

— Ewqua Report User
Well that escalated quickly 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
If murder and cannibalism weren't frowned upon, I'm pretty sure this would happen to any anti-feminists on a feminist rally.
Cartoon gets real 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
YW but hopefully someone will provide a more accurate one. I've really seen just a couple episodes.
· Edited 7 years ago
Cartoon gets real 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I thought they were bunny ears. Since, ya know, the world of the series is inhabited by humans and humanoid animals.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Lol I actually don't watch CNN because I know they're biased as fuck.
Again, Hillary isn't ideal. But Trump is a terrible person AND we have no idea where he actually stands on different issues because he flip floped on them a million times and has no political history whatsoever. His opinions are what happens when you push "randomize" on a character creation screen in an RPG.
Cartoon gets real 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I've watched only a few episodes of this show but I think he means that people "love" him cause he's famous, they love being around him as fans and admiring him because he's a celebrity but nobody likes him in his personal life. But I haven't watched this exact episode so I'm not sure.
Or when your sisters use your tampons 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I agree, premature judgments are off more often than not, but if you know all the details then by all means, judge how much you want.
You didn't, but the post implies that it is the most common way of thinking, which is true.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
See, here's the problem. Yes, Hillary made pretty bad decisions and stood for bad things. But how do we know Trump won't be the same? He was never in politics before, and his opinions on for example NAFTA and TPP which he now claims he opposes were never documented. Maybe he wanted those deals but he had no political power and no media coverage of his political opinions, so we can't know. There was a case when they dug out one of his old interviews in which he says he supports the intervention in Lybia. Being the notorious liar he is, he denied it when they asked him about it. So we could assume that he was for the other bad stuff as well, but we can't because there's no proof. With Hillary, you've got proof of her political life. With Trump, you don't. You only have proof of his failed, bankrupt businesses, his frauds like Trump University and Trump Foundation, his scandals like underpaying/not paying his workers… but the media didn't give those much attention.
So chill 5 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yol toor shul!
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That is unsettling. But if I understand correctly it happened only with one of his speeches, so that doesn't sound like that big of a deal? Depends if they did it on multiple occasions or just this one time. After all, putting things out of context is quite common practice in the media.
Or when your sisters use your tampons 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Unless you watch someone's entire day, you don't know if their reason is legitimate. It might be, it might not, but judging before you know the details is what makes many people even more upset.
That is true, being in constant pain does not improve your mood. But hormones are so random they could make you happier while on your period. Personally I'm sometimes more extroverted and active in conversations and sometimes the exact opposite with a pinch of depression. It really depends and hormones can easily override the discomfort. So saying that the rule is "period = angry" is just factually wrong and stems from some outdated stereotype (maybe it's just me and the rest of the female population is angry, idk but I doubt that)
Dedicated to revenge 9 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I thought it was the Mystery Van for a second.
Or when your sisters use your tampons 13 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
50/50 chance but still it's delegitimizing one's reasons for being upset. Why does nobody ever ask guys that? Guys also have a hormone cycle that makes them more emotional at times, the only difference is that you can't track it cause there's no blood or pain.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I think they're still a bit pro-Russian but yeah, they are one of the least biased networks out there. Also, I forgot to mention that FOX news was a pretty big news network before the Roger Ailes affair, and they were very biased.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Also, if you wanna lighten up a bit, look up conservapedia and its entries on things like Global Warming or Obamacare or even Donald Trump. It's hilarious.
Edit: there are so many Jacob Schaffers on facebook, which one is the right one?
· Edited 7 years ago
Housework can save your marriage 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@jayse yeah exactly, I'm a woman who was also taught basic maintenance but it's not like I'll fix a washing machine when it breaks. Guest just didn't interpret our comments right, it seems.
Article in comments 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@geluregis well isn't that kinda happening with so many celebrities dying, terrorist attacks and riots happening all around the world? (Of course I exaggerated it, it's not like 90% of the globe will die in 2016, but I'm sure you can see where I was going with it.)
@britishclusterfuck Hahaha yes, Bernie for the win.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@isuck479 I watch Secular Talk, he's the most unbiased guy I know, he's independent so he doesn't go with the mainstream media, and he hates both Trump and Hillary so I know he's not trying to defend anyone (but of course I don't trust him 100%, you gotta keep critical thinking on at all times). I also sometimes watch/listen to BBC news, RT, Al Jazeera and TYT, because I know each is biased in another direction and I think it's important to take into consideration multiple points of view.
@funsubstanceuser raises a good point, news channels like CNN are definitely pro-Hillary and try to make Trump look bad, but the same (if not worse) happens with for example Breitbart. They portray Clinton as a mentally and physically ill monster, and sometimes even chime in with a bit of religious Alex Jones-y ramblings like "She's the devil!" which of course is just ridiculous.
I'm gonna look up the guy but I'm fairly certain that for example Trump's 2nd amendment quote was legit and not an edit.
Housework can save your marriage 21 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@guest I literally wrote that you should either share or establish roles that suit both, and jayse agreed. So re-read the previous two comments please, and stop blaming us for things we didn't say.
Article in comments 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I swear to God 2016 is a fucking season finale. Weird twists, people dying, world divided by different opinions so much that some would literally go to war… hopefully the next season will be better.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@supernovamike 95% of his appeal was "I'm not a politician" so yeah, he won the race BECAUSE he's ignorant about politics.
@funsubstanceuser haha yeah, and not even that if you look a his bankrupcy history.
@isuck479 Oh, really? I'm honestly interested in watching that, would you post a link? Because it honestly seems unlikely they'd do that as the things Trump says make up for scandals on their own, I don't think he needs extra editing (I get my information from independent sources so there's no CNN bias rubbed on me hopefully).
Oops 20 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I read they're still not pressing charges but yeah she does have a ton of dirt on her.
Oops 20 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Thanks yo. I hate having discussions with people who just throw around WikiLeaks like a buzzword without really knowing much about them, and then fail to comply when I ask them for proof. Despite being European I watched the US election pretty closely and only remember that the DNC rigged the primaries in favor of Hillary over Bernie. And I remember reading in the news that the FBI didn't really find anything interesting in the emails that have surfaced recently, so I assumed that the whole "she's gonna rig it" was just Trump fearmongering and his supporters believing it.
Oops 20 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Googling it only shows that she rigged the primaries, which is what I was talking about. I have watched videos covering the dirt that was in the emails in detail, and this wasn't there (and the dude who made the videos voted for Jill Stein so no it was not pro-Hillary biased). I'd like proof, mate. Because most of what Trumpets were saying about her rigging the election were Alex Jones style conspiracy theories.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
No wait, that is wrong. Trump did change one thing: America went from "a powerful and fairly respected country" to "the butt of all jokes and a 'yuuuge' joke itself" practically overnight.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I, for one, am not really afraid of Trump anymore. I'd prefer Clinton because she is less crazy, but I have realized that Trump is far too incompetent and far too ignorant about politics to actually know how to do anything, pass bills and so on. Plus, he's done things that made both the democrats and the republicans hate him. The Congress will override his every proposition, and they will unite against him so that he can't veto them.
I actually feel sorry for the people who thought that Trump will bring change. He ain't gonna change shit, simply because he has zero understanding of politics. The establishment, the Mexicans, the gays and the minorities are still going to be there, whoops.
I'm only afraid that the racist, sexist and homophobic portion of his supporters will start thinking it's totally fine to oppress and demean other people because Trump himself is an example of that.
4 · Edited 7 years ago