America, boldly facing issues no one else even thought of 28 comments
· 9 years ago
The pizza shop is exercising their right not to serve to people they choose. Let them be. Go get pizza somewhere else, exercise your right to choose what establishment is for you. No one is forcing the gay community to eat at that specific location.
Sometimes, just a simple action will soothe us 12 comments
Obama needs to hold the ceremony at the White House 21 comments
· 9 years ago
If you watch tomysoto mayor's reasoning behind her actions. You will have a different opinion :). Youtube his channel to see his explanation.
Robert downey jr 7 comments
· 9 years ago
People dick ride this guy so much. He is the sole reason I refuse to watch Iron man lol :)
This needs to be a thing here in the US 19 comments
The difference between Mayweather and Pacquiao 22 comments
That's when you know she's a keeper 5 comments
Doing yoga together... 12 comments
Pot legalization's unintended side effect 1 comments
Ask them what is nirvanna 41 comments
· 10 years ago
Nirvana was my favorite artist/singer until he killed himself with a cocaine overdose.
Quit Smoking 9 comments
· 10 years ago
You sound exactly like commercials where they have to speak thru a tube and end up dying of cancer. If you feel you lost a good friend. You deserve to die, you idiot. It's called a general warning label.
Doing yoga together... 12 comments
Worth it. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
That is actual graffiti you dumb ass. Just a really appealing type of graffiti.
Strawberry 20 comments
My friend drunk-texted me this last night 1 comments
Mmmhmm does it look like I care 12 comments
Hairy alpaca 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Idk what looks weirder. The llama or the anorexic giraffe next to the llama herder.
For the anatomically correct lovers 8 comments
I thought I had something going for me 28 comments
How much everything at McDonald's costs to make 19 comments
· 10 years ago
It's like this for all companies , it is not worth selling if they cant make 3 times what it costs
Super-bunny 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Those are just water leaves, they have no amount of THC in them. This will do nothing to your rabbits.
It Was a Big Surprise 14 comments
Cat shaming: Drug edition 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I thought the sign was gong to say, "I ripped open my owners weed stash and now I'm on punishment."
My six year old daughter is great at multitasking 11 comments
· 11 years ago
The baby is actually at risk for aspiration. You may find it funny, put the phone down be a parent, or tell your daughter to stop. Really ignorant parents looking for likes instead of actually caring for their children.
Sweet friends 20 comments
· 11 years ago
One guy is holding a drink for her, when in fact the only thirsty one, are all 3 of these guys
The good thing about Friends. 13 comments
· 11 years ago
You are also a 35 year old woman with no real friends besides the boxed dvd set
Stairs of learning 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Little did he know, those were just stairs. The stairs of learning where in the next hallway.
How guys look around girls 6 comments
Everyone is squidward 3 comments
· 11 years ago
What if Spongebob was specially created for the 90's generation. Letting us appreciate the innocence of Spongebob's antics and rejecting Squidward's actions. Only to find out as soon as we actually got a job and got to work with someone like Spongebob: that we were exactly like him. Idk just my opinion I'm a guest, it won't really matter xDD