

— Ewqua Report User
There you go 1 2 3 4 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I'm upvoting ya because I dislike it when people just blindly downvote someone without justification :) we might disagree on stuff but I'm not gonna downvote you or ever tell you to stop using your free speech right
1 · Edited 7 years ago
There you go 1 2 3 4 31 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Thanks for the tag yo, I'll check it out but I left a comment for you in the other thread, please read it.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Oh and also yes, Sharia law is fucking stupid and goes against basic human rights, but I think that's more about the society than the religion. You got anti-gay verses in the Bible as well but as a society we've developed past that, they haven't.
I mean even Dubai's legal system is based off Sharia, if I remember correctly there was a case with a woman being prosecuted for "extra marital sex" because she was raped…
But I'd like to point out that it was the Christian West who started a crusade against the Middle East because their religion was different. It was the western folk who were backwards and fundamentalist back then, and by setting their cities on fire we've basically destroyed the eastern folk's knowledge and culture and made their societal progress stagnate. If you meet a Muslim in the West today they're normal people because they adapted to our society, but the Middle East is a different story.
Also look at Israel and Palestine.
It's not the religion, it's the society.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's because Christianity is basically a fanfiction of Judaism (based on a line in the Old Testament that foretold the coming of a savior) and Islam is a fanfiction of Christianity (based on a rumor that Jesus wasn't the son of God, just a prophet like Muhammad). All three were born in the Middle East, which is why these stories got around so fast. Don't you think that if this God existed, a number of similar monotheistic religions would appear all around the world?
Now I don't want to sound mean but using the same argumentation as you just did, I could say that the same/similar pantheon of gods was worshipped by both the Ancient Greeks and the Romans, which proves they're real. But we all know that's not true because the Romans basically ripped off the greek gods and conveniently renamed them. I could present the same "proof" with Nordic and Icelandic gods, or Slavic paganism, but of course I'd be laughed at. Do you see where I'm coming from?
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Also, "gender roles can be good"? Once again I must laugh. So good not to give people a choice in the matter and force them to do certain things because they were born with certain genitals.
I don't think you've grasped what gender roles mean. Woman provider and man caretaker goes against traditional gender roles. It's a good example of establishing roles within the household, but if we were living in a world with prevalent gender roles, it'd be unacceptable. Gender roles stem from gender stereotypes, and while it's not inherently bad for a woman to stay at home and let the man work, what matters is the choice and consenzus between the two. Want to earn money and want your partner to stay at home or vice versa? Ok. Want to share chores and both go to work? Ok. Many people get the notion that only the sharing chores option is the egalitarian one, but I disagree. Any of these are okay as long as both parties agree and neither is forced to give anything up to do what their partner wants.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@isuck479 I'm not. Downvoting the one I'm debating goes against my morals. Islam is "10 times worse" than Christianity? Hahaha. Also when exactly did I defend Islam? By saying that banning all Muslims is stupid? Yeah, fighting against religious discrimination makes me such a bad person.
Religion is just made up stories, no religion is better or worse than any other because it's fictional. Unless you want to compare religions like fiction books (which they stem from) in which case Christianity, Judaism and Islam are the worst because their god is a Mary Sue.
Stereotyping an entire group of people is discrimination, such as if I said that ALL Christians are dumb fundamentalists. But I used the example of a stereotypical fundamentalist's mindset to illustrate a point, and that is not stereotyping all Christians, just pointing out that fundamentalists are backwards people, which they are.
I personally have no problem with people being religious, only with fundamentalists.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Whoa you guys, you just went full triggered. I like how pokethebear probably didn't even read the whole thing, just saw that one part and got offended. No I don't have anything against Christian males, I was only using the stereotype of a fundamentalist Christian as a parabole, and I said boy because fundamentalist Christians are still riding on the waves of typical gender roles and pushing female inferiority.
Also, downvoting your opponent while in a discussion with them is really weak.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
7: yeah, the Saudis are bitches and I'd agree with him on that. The question is if he's actually gonna do it because it'd probably impact the economy a lot.
8: small and big businesses alike. He doesn't care about small businesses, he wants millionaires like himself get even richer.
9: we'll see how that goes.
He also:
Is pro-life.
Supports torture and says we should do worse than waterboarding.
Supports killing civilians in the Middle East.
Wants to ban all Muslims from entering the country.
Wants to get rid of all undocumented immigrants (although he's backing out of this one).
Wants to dissolve NATO.
Wants to continue the war on drugs.
Seriously, being pro-Trump because you hate Hillary is understandable, but saying he's actually good? You'd have to be a brainwashed Christian boy to have that mindset.
And about the video: yes, Clinton is a liar. We all know that. But if you do a fact check on any of the debates, you'll know that Trump lies more, but he can sell it.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Points 1 & 2: he outsourced his own jobs to get more money. Do you really trust that he'll be different as president just because he says it?
3: again, he said that but now that he's president he's softening and backing down from most (if not all) of his promises including TPP.
4: can't argue with that but I'm sure Clinton would've done the same, she did say that NAFTA was a bad deal and apologized for supporting it in the past. Also we don't know if Trump was for or against it when it was introduced because we have only his word.
5: if you google "trump military budget" or something along those lines, it will show you articles from a ton of websites (some of them being biased, some neutral) saying he wants to increase it and that he flip floped about it.
