

— Ewqua Report User
Where did evolution go wrong? 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah, like I personally am a bit of a purist when it comes to this. Never did any drugs, tried alcohol once or twice but it didn't do anything to me so I went "screw it then", I take painkillers or other relief pills only when I feel like it's absolutely necessary and don't even drink coffee (again, just like with alcohol, it just doesn't do anything to me). The only thing I overdose on is good food and chocolate.
I guess I can understand why people do what they do and I would in no way take away their right to do so (in fact I think we should reevaluate the whole war on drugs since for example weed is like ten times less dangerous than alcohol or coffee) but honestly I feel like this whole "drinking as a social norm" culture is dumb. I've been mocked and weirdly stared at for not getting shitfaced every friday and I just think that's what wrong with our society.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Culture appropriation 51 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Hmm, I think @nippletasles_ raises a good point about the invention thing. The reason why you don't see many black or female inventors is because they were treated as second class citizens and were not allowed to invent anything back in the day (also they were denied proper education so they didn't even have the knowledge to invent something). Who knows what awesome inventions could we have now if society wasn't like "straight white male is the only full citizen, the rest aren't getting any education even though our mental capabilities are equal."
Still, I think that demanding cultural appropriation for petty things like dreadlocks is pretty stupid, especially in the US where there are so many nationalities that it's all just mixing together. What happened to the "melting pot of nations"?
4 · Edited 7 years ago
Where did evolution go wrong? 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Yeah good point
What 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Obviously we don't know the whole story but yeah either the girl is impolite or the guy had been hitting on her before and she lost her patience.
Where did evolution go wrong? 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
@princessmonstertru sadly their degenerated DNA will survive because they'll just get a liver transplant and keep drinking. Seriously, drinking from time to time is okay (even though I don't do it at all personally) but if you're addicted to any kind of substance, you should seek help.
What 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
My point is that his rhetoric lost all of its "flamboyance". If he wrote the other messages that way as well, I'd be totally okay with it. But since he got a pretty serious tone afterwards, I concluded that he was just using a certain rhetoric to appeal more interesting.
Uh, yes? Not getting what you want is no excuse for behaving like a tool...
Friendly reminder of how awesome Iceland is 18 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That makes a lot more sense than paying for the tickets.
What 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
He wasn't flamboyant anymore when he realized he won't get what he wanted.
Which is why I concluded he's a fuckboi – pretends to be super nice at first but once he realizes he can't have the girl he wants, he shows his true colours which aren't very pretty.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
who's a neutral boy 1 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Bojack horseman anyone? The annoying dog character?
Not a good boy 1 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Darth Borker.
They have nothing to worry about 16 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Why is it common practice to automatically downvote guests here? I kinda agree with them. And they got downvoted for agreeing with someone who got upvoted, why?
Edit: maybe if you guys answered instead of downvoting like blind sheep, we all might come to an understanding. I'd really like that because if anything grinds my gears, it's people who downvote you without saying why they disagree. I sometimes feel like I'm trying to talk to a wall, seriously. Except a wall may have more interesting opinions than people who do the answerless downvoting.
· Edited 7 years ago
My spirit animal 3 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Idk maybe he has a writer's block or just got stuck (or confused by the complicated plot). I personally think the books are brilliant (the series not so much, they just watered down the plot and added some extra sex scenes for attention) and to write such brilliant books you need time to think sometimes. And sometimes the best ideas come to you while doing something totally different than you meant to do.
Not to defend procrastinators. I'm one as well but I'm trying to stop procrastinating and get some goddamn work done.
Edit: I'd also like to add that if the fans keep pushing him into writing faster, the books are gonna turn out shit or at least not as good as the previous ones. Remember what happened to Christopher Paolini and his Inheritance Cycle series? The last two books weren't very good and the ending just sucked ass.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
What 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Agreed 100% but judging by the obnoxiously desperate "hiiiii ;)" I can tell that Alex was obviously trying to get into the girl's pants. She saw through it and automatically went for the "I have a boyfriend" excuse.
