sees women simply walking down the street as whores to be used/abused. To him, every single person other than himself is an incompetent flea with no human intelligence or value. Also, he's a bean thief.
If it's smart enough to do all that, it's smart enough to get itself a job 34 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_'s word count was 2,516. Or 1.8x longer than the Declaration of Independence and 920% longer than the Gettysburg Address. Good writing involves editing.
It was a good month 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Back in the day, it wasn't uncommon for movies to stay in theaters a long time. Especially considering Jurassic Park was the highest grossing film of all time at that point.
Here you can see it ran from 10 June, 1993 to 20 October, 1994:
boxofficemojo . com/release/rl2354939393/
Here you can see it ran from 10 June, 1993 to 20 October, 1994:
boxofficemojo . com/release/rl2354939393/
Yup! 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Okay, so worst case you've got a break from your intensive science classes and some new trivia to show off. Best case, you learn skills and modes of thinking that you can apply to your field of study and the world at large.
Yup! 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Because the point of undergraduate studies is to produce well-rounded individuals who are ready for a variety of different paths. The papers you write for film theory help you with written reasoning, analysis, and thinking critically about media. Pre civil war history helps you take others' perspectives and find connections between causes and effects. We want art students with some knowledge of science and vice versa.
This is so wholesome 3 comments
· 5 years ago
My sister was born Deaf but didn't go to a specialised school. A boy from her year came by our family's shop and asked me to teach him sign because he thought my sister was "cool." I spent a few weeks meeting with him and teaching him the basics. He and my sister have been together for about 8 years now!
Just bottle it up lmao 7 comments
· 5 years ago
If you really feel like you can't "burden" (hint: you're not a burden) your friends or family, find a therapist! You'll have someone whose sole desire is to listen to whatever you want to say.
There's likely free or cheap mental health services in your area - search for community counseling, community health centre, therapists with scaled rates, etc. Memes can't replace therapy!
There's likely free or cheap mental health services in your area - search for community counseling, community health centre, therapists with scaled rates, etc. Memes can't replace therapy!
Save the planet like Matt 22 comments
Save the planet like Matt 22 comments
· 5 years ago
"Here's a fun fact!" *proceeds to write a 10 comment dissertation*
guest_ Word Count: 771
TLDR: Plastic is the least effective storage, best when you need something cheap and short-term. Aluminium and glass are comparable alternatives with different advantages.
guest_ Word Count: 771
TLDR: Plastic is the least effective storage, best when you need something cheap and short-term. Aluminium and glass are comparable alternatives with different advantages.
Code red code red 16 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 963
TLDR: Teachers have to teach to the average, not the individual. You have to learn both how to find creative solutions to problems AND how to follow directions and tested ways of thinking.
@lolcats121 :')
TLDR: Teachers have to teach to the average, not the individual. You have to learn both how to find creative solutions to problems AND how to follow directions and tested ways of thinking.
@lolcats121 :')
Nobody knows everything, even the one who knows Cosmology 22 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 1,068
TLDR: Given enough traction, a small vehicle can pull a huge load for at least a small distance - so that's not a great measure for the vehicle's overall performance.
TLDR: Given enough traction, a small vehicle can pull a huge load for at least a small distance - so that's not a great measure for the vehicle's overall performance.
"Little siblings don't read this Older siblings we must unionize and demand 10 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 447
TLDR: People, even parents, change over time and with experience.
TLDR: People, even parents, change over time and with experience.
Any day 5 comments
· 5 years ago
"Personally I would much rather go sit in some shitty dive bar full of honest local vagrants for $2.50 per beer, than go to an overrated club and pay $200 for a bottle of vodka and be surrounded by arrogant preppy dudes in their $900 shoes"
Would you? 20 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 1480
TLDR: There are interesting consequences to everyone being able to change their appearances at will, though generally people will still find things to be unhappy about.
TLDR: There are interesting consequences to everyone being able to change their appearances at will, though generally people will still find things to be unhappy about.
Different Definitions of Respect 7 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 414
TLDR: There's probably never a good reason to not treat someone like a person, and there are certain identities that deserve the respect of an authority.
TLDR: There's probably never a good reason to not treat someone like a person, and there are certain identities that deserve the respect of an authority.
Welcome to adulthood 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Well part of it is if I'm buying chocolate for my kids I might as well buy some for myself. But mostly their utter elation is infectious. :)
It hurts itself in confusion 7 comments
· 5 years ago
It's possible. More research is needed, but use of puberty blockers may lead to decreased bone density. But with monitoring bone health and mitigating other risk factors, puberty blockers should be pretty safe.
It hurts itself in confusion 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Yup. Basically pills that stop the body from releasing the hormones that trigger the development of facial/body hair, breasts, etc. They can help trans kids avoid the discomfort/dysmorphia that comes with growing into a body that doesn't match how you feel. And if they decide they want to go through puberty, they can stop the blockers and resume the process.
It hurts itself in confusion 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I don't know if cage fighting is the best evidence since the point is to hurt your opponent and cis women do some damage too. But if you want to avoid this issue while respecting people's identities, let trans youth take puberty blockers so that women don't have to go through male puberty developing muscles and strength they don't want.
Who would've thought! 7 comments
· 5 years ago
guest_ Word Count: 451
TLDR: Individuals have limits to what they can understand and the internet lets us reinforce the knowledge we like.
TLDR: Individuals have limits to what they can understand and the internet lets us reinforce the knowledge we like.