

— Ewqua Report User
cat-ibrating 4 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Garrus is a cat confirmed.
New billboard 50 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Not sure I agree with your whole "us vs them" dichotomy, I'm personally for religious freedom. However it's her life, and if she shares your beliefs, she won't marry a non-Jewish person. If not, it's her life and her choices and there's not much you can do about it.
Do you live in Israel, by the way?
Duct Tape is American Tape in Spain 25 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I guess FS people aren't very good at taking jokes. Welp, at least I tried.
Duct Tape is American Tape in Spain 25 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
*puts tape over Trump's mouth and wraps his phone in it so he can't tweet*
You were saying?
New billboard 50 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Why are you against her marrying a christian? I'm just wondering because I grew up in an irreligious place and never really gave this kind of situation much thought. Is it because of different traditions/holidays?
New billboard 50 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Thank you. It just drives me nuts when people downvote without stating why. I know it's not their responsibility or obligation to say why they disagree, but I just always found it to be the common sense thing to do. So that you can have a discussion and maybe even persuade the other person to change their mind instead of making them wonder who disagrees with them and why.
New billboard 50 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
>speaks about prejudice against atheism
>gets downvoted
Point proven.
New billboard 50 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The Satanic Temple are awesome people. They don't actually worship Satan, mind you. They just use him as a symbol to trigger all the fundamentalist Christians. Most of them are actually atheists/agnostics and they advocate for religious freedom and against the prejudice against atheism that is so prevalent in the US. The founder is a total badass too.
Duct Tape is American Tape in Spain 25 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Duct tape fixes everything. I gotta congratulate you Americans for making such a great thing. Too bad your chocolate tastes like wax though.
Lithops, Namibian and South African plants that have evolved to look like stones 14 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
I legitimately thought "who could cut stones in half so perfectly?" for a moment.
Nature: 1, Me: 0
Here’s the probably last spooky meme from me, happy Halloween! 4 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Rules for who should cook in the relationship 12 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Not gonna lie, my cooking skills aren't great either. I can make a pretty decent meal when I follow a recipe but I can't improvise, I can't just take some stuff in my kitchen and whip up a meal. But following an easy recipe is just so trivial I find it hard to understand how anyone could get intimidated by it. Plus there are so many cooking videos out there that even if you were a total beginner and didn't even know how to boil eggs, you'd find a video about it.
Rules for who should cook in the relationship 12 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Dude, I think you should teach him to cook some basic meals. You won't always be there to babysit him unless you're a stay at home wife. Also cooking is sooooo easy, I don't understand how people can just say "I won't cook cause I can't do it". In my personal experience guys saying "I can't cook so I let my girlfriend/wife do it" are only making excuses because they enjoy laying on the couch as their wife does everything. But hey I don't know your situation at all, I can't judge you or your husband and I really don't want to sound hostile so basically, if you two have an agreement on this or you legitimately enjoy cooking and want to do it as much as you can, then all power to you. I just have some strong feelings on this because I don't want people to end up like my mom who's like a servant to my dad. She's not a stay at home wife either, she has a full time job with the same amount of hours as my dad but she also cleans, cooks and does everything around the house.
"It's just a system designed to keep you in debt" 11 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Idk I usually hear this "college is useless" spiel from old people in whose times you could get an awesome job just by passing high school and speaking one extra language. The future is now, old man. And it's filled with impossible requirements and crippling depression for those who don't fulfill them.
werk it 6 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
ok but why do the mannequins look like Slenderman? It's not very flattering to your clothing line if you show that you only have dimensions that fit twigs
Figurative middle schoolers 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
That is beautiful.
Food for thought, watch till the end. 2 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The same employee would barely pass high school today. But the companies prefer those to college educated people. On one hand I get it, experience in the field is important. On the other hand, this results in smart people being governed by... not so smart people. Not to mention that generally, people in high positions tend to be arrogant and rarely accept advice from lower level employees. So companies are stuck in the status quo, run by people who fear change and won't accept ideas from people who are smarter than them out of arrogance. Then they blame the lower level employees for the company's bad sales, not realizing that the consumers want innovation, not status quo, which is what the college educated people could give them, if they weren't stuck under someone who is stubborn towards change and innovation.
Thirdly, I agree on his point on technology, social media are addictive, but they're good for organizing events and talking to friends, so long as you don't abuse them. (2/2)
6 · Edited 6 years ago
Food for thought, watch till the end. 2 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Interesting video but I have a few points to add:
Firstly, he talks about participation trophies and kids getting in good schools because of their parents. While that is happening in the US, it is not happening in my country (and other European countries). Why? Because college tuition is free here, the college you go to depends entirely on your skill and knowledge because we pass tough entry tests but then we don't have to rely on our parents to pay for our education. I think the US is very backwards in this respect because a dumbass son of a millionaire has a higher chance at getting into an Ivy League school than a smart poor kid.
Secondly, again education-wise, 40 years ago you could get a job that supported a big family just by graduating high school. Today, the standards are much higher. Also, and this is tied to the corporation part, most companies today keep old employees in high positions because they have "experience". (1/2)
7 · Edited 6 years ago
Oh my God eyes of a zombie. I'd rather prefer just blue eyes 12 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Brown eyes look brown with any lighting. Bkue eyes look blue with any lighting. This chameleon eyes thing seems to be more prominent in green eyes.
What a legacy 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Ah, Elijah Daniel. He's the dude who made so many Trump supporters butthurt because he banned straight people from a town called Hell where he was a fake mayor. The city has a tourist attraction where you can become the fake mayor of Hell for a day or so, and he banned straight people from it literally using Trump's rhetoric about immigrants, except he put "straight people" instead of "Muslims" or "Mexicans". It was such obvious satire but Trumptards got so mad. It was hilarious.
Figurative middle schoolers 7 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Hundreds of years old troll post. That's amazing.
She has a place in hell secured 19 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
C'mon that's gotta be a troll. No way someone's such an evil bitch, right? ...Right?!
Oh my God eyes of a zombie. I'd rather prefer just blue eyes 12 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Dude same. Well, similar. My eyes are green-grey-brown and according to my friends who've known me for a long time, how they seem depends on the weather. They seem grey when it's cloudy, brown when it's dark, green when it's sunny. They're like a weird chameleon.
Probably The Happiest And Saddest Thing I've Ever Read 2 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
Fuck drunk drivers.
Zombie apocalypse solution! F**k you zombies! 10 comments
ewqua · 6 years ago
The zombie apocalypse itself would be over in a few months because all the zombies would decompose.