Funny thing is that the same guys (I'm talking about fuckbois now) who will call you a bitch for saying you have a boyfriend will also call you a bitch or something for not saying it right away because you were "leading them on". But in my experience those fuckbois are rare and most guys are reasonable beings who will just back off when you tell them you're taken.
What 19 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
See also: Starbucks cups 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Hail Alfadir!
See also: Starbucks cups 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Oh ok so it's just triggered extremist conservatives again. Why am I not surprised?
Also clearing the pavement as well as the roads seems reasonable enough considering how much snow Scandinavian countries usually get, but if what has been said above is true and it made the snow clearers neglect the roads, then it's of course a baloney proposition by dumbass politicians.
See also: Starbucks cups 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
^ikr, how can cleaning snow be sexist? I really don't get it.
Also, @isuck479, liberalism ≠ feminism. Politically I'm a liberal but I am also anti-feminist because 3rd wave feminism has become just a silly movement of silly people, to put it lightly. Why do people associate being left leaning with being an SJW and right leaning with being anti-SJW? I'm left leaning but hate safe spaces and trigger warnings and all this childish shit.
Just because a few children on twitter say they're liberal and SJW doesn't mean all liberals are. These children most likely have no idea about politics whatsoever and just say they're liberal cause it sounds cool or to rebel against their conservative parents.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Huh, I never thought of it that way. I guess you're right, also people would probably rather trust one omnipotent god over a bunch of gods who argue all the time and each of them influences only one aspect of life.
Still, disrespecting someone for preferring pagan gods or spirits or being an atheist is just wrong and you won't undo it by a few minutes of praying.
"For da reblogs mama ok" 10 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Chelsea is a fucking legend.
Dad recreate daughter's selfies 32 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
She seems to me like a really self-centered and vain person but I like the Supernatural tattoo.
Dad recreate daughter's selfies 32 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's just tons of makeup fam
· Edited 7 years ago
See also: Starbucks cups 33 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
There are idiots on both sides definitely but it always boggles my mind when uninformed republicans say that all liberals (or "libtards" as they like to call anyone with a different opinion than them) are SJWs, offended pussies etc. and then scream like a baby who just shat its diaper when you say something that doesn't fit their mindset.
This may seem biased but I've more often encountered a republican who quickly resorted to ad hominem attacks than a liberal. But that is probably because I debate more republicans than liberals as there's no use debating someone you mostly agree with. But yeah there are some extremist SJWs on the left that I debated in the past that were equally bad.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Czech Republic, but you were close. Anyway, can anyone explain to me how are Christianity/Islam/Judaism different from mythologies? What makes them so special that my previous comments/criticisms don't apply to them? (I guess @isuck479 will reply sooner or later, cause I really don't understand the whole "they explain things which makes them different" argument)
I'm an atheist but I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to religion which is why it always boggles my mind when I get laughed at because I advocate religious equality for "pagan" gods.
· Edited 7 years ago
How Airplane Travel Was In The 1970s 24 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
Read the mcdonaldization of society (or at least look up its basic concepts on wikipedia). That's why 'tis not like that anymore.
the staff watching Obama congratulate Trump more likely 113 comments
ewqua · 7 years ago
That's horrible, but your personal experience doesn't account for the whole. People with different experiences exist. For example, there aren't many Muslims in my country (in fact the only Muslim I know is a girl I went to school with and she's super nice, doesn't even wear a hijab so I guess her family is very progressive), and even the migrant crisis has barely touched us but the media is totally overreacting which causes some people to overreact too. There are even some anti-Islam (and basically anti-brown people) groups who post shit on Facebook but also gather in front of mosques and shout crap at Muslims who just wanna pray there. They even staged a fake ISIS attack, which is totally unacceptable.
As far as I'm concerned Christianity also explains stuff. You know, like the creation of the world and everything in it. It just doesn't go into detail as much as the Greeks. But anyway, why does that matter? Is it special because it doesn't explain why it rains or why there's echo?