
Old Picture of Melania Trump Graduating Harvard University - Class of 1988 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Have you ever noticed how a lot of memes and comments on those meme "copy" previous ones because there are some sayings and references that are just appropriate to the time?
If Disney Movies... 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
OP, like most teenagers, doesn't know what "random" means. If the word were random, it would be chosen without any connection to the content of the movie.
Journalist wants "nerds" to go back to being scared and reclusive because... 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
...and do something rational, like hit a small ball around a large grass course 18 times, or play a game where you kill pretend undead people,on your TV, or put a few thousand dollars into more decorations for your car, or spin your own thread from flax.
I think this speaks for itself 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's so beautiful how they naturally get along. I wonder how long until the parents of the child on the right tell him to blame all his problems on the family of the child on the left, and the "woke" parents of the child on the left accept it and in fact blame themselves even worse.
best line ever 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Of course it's ridiculous to think that someone would want to marry a pet. Same with three or more people wanting to engage in some kind of a group marriage. But then Again, at one time it was ridiculous to think that two men or two women would want to marry.
Riots in Baltimore explained 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The point of the post still holds: after all that crap, it wasn't "white peole's" fault. The "Black Community" needs to hold its members accountable for committing crimes and for those in positions of power to exercise that power responsibly and correctly. If it's us vs. them, the Line should be drawn at good/evil, not along color limes.
This should probably be a law 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Unfortunately, there is no logo for the unions (which use members' dues to support candidates whether or not The dues paying members support those candidates at all), or for hedge funds like George Soros' or for political graft laundering organizations like the Clinton Foundation.
Smile, You're A Dad Now 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That s so cool...."money from the government!" At least it doesn't have to come out of the pockets of everyone else.
Know your history kids! 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Pink Floyd's album The Wall also dealt with the futility of all the rote learning in school...which is where you autonomatons pick up your "conservatives are Nazis" and "Republicans are against immigrants" falsehoods.
Sometimes life throws you a curveball 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The cool thing is, because you're both straight, you can trade BJs just for research purposes. No homo.
Patrick the rescued pit bull 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The following is what happened and what happens later...IN MY MIND:
The former owner is a drug dealing criminal, who only kept a pit bull for protection and because it's fashionably intimidating. But, after tiring of the responsibility of caring for the dog, he just left it tied to a railing until it collapsed and someone else from the building stuffed it down the garbage chute.

A couple years later, the mom and kids from the family who recused him are walking on the sidewalk. It's dark when they're returning from the evening's school event. Who should stagger out of the shadows, holding a knife, looking for some easy money...the pit bull remembers that manner of walking....remembers the scent...and recalls the hatred, but recoils in the recollection of the fear it had of him. But then, the man grabs the arm of one of the children. The Children! The pups of his "pack!" No fear; no intimidation; just fangs, and rage, and Justice.
Sparta 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Amount of whining about The Patriarchy by Spartan women: 0.
I have to admit 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Great guess, poke. You got one of the others. My all star dads are Red Foreman, Hank Hill, Mike Brady and Atticus Finch. Mike Brady scolded his kids when they did dumb stuff, but if they LEARNED THE LESSON that was all he really wanted out of the situation.

Anything I have in common with Al Bundy is coincidental and not on purpose.

Jim Belushi almost made the team, btw. His dad methods are good, but his husbanding is questionable.
The Poképledge 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you don't want Pokemon Go players coming on your property, don't put game elements like Pokestops or Gyms on your property. It seems reasonable to want people to be respectful of your monument, church or cemetery, but if you don't want people going there at all, don't put "lures" there to attract players, or ask that those things be removed. There must be a way, because one of my favorite church parking lots, with a stop and a gym, now has nothing. So, I never go there now...congratulations, you got what you wanted. For me, if someone levels up that is to the gym battle next to my grave (distant future I hope) then thanks for visiting me.
I can't believe anyone takes Trump seriously 29 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I love how it's shown that Trump was talking about US corporate tax rates, and this post took statements out of context to *look* like he was mistaken or lying. But the anti-Trump zealots don't ever think to,wonder if more of the stuff they've been fed disparaging Trump is also wrong and misrepresented. They only accept what confirms what they already want to believe, and reject anything counter to that.
Metric master race 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yup, so why are YOU on such a high horse then?
I have to admit 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Red Foreman does not dislike people. He dislikes stupid people and not-quite-stupid people who do dumbass things. Also dislikes dishonesty and disloyalty. He also has a fairly high bar for not being in those categories. Red Foreman is one of the four TV dads on whom I've modeled my parenting.
The egg that saves its own life. Evolution at work 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
By evolution....or by design.
Cracks me up every time 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She's unfunny and unattractive...why insult the size of her mouth? Why even go,to,see her perform?

Wait a sec...was he a plant, so she could,appear to have a snappy comeback?
Say what you want but I think this is cute 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Photos cover critical indicator lights.
Driver continues without knowing that light is on.
Engine seizes up at speed; result is a horrific crash...
Apparently this is a new form of exercise 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Might as well knit while doing something that might cause me to,trip if I'm not paying close enough attention.

