

Xvarnah --
Xvarnah Report User
Ill go first, grab my head 73 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Whatever keeps you off the balcony, big guys
Like a midget at a urinal, I'd have to stay on my toes 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
Like a midget at a urinal, I'd have to stay on my toes 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Surely you can't be serious
Like a midget at a urinal, I'd have to stay on my toes 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
But that's not important right now
Hurricane tips 9 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I bet they would do that 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I mean, if you have to kill them to survive then obviously that's what you have to do. Just like any human that attacks you. Never debated that
But chances are you wouldn't have to kill all 20 necessarily
Hurricane tips 9 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Sounds like someone took a long sit on a sharp stick this morning
· Edited 2 years ago
I bet they would do that 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
That goes back into energy (and risk). Food is rarely easy to come by in apocalypse scenarios, getting injured in any survival situation (even minorly) is a HUGE setback and could potentially be fatal
Spending time mowing down zombies unnecessarily would use up energy reserves needed for defense and resource maintenance/gathering, and put survivors at greater risk of injury unnecessarily
I bet they would do that 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I mean I'm not talking about listening to them, I'm taking more the notion itself haha
Either way if we're talking typical zombie apocalypse scenario then it doesn't matter much because it would be fairly wasteful for people to just kill every zombie they encountered. Ammunition/energy etc would run out very quickly and then they'd die
Well, do you? 6 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
It's weird that I've been able to reference than song twice in two unrelated instances in less than 4 hours
Well, do you? 6 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Stacy's, for one
I bet they would do that 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I mean all of them, no?. Many or most of them? Possibly. Depends on the situation entirely
You could only exist here and now 3 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
I mean, there are ways of avoiding that
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
^ the above rebuttal brought to you by: Irony
Also you really shouldn't give me so much power over what you like and dislike, especially since in about 3 minutes I'm going to forget you even exist until the next notification forcibly reminds me
Emotional Engagement for children 7 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Know someone who has had 3 kids and abandoned every single one of them. Another guy who grew up in foster care.
Honestly heartbreaking seeing the devastation of young kids trying to work through the wreckage people like this leave behind.
Unfortunately the people willing to have kids in the scenarios you described are usually not emotionally mature enough (or possess the empathy) to give a shit or make the call not to do this
LOL JK 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Virtue signalling *anybodies* tend to be the worst people on earth
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Only it won't protect them from the virus.
They can still get the virus, with the unvaccinated apparently being ground zero, and nevermind the fact that the unvaccinated are less likely to be carrying it than a vaccinated person.
So what we have here is a classic case of doublethink.
We must simultaneously believe that the vaccine will immunize and protect us (and therefore everyone should get it), but also believe that it will not immunize and protect us (and therefore we must force everyone to get it). And we must stigmatize and alienate and abuse anyone not vaccinated to make sure they don't spread the virus to the immunized.
For the good of all of us (Except the ones who are dead).
But there's no sense crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying til the boosters they take. And the "science" gets dumb, forced compliance every one of the people who are still alive
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
The plague is a ridiculous comparison. There was no "vaccine" for the plague. And the plague had a much greater fatality rate.
What we have is a contagious virus that can cause fatalities.
What pharma has produced is a vaccine that is entirely experimental.
They have admitted they don't know the long term effects of the vaccines. There is evidence they are not reporting side effects of the vaccine.
But they claim the vaccine is necessary. It is the only path to survival. Without it all of humanity will crumble.
And because it is the new messiah in liquid form, every human must accept it into their body-- by force if necessary. Because it will protect them from the virus.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
And speaking of emotional suffering...
What about the suffering of those who lose everything because they didn't want the highly experimental symptom-suppressor and it's 18 booster shots injected in their veins? For religious, moral, medical, etc reasons?
What about the suffering of the health care workers who have had their jobs stripped away and been replaced by the National Guard? The government was fine risking their lives BEFORE the symptom-suppressant. Now it's happy to take those lives from them for non-compliance.
What about the suffering of those dying from heart inflammation and other side effects from the vaccine? The ones who have been forced into silence because you're not allowed to discuss your pain if you disagree with big pharma or the government?
Oh, wait... those aren't the "valued" people. My bad
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
What a fine and arrogant statement that is to assume that you (or anyone) should get to decide which people among us have "value."
And further - Should the obese who contract diabetes be left to die in the gutters? The people who drank too much soda and have their teeth rotting in their heads be left to get sepsis? The women who didn't use protection be forced to die if there's a complication in the pregnancy and she can't survive the birth without medical intervention?
Should the gay men who knew of the exorbitant risks of unprotected sex have been left to die of aids?
The people who slit their wrists be left to bleed?
If your answer to any or all of these is "no," then why in the goddamn fuck is this different? Why are people who possibly catch a contagious virus so far beneath your magnanimous mercy?
If your answer to these is "yes," then I have determined which type of monsters lurk in your closet and there isn't much more to discuss
I bet they would do that 11 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Depends. Can they be cured and returned to their faculties with minimal negative repercussions and trauma?
If yes, then it's better to kill as few as possible and save what you can because there are people in there.
If no, then you're either saving a mindless husk bent on your death, OR you're perpetuating the endless agony of being fully aware of who you are and what you're doing, but being unable to control any of it as you literally rip other people to pieces at the behest of some sort of parasite.
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
You know up until you pointed it out to me I never really thought keeping my mortal shell to myself was a bad thing. Now I see I was foolish to deny the general populace the wonder that is my body. Cruel, even.
There are billions of people out there who haven't even been in my presence yet, let alone experienced my mortal shell!
It won't be easy, of course. But it can't be helped. The people DESERVE this kind of selflessness in their lives, and I shall take up the task! I will endeavour to share my mortal shell with as many as possible before I die!
Kakapo 6 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Is that what Demryn did?
How is an unvaccinated person like a writing desk? And other nonsensical riddles 19 comments
xvarnah · 2 years ago
Are we allowed to attend your funeral?