
I'm the turd you think is a candy bar.

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Ancient skeleton with the world's oldest gold found near the Black Sea 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
Wow, you know they're royalty when they are buried with a golden penis cap on their dong.
Wallpaper from my New York trip 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 4 years ago
Cool, I just went to NYC in february for my brother's wedding.
We need to all keep our spirits up! 14 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Booze, weed, videogames, pr0n
Squad goals 7 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
they all look like ben solo. One looks like ben solo with a moustache
Love birbs 6 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
How do birds frick?
Easy let's try 8 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
This is why having a child should require a license. Most of the kids would be so much better off, it would reduce overpopulation, eventually, only upstanding citizens would be raising children.
Goodbie Terraria All games have end 3 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Journey's End is just the beginning. I'm so pumped to do a ranger only run when it comes out.
No hair + beard = respect 7 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I was thinking the same thing!
He is friendly 7 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Obi Wan was friendly... Until he had the high ground.
Snap he cracked the code 1 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
After a few dates she'll be like "Wow I'm such a good guesser!"
Cheap ass 3 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Exactly. The absurd markups on products like this should include a service they sell for almost nothing.
Yes, this is HIM! 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I work at the shop that makes their merch. No joke.
Change in action 31 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
But he didn't say that because they're women. He said that because they won more medals than him.
Just in case you're curious 8 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
They missed vitamin R, commonly found in Malk
Stupid people should never ever own pets 2 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Sounds fake. 1-3 cups of salt? that would fill a water bowl by itself. Adding water would be like salt syrup. There's no way a dog would drink that.
A local burger shop started selling these... I have no words 3 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
That looks amazing. I would order two
Local church dance requires brushing your teeth, among other things 9 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Brushing your teeth is always a good idea. Do it, kids.
Give me your best 78 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Can only fill it with a randomized amount.
Give me your best 78 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
But you're blind when you're invisible! (this is actually legit btw, since your eyeballs would be invisible, they wouldn't bounce and reflect light and thus would not enable you to see)
Happy new year, and a happy new decade 3 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
Woah woah spoiler alert! I wanted the end of the year to be a surprise!
Shoes mark the spot 11 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I am also curious about this.
What do you guys think? 4 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
I think that comparing Phoenix' joker to Ledger's joker to Nicholson's joker to Romero's joker is pointless. Each and every one is a product of its time, is a unique representation of the character, and is perfectly valid. There is no "best" joker just like there is no "best" movie or song or book. That said, awesome artwork and tattoo. Morbid too, yeesh.
Bedside Lamp with Bluetooth Speaker and Wireless Charger, Table lamp Desk lamp with Sleep 6 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
First I'm seeing of it. And it is quickly overstaying its welcome.
Chris Farley 12 comments
chocolatefeces · 5 years ago
George Carlin for sure.