6: which is why I'm afraid of his presidency. Teaming up with a bully like Putin might get very bad for Europe. Hillary would keep the cold war status quo and keep Putin in line, Trump will let him get away with bullying Europe.
Me too prof.... Me too 1 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
My college prof yesterday: "It's almost 19:45 (class is supposed to end at 19:50)... I'll let you go because we've discussed everything we needed for today, and I'm hungry."
Another college prof two days ago: "You were supposed to be in groups of two for this assignment, but if there's there of you, just write it a bit longer."
And we're the best university in the country by academic quality.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
There's somethings wrong with the system 36 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
^ this. I hate it when someone I'm debating downvotes my every comment to make themselves feel better. Debates and discussions should always be civil and calm without any hate but some people just can't grasp that and even resort to ad hominem attacks when they run out of arguments which is quite infuriating.
· Edited 7 years ago
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
^ 100% agreed.
I'm exhausted though so I'll gladly elaborate in the morning.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Oh, then do you have ADHD? You often stray from the point and miss some stuff, no offense but it's making it kinda hard to discuss stuff with you.
Her policies, mostly. Looking at it pure policy-wise, she'd be a million times better. Trump just has crazy ideas that he's not even going to implement anyway because he's totally incompetent and ignorant in politics.
But that may be a good thing, though. I mean, almost everyone in the government already hates him, half of the population hates him, and the other half that doesn't will start hating him once they realize he's not in fact going to do the crazy shit he promised them. He's already going back at his promises and turning even more pro-establishment than Clinton ever was. Maybe he's going to unite everyone against him. I'd definitely like to see that.
There's somethings wrong with the system 36 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@nerdsarecool1212 and @keepsake make a good point. The war on drugs is just making the situation worse and is resulting in high incarceration rates for non-violent drug offenders (although Obama is releasing them which is great). Rapists, murderers and whatever else you named do deserve to be in prison, and people who committed a crime like theft or violence because of drugs should also get a punishment along with rehab, but throwing someone in jail for years because you found them with a bit of weed? Really?
And ffs, @famousone are you really gonna challenge the opinion of someone who majors in the subject with your uneducated one?
Mike Pence memes will never be a thing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I literally said that if they want to be ignorant about politics, they can. So no, I'm not judging. More like bringing attention to the issue that people don't care about politics anymore. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
When it's sinning time with the squad 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Mike Pence memes will never be a thing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Politics is a very important aspect of your everyday life, though. Ffs it's literally how your country's gonna run for another couple of years, it's really important so of course people discuss it. If you wanna get disengaged from politics and keep being completely ignorant about it then good luck with searching, but please don't ever vote.
Or if you want a pro-Trump site, go to funny.junk. It used to be my favorite meme site before everyone there became a Trump supporter. And not even the reasonable "dissapointed in the establishment and wanting a change" kind, they just went full white supremacy, Christian, anti-women, republicunt-like. Ugh.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Wtf dude did you even read the comment? I just said that the reason why your mate "doesn't wait" is cause he's probably handsome and charismatic which is why some shallow women fall for him, but since Trump isn't any of these things, not waiting for consent makes him rapey. Melania is from Slovenia which is definitely not one of the richest countries in the world so of course she wants to get rich.
Seriously you should get some sleep as funsubstanceuser says because you're missing some important points which I guess is because you can't focus because you're tired. We'll continue in the morning.
Tolkien showdown 2 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Tolkien nerds are the best kind of nerds.
Mike Pence memes will never be a thing 7 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Well, Pence is basically gonna run the country, so…
Mercury Bob 11 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Mercury Bob for president 2020
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah, as I said I don't believe he actually raped anyone. But the reason why people waited to come forward with the sexual assault thing is in my opinion similar as it was with Roger Ailes or even Bill Cosby. They were simply afraid to say anything because they'd be speaking against famous and very powerful people. They thought they were alone in this but when they saw that someone else was saying that the same thing happened to them, they stopped feeling alone and told the truth. Now of course we can't trust all of them, but even if only a half of them are being truthful, it's still alarming. The "I don't even wait" part is what shocked me the most, because it means he doesn't wait for consent which is kinda rapey, even if they consent in the end. Because no matter who your friend is he's probably got game, is handsome or just very eloquent… Trump is neither handsome nor eloquent nor charming. So I wouldn't really say that all the women wanted to be with him.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
I think they're mostly unbiased with things that don't concern Russia (of which there are very few as Russia is meddling with Syria and the US elections which is where all the news it at rn) but otherwise it's as you say, they're pro-Russian.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Most opinions do make you a good or bad person. Such as him saying we should take out families of terrorists and torture "even if it doesn't work". There are the sexual assault allegations which are pretty obvious, and even though I don't believe he raped some 13 year old because that affair just looked like a made up thing to influence the elections, he did similar stuff as Roger Ailes to women he worked with, and even bragged about it. You couldn't've forgotten the "grab them by the pussy" thing, right? Then there's also the fact that he underpaid or refused to pay his workers as I've mentioned earlier but you conveniently chose to ignore those. And by all means if you have proof of the allegations being false, I am willing to listen, but don't just dismiss it as "I heard otherwise". If you want to see the issues he flip floped on, watch "Trump exposes Trump", it's funny and truthful albeit not a scientific source. /watch?v=kSE-XoVKaXg