Olds spice 1 Taco Bell 0 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Old spice PPPPPOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEEERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #Terry Crews
How I asked my mom if dinner was ready 1 comments
Tsunami evacuation pod for sale in a Japanese department store. DBZ anyone? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
If I sat in one during a hurricane a might end up in space. IT'S JUST AWESOME THOUGH. Who could turn it down?
pretty accurate I guess 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh my god. My life is now dead along with almost every other childhood memories I had before this website. Thanks, Funsubstance.
Racism is taught, not something you are born with 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I didn't think we were that bad... 55 comments
· 10 years ago
Yea, anyone else heard of "southern hospitality" or a "southern gentlemen" sadly though, that has been forgotten, and nobody i know does that anymore
I didn't think we were that bad... 55 comments
· 10 years ago
Sadly though, a lot of Americans hate Mexicans, i do not, but for some reason, everytime a mass immigration to the US happens, we pick on the new ones, happened with the Italians, Irish, an now the Mexicans
I didn't think we were that bad... 55 comments
· 10 years ago
I will try to answer some of these (im american)
2) obese: economy sucks, and eating healthy and living healthy is expensive
3) Rude: depends on where you go, it seems that if you are polite in the southeast people are nice (usually) every where else, people are just mean
5) flags backwards: on the arm (where the flag is), if the flag is normal, it looks like we are retreating in a way, so we flip to look like we are not
Those are the best explanations for the questions i know the answer to
2) obese: economy sucks, and eating healthy and living healthy is expensive
3) Rude: depends on where you go, it seems that if you are polite in the southeast people are nice (usually) every where else, people are just mean
5) flags backwards: on the arm (where the flag is), if the flag is normal, it looks like we are retreating in a way, so we flip to look like we are not
Those are the best explanations for the questions i know the answer to
Bullet controll 18 comments
· 10 years ago
The guests are right, and taking guns away does nothing either, criminals already get thier guns illegally, what is going to stop them?
Because the other way is too mainstream 16 comments
*shivers from truth* 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Anyone see " you shall not pass motherfuckers?" Is that the samuel L. Jackson form of the meme?
A beautiful secret you can see from the sky 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I usually dont like reading the inspiring or emotional posts, but this one, this one is good
Long Tumblr post, but it's very funny! 27 comments
America is pretty spot on 154 comments
The weirdest thing to bring to a concert 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Hold up... Who had the time to look up that calculator, only from the picture, just to put a copy of it in the corner of the post? That is either commitment or too much time on their hands
Acne doesn't matter 9 comments
She's beautiful :) 23 comments
· 11 years ago
I hate this. When you give these people special treatment. If they are normal people, then treat them like normal people.
No legacy is so rich as honesty 3 comments
A three-storey treehouse in the woods 8 comments
Healthcare should be free 39 comments
· 11 years ago
You idiot! If you keep watching the scene turns into a joke they say later that paying for healthcare is communism. If healthcare is free, then we take a huge step towards communism, and a huge step away from America. So no, healthcare should not be free, and the government should stay out of our personal loves, thank you.
Faith in humanity still the same 2 comments
Just imagine it 14 comments
· 11 years ago
imagine a world and swords, where guns were never invented just kept geting cooler. and cooler