

— Ewqua Report User
Be very afraid 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Actually Quilboars.
"Pizza Literally = Oppression" 27 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Well, yeah, exactly. Not sure why I got downvoted when we're basically in agreement here. I just pointed out that the reason for this tribe being underdevelopped isn't solely because it's led by women but actually mostly because of Africa's climat conditions. Any society which privileges one group and oppresses another is wrong.
"Pizza Literally = Oppression" 27 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Female dominated society =/= living in primitive huts. This is just an example of a primitive society that happens to be female dominated. That doesn't mean that if women were in control, we'd all be living in huts (I made a rant about the conditions for successful evolution of society a while ago, scroll up if you want to read it). Feminazis are just misandrists, just like people who actually identify as meninists (yes they exist even though meninism was originally a joke/troll) are just misogynists. Normal women and normal men should be able to work together to help develop society even further. I actually think that denying women power and education in the past is what slowed down humanity's progress by a great deal. Denying anyone education slows progress, obviously.
"Pizza Literally = Oppression" 27 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
"This is why you have malaria and I have pizza." No, no, no. You're implying that matriarchal societies are underdevelopped because they are lead by women. That is so wrong. I once saw this post on another website and 99% of the comments were literally "Women are incapable of leading and generally inferior to men that's why these particular tribespeople are still living in huts and if they were led by men it'd be better. Meninism rulez." Soooo wrong. First of all, the climatic conditions in Africa are not exactly perfect breeding grounds for culture. It's literally a big fucking desert and the only material for building shelters is elephant shit. They have to live with what they have. Secondly, for every underdevelopped matriarchal society there's 10 patriarchal ones, tribes that are just as primitive, if not more. Thirdly, some tribes actually decided to live like this instead of a modern life, because they see it a simple life. Honestly, I can't blame them.
19 · Edited 8 years ago
Harsh realities of life 72 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
"Millenials". No. It's about personality, not age. People blaming every problem on "this or that generation" are really starting to piss me off.
Savage 2 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Maxthon master race.
(Edge is actually pretty good though.)
· Edited 8 years ago
Some lines you have to take the chance to use while you're still young 5 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
And don't forget about countries like Australia who make their money out of dead processed dinosaurs, AKA plastic.
Looks like the heavy metal dudes got a new job 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Because you're woooorrggghhhrrrt it.
Dragon Size Comparison 11 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
According to which lore?
6 · Edited 8 years ago
The only character in Simpsons with 5 Fingers 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Because their creators are humans. *mind blown*
For the hoes 8 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Edge is pretty good indeed but after the latest update it started crashing. I know this isn't an IT forum but you guys also having trouble with update changes or is it just me?
Flirting game 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Better get some Aloe for dat burn!
A quarter of her next album at the most? 10 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
You left out hatred towards Katy. Boyfriends and hatred towards Katy is what made her last album. Anyway her music is catchy but as to what concerns the contents of her song, I think it's trash just like Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2. (Hope you got the reference)
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
"You have a substance problem?" *Descartes approves*
I have nothing meaningful to add, just wanted to make a joke.
Or maybe I do, meninism is indeed a joke/troll, however some people take it too seriously and actually identify as meninists. The meninist tweet account is one big troll and basically posts jokes, however on a website I cannot name because fs automatically deletes it when you name another fun website, there are people who actually identify as meninists and unironically proclaim that women are inferior. Of course they're just barbaric misogynists, the same way third wave feminism has basically become misandry.
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Sorry for that then, it seemed like obvious sarcasm. I suppose I'm hanging out with too many sarcastic people. Have you read the article by the way?
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
You're clearly not getting the point.
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Brendon_stump just posted it. Apparenty she did tell them about the health defects, or at least that walking all day in heels would hurt her, they still told her to go to hell. She also asked how would wearing formal flat shoes impair her work productivity, and they weren't able to answer her. I think she was quite nice and smart about it and they still told her to go f herself.
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
I understand that company dress code is a thing, but high heels ruin your feet pretty effectively, so it's quite obvious that she's more concerned about her health than some ridiculous dress code.
This Is Why We Need Feminism! 36 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Suits in summer = hot. It is indeed uncomfortable but you can improve that by drinking cold water, besides most companies have AC in their buildings anyway, if they don't they're considered quite unprofessional. Heels = feet hurt and can damage your bone and joints when worn everyday. It really is not the same thing. Besides, flat black shoes can also look formal without hurting your feet, and formal shoes like oxfords and brogues also exist for females.
18 · Edited 8 years ago
May I have this dance? 10 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
You can add Dorian from Dragon Age: Inquisition on that list.
Dad? Since when did you start working there? 4 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Do or do not, there is no try.
The church of the crazy chicken 8 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Now we know what came first – the Holy Chicken
Would actually be awesome to stay in one of these with friends 10 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
20 people but just 10 rooms...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Night blogging, not even once 6 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Is that Hatoful boyfriend...
Arm p*rn! 22 comments
ewqua · 8 years ago
Yeah I mean Black Widow's latex suit and ridiculous butt-showing poses are okay, but this isn't because how dare they objectify men. Honestly I'm not a feminist, I actually think that modern feminism has gone to crap with all the wage gap and rape culture stuff, but the objectification in the movie and video game industry is just ridiculous, because it even goes against itself sometimes like giving characters armor that looks absolutely unusable in actual battle and making poses that make the character look like she can't fight for shit.
· Edited 8 years ago