

Xvarnah --

— Xvarnah Report User
Seriously ? 7 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I mean, it IS informative, but I'm not sure it's actually HELPFUL
Seriously ? 7 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Okay we have three memes about hanging yourself in a row now. I'm pretty sure these are bots so I'm not sure whether to ask if y'all are okay or what
Ya 4 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
You're gonna have ta toss meh!
Imagine shooting up america just to be called "the garlic shooter" 13 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I thought that was the same guy
Tag yourself I'm the black cat 6 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
The black one looks the exact opposite of calm
*Noot noot's dully* 3 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
A member of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (right) plays the bagpipe for an indifferent penguin (left), 1904.
Sweet jesus 2 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I literally thought it was a child and couldn't figure out why in hell someone was posting this
Coming soon to men across the globe, the Male Pill 8 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
(barring extenuating circumstances and assuming the man in question is being cooperative) Those places are what I like to call wrong
My two gels afraid of the horde 5 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
There's literally no reason to have 8 bottles of dove body wash IN the shower. Surely there must be somewhere else to store it
It's also bothering me an unreasonable amount that this person is keeping their deodorant in the shower
29 · Edited 4 years ago
Coming soon to men across the globe, the Male Pill 8 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Apparently unripe papaya is also used by women...
In other news, Alabama would like to know your location
Coming soon to men across the globe, the Male Pill 8 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
That's... what paternity tests are for
Feeling inspired yet? (Inspirobot for the criminally insane) 3 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I'd never actually heard of inspirobot prior to today and thought I'd jump on the bandwagon. It seems to have taken a bit more of a homicidal approach with me...
Marked NSFW mostly because of the pic with the hands.
I wonder if I'm in it 21 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Arguing that she was using it for a class project (that it's unclear if she even made the people she received the content from aware of) is sure to go over really well. As is arguing that it's difficult to recognize who it came from. The police have been known to be very understanding when someone posts a 14 year olds genitals in a place they are likely to be seen by at least a few dozen people. They especially love it when you try and tell them "well it's not like their name is on it or anything."
Most likely no one will ever actually look into it. But considering the actual risks involved, and the fact that she should be actively doing her damndest to make sure she's NOT exploiting children with her carelessness, it hardly seems worthwhile.
1 · Edited 4 years ago
I wonder if I'm in it 21 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
It doesn't actually matter if the person sharing the content is supposed to be over the age of consent. It doesn't even matter if the person in the picture is NOW over the age of consent. If the person depicted in the content is under the age of consent in the picture in all likelihood falls under the child pornography laws. Receiving it may be forgivable if she has a lawyer, but by posting it in her project she is now actively redistributing content that is considered an active crime scene.
Yeah, I’m totally disgusted too, babe. Totally 33 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I definitely missed something so that broke my brain a small bit
Yeah, I’m totally disgusted too, babe. Totally 33 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
You are literally the one that brought gender into it and asked if it would be more acceptable if the behavior had been exhibited by a man. Which, regardless of your motives for doing so, implies the problem stems from it being women behaving in this manner. So yeah, I guess when people suggest something might be a gender issue I do have a weird habit of speaking on it's context as a gender issue.
Also, these women literally have their shorts yanked up their asses, straddling rocks in their bras, and you think the woman in the background is "closer to being naked" because her clothing might be workout gear?
Assuming we're talking about the woman in blue, her top is no tighter than the girls on the rocks. And it's not even form fitting - her pants/skirt are baggy, her midriff is covered. She is nowhere near as close to naked as the women literally wedgying themselves (and each other) for sexual attention
Yeah, I’m totally disgusted too, babe. Totally 33 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I'm keeping this reply as short as possible because this thread has left me unreasonably irritated.
It's not a gender issue or a clothing issue it's a behavior issue. And if someone can't articulate why a behavior that is clearly sexually driven in nature is inappropriate in public that doesn't mean it should be allowed.
13 · Edited 4 years ago
I wonder if I'm in it 21 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
She better hope every single one of them is above the age of consent
Best thing to do when life gives you lemons 2 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
When life gives you lemons demand to see life's manager
Speed bump ahead 2 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Seems pretty straightforward to me
Being such a whimper 12 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Never heard of a place having a male, female, and gender neutral changing room. Sounds like a better solution than forcing women and men to share them.
Manspreading is problem 18 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Final note:
-anybody taking up the space of three people because their legs are open wider than a woman's when she's giving birth is an asshole. Don't do that.
-The chairs are stupid. Don't do them either
Manspreading is problem 18 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Tbh I think it's interesting to see what's out there. Hopefully someone will read this thread at some point and learn something new (I certainly did).
As an aside directed at no one in particular I also think it's important to remember that throughout history women were very specifically forbidden from being allowed to contribute to society in almost any way that existed outside of homemaking. They weren't allowed to vote, they weren't allowed to speak, they were denied education and jobs, and works they did attempt to contribute were often dismissed the moment people realized a woman was behind it. They were largely treated as ornamental. Why that's been the case throughout so many cultures I've always found a bit bizarre, but it's still a part of mankind's many faceted history. Still, many of them found ways to contribute outside of the spotlight.
Manspreading is problem 18 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
I probably could keep going but it's 2:30 in the morning, and while I haven't quite rambled on for 18 pages I feel more is unnecessary at this point in time
Manspreading is problem 18 comments
xvarnah · 4 years ago
Flossie Wong - the first person to clone HIV, leading to huge advancements including the connection between it and AIDs, as well as the ability to diagnose it via bloodwork.
Tu Youyou who contributed largely to the treatmeent for malaria
Amy Hennig - head director as well as a script writer and (iirc) producer for the "Uncharted" series
Queen Ana Nzinga, who managed to keep the Portuguese slave trade out of Angola for 30 years
Temple Grandin - an animal rights advocate who helped invent/improve ways of keeping and restraining animals to cause less stress or cruelty. Also advocated and helped encourage better conditions for animals at slaughter houses. Also a public speaker, with autism, who invented the actual "hug-box."
Margaret Atwood, author of many influential books and occasional producer of their TV adaptations, including "the Handmaid's Tale." Also invented the LongPen, which allows a person to use a tablet to control and write with a pen from a remote location.
3 · Edited 4 years ago