But also, if another person does the same thing, he can say, "What up, my knittah?"
Just straight to the point 44 comments
guest · 6 years ago
lovers fries: Where on earth did you get the idea that Obama reduced the deficit? In his two,terms it increased more than under any other president.
Thanks to all the fragile people 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Actually, the PC Police support that very thing, remember? People just use the restroom of the gender they identify with. Forget how uncomfortable some children or "regular" people feel, as long as a transgender person isn't made to feel bad.
0-100 real quick 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Have none of you idiots noticed that there HAVE been school shootings in Europe, along with terrorist bombings? You need to,get some news other than from memes.
Feels 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So....your desire to have her here with you is tying her to the present earthly reality, and not allowing her to go to eternal bliss? Ya selfish bastard.
Lip difference 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You guys missed the last outrage: "They made non-representative black dolls that were just white ones but colored black."

WTF you fv(k-wits want?
Which way is it? 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
mac = Mac And Cheese
What have we become 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Most of the complaints and derision are coming FROM the younger folks. I still don't know what a fortnite dance is, just that it is derided by some of the people in the generation that has others of the same age doing it.
Kill 'em with kindness 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Then the old guy pays with cash, and a REALLY old guy tells him to,quit using that "fancy folding money," and pays for HIS coffee by trading two eggs and four minutes of sweeping the floor with a broom.
Wait a minute 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, they are superiorly on welfare, and superiorly have quotas so a few can get jobs, and superiorly get preferential,treatment for college admissions and scholarships.
A haircut for you 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Plot twist: because they look less pathetic, people,give them less money.
No way 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because then the episode would be about SLJ's cameo, not the plot or characters of the show.
Take me to your tweeter. 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Too bad you were so far from an intelligent response.
Take me to your tweeter. 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The part you don't realize is that Trump may be our president, but he's not our leader. You'd need to take the alien to whichever celebrity everyone follows and mimics regardless of the inanity and lack of coherence of their views. Like, some of the people who were adamant about investigating Kavanaugh for a crime that the supposed victim didn't bring our for decades, and then her story had all kinds of holes and inconsistencies in it, but also defend serial sexual assaulter Bill Clinton. THOSE are actually our "leaders."
4th-grade class dared officer to take their math test too 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Masters degree in mechanical engineering here. You'd think I'd have no trouble helping my kids with their homework,right? Well, it seems like every 20 years they change the terminology. What I recall as quotient, numerator and denominator are dividend, divisor and someone else. When the problem says to identify the smargleflargle, I have no idea what's going on, and I took an entire course in complex math (I.e., used the square root of negative one). Set me up with a word problem and I can figure it out, but maybe not the exact way that's being taught. But throw in some terminology that doesn't define the problem in vocabulary that means anything to me, and I need to,read the whole fricken' chapter to learn the new words. On a test, I'd be lost.
Relieving good memories 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Now if we could get a release for the men serving prison time for a rape they didn't commit...

But, always believe the survivor, even if she's lying about what she "survived."
U ok hun? 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My company has an antis-stress initiative. Most of everyone's stress comes FROM our work, inadequate staffing, and then throwing people at a program so late that it appears to have the right number of people but the new ones aren't trained.

We also had a "get up and walk away from your desk at 4:00" day, mirroring a national day by that name or something similar. Of course, the work doesn't go away. There was also a "half day" thing where, for our own mental health, we were supposed to take a half day off. But, unless you used a half day of vacation time, you had to pay (I think $60) to do so. Wtf?

Apparently, saying the right things is what counts.
That's actually pretty clever 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Realizing that Bill Clinton is in charge of the Clinton Foundation "charity" money, you get to see how this applies to a KNOWN sexual predator and not someone who gets accused of such because it's the favorite smear of the times.
More drama from USA 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Remember when Obama said he'd visited all 57 states? And when he kept pronouncing "Marine Corps" as "Marine Corpse?"

Yeah, that Trump is a dope.
Whip it real good! 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also, after awhile, girl: "Holy fcuk! It's getting hard and I don't want it to. WTH?"
True love 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What he finds out when he dies in the distant future: had he not lost all that weight, he'd have died,of a heart attack in14 was his wife who saved *him*.
Frenchman saves American couple from scammer in Paris 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Always ALWAYS be on your guard when someone is sticking something in front of your face. This is a classic ruse.
Racists 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Haven't you heard? Anyone with views that aren't approved by The Left is a racist, a Nazi, or both. For example, if you're white and move into a predominantly black area, it's the detested "gentrification." If you move out, it's "white flight." If you you point out the irony in a "black only" graduation ceremony or meeting or activity, that's racist. If you propose to exclude anyone *other* than whites, thats racist as well. If you find some practice or activity of another culture to be interesting or useful or enjoyable, that's cultural appropriation. If you shun doing so, that's exclusionary...both racist activities.

Then, an especially cool thing is that once you define a person or group as racist or Nazi, you're justified in using violence against them! How convenient!
I can't be the only one who see this 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why does "justice" have to result in equal outcomes (the height of each after equalizing by the boxes)? It seems like the people pushing that attitude are also the ones who complain the most about group projects where everyone gets the same grade regardless of quality or quantity of input.
This ambidextrous sofa. The largest shape that can fit around right corners in a hallway 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Or you could move the sofa upright to go around corners, and have a normal sofa.
Ohh the 90s 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, that damn Trump.

Oh, wait...
Hidden gem 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Mom's got a nice rack.
He's called 16 year old 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
His real name be Dontravius or LeJaMarcus or some stih like dat.
Don't hitchhike in Merica 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Did you see the video,of his last moments? I guess it's too,racist to show widely.
How the Japanese (and everyone) view Canadians. I'm not entirely convinced they're wrong 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Remember that post that listed all the baseball player a Japanese game designer perceived them...from an old baseball computer game? My favorite was Sleve McDichael.