Accurate AF 6 comments
· 8 years ago
That's been 3 of the last 4 nights for me. It's starting to affect me! Earlier there was a lady in the same room talking to me, and I had to remind myself that she was actually there and I wasn't imagining it.
It's not like the actors are going to hear you 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Uh oh, I sometimes laugh at YouTube videos, but their creators aren't around to hear me. Maybe I should only express myself when there's someone around to listen! No more singing in the shower...
Isaac is my homeboy 14 comments
Neil, pls. 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I assumed he was some sort of polymer blend. Otherwise all the droids would be shocking every person that touches them.
I almost lost my shit during service 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Around 2000 there was a popular song with the phrase, "I've found Jesus." It sounds just like "Half-Pound Jesus", and I can't think of it any other way!
D*mn, Now I have to punch myself in the face 6 comments
Choose wisely my friends 54 comments
Sums up my life 6 comments
This limerick 3 comments
· 9 years ago
'Tis a favorite project of mine.
A new value of pi to assign.
I would fix it at 3,
For it's easier you see,
Than 3 point 1 4 1 5 9.
A new value of pi to assign.
I would fix it at 3,
For it's easier you see,
Than 3 point 1 4 1 5 9.
I'll just put this right here 7 comments
· 9 years ago
If I want to buy an apple, but they're all rotten, I'm not going to buy ANY of them, and I'm still going to complain about the bad apples. If I think all of the candidates are either morons, or they have the moral compass of a stick, I'm not going to vote for ANY of them, and I'm still going to complain about the bad candidates. Your opinion doesn't require active participation. Listen to parents at sporting events!
Anyone recognize this painful guy? 19 comments
Easter egg on toy story 3 14 comments
This Guy's Bible 73 comments
· 9 years ago
In college when we heard, "If your Bible's worn out, your life won't be," one of my friends started periodically chunking his Bible behind him to wear it out.
The more you know 7 comments
· 9 years ago
And yet those brand new neurons in their brain still make the same connections. Otherwise they wouldn't recognize you.