Just a random chick with too many problems and too few solutions
— bethorien Report User
They can check and balance themselves but then it's..... Still the government 28 comments
· 5 years ago
the government doesn't care about good or evil or cares about order and as close to "smooth sailing" functionality as you can get without disrupting the aforementioned order.
The way this sideways picture of a sunset looks like a satellite image of earth 4 comments
· 5 years ago
If you reaaaaalllllyyy stretch the definition of satellite you could jump while taking the picture and count your downward movement as an orbit making it a picture taken by a satellite as well
2 minutes of fun, 1 hour of suffering 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Most people with lactose intolerance have a sorta thresholds they can stay under and only get like, farts, rather than violent something, for me it's usually puking. The great thing about it being an intolerance rather than an allergy is you can take a dairy digestive and eat a sane amount of dairy within the time frame of the pills and be fine
While the EU worries about plastic straws 9 comments
· 5 years ago
a different flavor of bleh. i wonder how the butts do the harm to the chicks is it just a thing of proximity to it and its like falling apart into the air near them or something?
F r e e C u d d l e s 30 comments
F r e e C u d d l e s 30 comments
· 5 years ago
its just cuddles yo. Here just hug me if you want, im asexual so there aint no way there's going to be any funny business.
251 INR = $3.60 3 comments
· 5 years ago
what bit of indian law allows for this assuming the "phone" was limited to india?
was it a thing of like, pledging to the development of something with no actual promise of a delivered product or a donating to a company in the same way you donate to a patreon or a kickstarter or something?
was it a thing of like, pledging to the development of something with no actual promise of a delivered product or a donating to a company in the same way you donate to a patreon or a kickstarter or something?
Is it that difficult 30 comments
· 5 years ago
doing your part to help during a tragedy doesnt make you a hero it makes you a normal functional member of society. You are making a hella false equivalency in comparing it to knowing when to give advise vs listen as well as making the assumption that people who give thoughts and prayers on facebook do anything to help other than go through the motion of typing on a phone. The actual real world numbers of monetary donations and bodies on the ground show that such isnt true, shows that the majority of people that give "thoughts and prayers" dont do anything else at all.
"oh but at least some of them will also do something" isnt an argument.
people go to facebook to have something to gawk at when they are bored. Thats it. They give thoughts and prayers on something and forget about it 10 minutes later when they see their great aunt carla ate a buffalo burger and turned vegan because of it.
"oh but at least some of them will also do something" isnt an argument.
people go to facebook to have something to gawk at when they are bored. Thats it. They give thoughts and prayers on something and forget about it 10 minutes later when they see their great aunt carla ate a buffalo burger and turned vegan because of it.
Yer a lizard, Mary 6 comments
· 5 years ago
It's been translated 4 (major) times all of which with less quality than the last however all of the ideas in all of what I said had precedent in that time period. That was still when people believed in spontaneous generation, the idea that animal just sorta appeared randomly. Examples being sheep appearing near wild cotton and flies magically appearing from old meat.
Is it that difficult 30 comments
· 5 years ago
There is a very large difference between knowing how human interaction works on a 1 to 1 basis and sending thoughts and prayers about a larger issue. The vast majority of the time in such a case there is something they can do other than gawk at a Facebook post out of boredom and half heartily hit the autofill thoughts and prayers on their phone.
Yeah! Science 6 comments
· 5 years ago
yes yes, we all get the decades old physics joke , modern reinterpretation of an old game meme is the relevant material here.
Yer a lizard, Mary 6 comments
· 5 years ago
the divinity has no sex or gender. There are "masculine" traits in the father and "feminine" traits in the holy spirit however neither have a sex nor do either have a gender. God is neither a male nor a female. Even if you consider the traits of the trinity to give gender, the pregnancy is always connected to the holy spirit which is the feminine trait-ed part of the trinity.
You are also ignoring the fact that her full title is "saint Mary the virgin" or alternatively "mary the bless virgin" which implies no "impregnation."
conception doesn't imply impregnation. Conception only implies that reproduction has happened not that more than one being gave material to the process.
You are also ignoring the fact that her full title is "saint Mary the virgin" or alternatively "mary the bless virgin" which implies no "impregnation."
conception doesn't imply impregnation. Conception only implies that reproduction has happened not that more than one being gave material to the process.
Vodka has basically unlimited potential 6 comments
Vodka has basically unlimited potential 6 comments
· 5 years ago
thats a myth. There isnt any actual heat. It FEELS like heat because your blood vessel and capillaries get wider making it so more blood is in any give spot. The amount that would be required to change the blood's freezing temperate to any helpful level would kill you and thats before even knowing that youll die of hypothermia long before you have to worry about frozen blood.
Edited 5 years ago