Most awesome drift ever 7 comments
· 11 years ago
That's why I get my stuff home and half of it is broken in the box.
Cough syrups 12 comments
· 11 years ago
I was very surprised when I visited back East (Maryland) and we bought some grapes, and they tasted like purple!
When you're checking out that guy on the bus 2 comments
The never ending war 4 comments
· 11 years ago
On the other hand I need to restart my windows machine every other day (or it does it by itself in the middle of the night, sometimes not saving my stuff) while my Mac runs for weeks without needing a re-start. I'm fairly neutral though, I have two of both. I find myself playing more on the Windows machines and working more on the Macs.
Three best voices on earth 19 comments
· 11 years ago
Alan Rickman & Patrick Stewart, arguably Patrick Warburton (Brock Sampson, Joe from family guy), I assume we're sticking to their natural voices or Seth MacFarlane would have to be on the list.
Robert Downey Jr's secret to acting 5 comments
· 11 years ago
He mostly plays himself. Fortunately there are some good rolls for intelligent, smart-ass, egoists these days.
Multiple choice time 60 comments
· 11 years ago
There is no correct answer. That's the answer. Any choice causes a paradox. This isn't the same as answer C, answer C is not correct, it creates another paradox as navybrats3 pointed out.
Edited 11 years ago
There is no correct answer. That's the answer. Any choice causes a paradox. This isn't the same as answer C, answer C is not correct, it creates another paradox as navybrats3 pointed out.
Good guy peanut b*tter 2 comments
· 11 years ago
The annoying part is that they (being CompuServe) chose Graphics Interchange Format so they could pronounce GIF as "jif" specifically so they could use the line "Choosy programmers choose GIF", ripping off the popular Jif tagline (back in 1987). It has always been a marketing ploy, it's not about the correct pronunciation of the acronym. Knowing that, I will only allow people around me to pronounce it "jif" if they also pronounce graphics as "jraphics" and I WILL correct them. Every. Single. Time. they pronounce it wrong.
Wat is this?!?! 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Technically this is absolutely correct. It would be VERY hard to become, and remain, a single mom as a teenage boy.
The Avengers Then and Now 10 comments
· 11 years ago
They couldn't even make Iron Man as good as a suit of armor from the 1800's? Oh you 70's futurists and your silly drugs.
Multiple choice time 60 comments
· 11 years ago
The answer is: There is a 50% chance you will get the correct answer by picking A or D randomly.
No. I changed my mind. This isn't correct. Look above at my reply to navybrats3.
Edited 11 years ago
No. I changed my mind. This isn't correct. Look above at my reply to navybrats3.
Islandception 8 comments
· 11 years ago
in a planet, in a solar system, in a galaxy, in a galaxy cluster, in a universe, in a multiverse.
Tastebuds in the assh*le 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Ooh, yeah I missed that, I thought he said "I grant both of you one wish.", and not "I grant THE both of you one wish." Poor guy is screwed.
An advice for parents 8 comments
· 11 years ago
That's the way my aunt was with her kids. When they'd get in trouble in school she'd go down there and raise hell about how the teachers were conspiring against her little angels. When they'd beat me up, which they did all the time, if I complained it was always my fault and I'd end up getting punished (they LOVED that).
When they eventually became meth heads and were in-and-out of jail all the time and would steal things from her and relatives houses to sell for drugs, and she could no longer ignore the evidence piling up against them, she disowned them, threw them out of her house, threw their belongings into the street, had her locks changed and installed an alarm.
So they went to live with our grandmother, sold off all her worthwhile belongings and turned her house into a crack den.
That's some goooood parenting right there.
Edited 11 years ago
When they eventually became meth heads and were in-and-out of jail all the time and would steal things from her and relatives houses to sell for drugs, and she could no longer ignore the evidence piling up against them, she disowned them, threw them out of her house, threw their belongings into the street, had her locks changed and installed an alarm.
So they went to live with our grandmother, sold off all her worthwhile belongings and turned her house into a crack den.
That's some goooood parenting right there.
Tastebuds in the assh*le 13 comments
Gays vs assh*les 7 comments
· 11 years ago
I once had a conversation that went something like this:
Work Friend (a guy): Being gay is a choice. I had a friend in school who was straight until he met this guy in drama and suddenly he decided he was gay.
Me: Interesting. Change of subject. Do you consider yourself a leg man? A breast man? Or do you like nice butts? Personally I like breasts.
Friend: Breasts are ok, but I'm a leg man. Tina Turner started it. Those legs are amazing!
Me: Why legs over breasts? actually I would have thought you were a butt man, your girlfriend has a nice butt.
Friend: Yeah, but when I see her legs in her daisy-duke shorts... I never get up to her butt. Legs just do something for me.
Me: I see. You didn't 'choose' to be a leg man, you just are, but you still think being gay is a choice. Why not try to find skinny legged woman as attractive as curvy ones? Lets see how easy a choice that simple thing is. When you find Keira Knightly's legs more attractive than Tina Turner's let me know.
Work Friend (a guy): Being gay is a choice. I had a friend in school who was straight until he met this guy in drama and suddenly he decided he was gay.
Me: Interesting. Change of subject. Do you consider yourself a leg man? A breast man? Or do you like nice butts? Personally I like breasts.
Friend: Breasts are ok, but I'm a leg man. Tina Turner started it. Those legs are amazing!
Me: Why legs over breasts? actually I would have thought you were a butt man, your girlfriend has a nice butt.
Friend: Yeah, but when I see her legs in her daisy-duke shorts... I never get up to her butt. Legs just do something for me.
Me: I see. You didn't 'choose' to be a leg man, you just are, but you still think being gay is a choice. Why not try to find skinny legged woman as attractive as curvy ones? Lets see how easy a choice that simple thing is. When you find Keira Knightly's legs more attractive than Tina Turner's let me know.
I'm so done with human stupidity 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm calling shenanigans on this one. But, saying it was real, and ignoring all the obvious questions here, I'm going to go with the egg already being hard boiled. If she was masturbating with it and it wasn't hard boiled it almost certainly would have cracked. Also, it is not possible to cook an egg at human body temperature.
Johnny Depp gets it 12 comments
· 11 years ago
True. It's called willful ignorance and smart people are perfectly capable of it. Learning is hard, particularly when it forces you to reconsider what you believe to be true.
A new disney princess 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Do you often sing with wildlife? Does the sun break through clouds when you walk outside? Do you yearn? Do amusing oddball characters tend to gather around you in public? Does some flamboyantly dressed ne'er-do-well wish you harm? These are all signs you may be a Disney Princess. Don't be distressed, you didn't choose the Princess life, the Princess life chose you. Contact the Princess Hotline (dial or text HELPRINCES) for more information.