Yoda knew 1 comments
· 4 years ago
If Yoda said this, it would be a question rather than a statement
Yes 33 comments
· 4 years ago
Women date men...
Transwomen should date transmen...
Was that hard enough?
Transwomen should date transmen...
Was that hard enough?
If this isn’t you it is someone you know 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Won't lack of police embolden the criminals?? And how long will it take for Mafia to control the cities?
Brexit 8 comments
· 4 years ago
This is like... What's there to live for... And the call for euthanizing him...
Show me your (predictive text game for the truly bored) 55 comments
· 4 years ago
Please, show me your address book to ensure that the clothes are checked for the next day
So tell me what you want, what you rilly rilly want 11 comments
· 4 years ago
For the last time, Jeff Bezos net worth is based on stock value, his actual Cash/Asset in Hand would be wayyyy different
Warn wherever possible 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I don't get the dynamics..
China has banned a lot of social media sites..
And the same sites do not let people in other countries criticize China..
Edited 4 years ago
China has banned a lot of social media sites..
And the same sites do not let people in other countries criticize China..
You may be entitled to zero financial compensation! 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Yes, you cannot go inside a store without social distancing..
but you can gather in thousands for a protest... Corona is PC
but you can gather in thousands for a protest... Corona is PC
soon 4 comments
Keep pouring..., 4 comments
· 4 years ago
Don't remind me of this show...
This sucked at the end so bad that nobody re-watched it in the entire ongoing curfew... Worldwide... Wthhh
This sucked at the end so bad that nobody re-watched it in the entire ongoing curfew... Worldwide... Wthhh
I give you 2020 folks 2 comments
Rip My Life Into Pieces @veg_ink_art 4 comments
Can't wait for valentine's 7 comments
India 2 comments
Two sides to divorce rates 13 comments
· 4 years ago
Divorce rates were low in the past bcz ppl knew what they were getting into.. and knew that an emotional outburst of a person does not define that person..
Its not the same anymore, a lot of us are influenced by movies and dreamy characters who have well written scripts but the real life is not the same at all..
And the physical abuse thing, yeah those ones need to get separated for sure..
Its not the same anymore, a lot of us are influenced by movies and dreamy characters who have well written scripts but the real life is not the same at all..
And the physical abuse thing, yeah those ones need to get separated for sure..