Why would someone do that? Abuse in general is horrible and horrific for someone to possibly stomache. I cringe when my dog cries when I leave every morning! But people can abuse their dogs? Sickening!
Oh my god, is that Patrick at the bottom?! Wow he looks SOOOO much healthier. That really makes me happy, but yes, the owner should have gotten a way harsher punishment.
This one time I was watching Animal
Cops and this one guy was PUNCHING a KITTEN. It was so horrible and the kitten was making these terrible sounds and UGH! I can't even look at an SPCA commerical, let alone that. But then the cops took the kitten and arrested the guy. But I still think animal abusers actually should be sent to jail for a couple months/years depending on how bad the animal was treated and should have a contract to forbid them from ever buying any animals.
How about murder? I personally think murderers should suffer their whole lives because killing them is too little. And I live in a country with mandatory death penalty.
shouldn't there be some particular sort of bad karma that would stick onto people who do such things to animals? I mean, I'm a very non-violent person and I believe violence is not the answer but I still wish I could smack that disgusting dog-owner so hard their stupid cruel brain would feel it. -.-
Cops and this one guy was PUNCHING a KITTEN. It was so horrible and the kitten was making these terrible sounds and UGH! I can't even look at an SPCA commerical, let alone that. But then the cops took the kitten and arrested the guy. But I still think animal abusers actually should be sent to jail for a couple months/years depending on how bad the animal was treated and should have a contract to forbid them from ever buying any animals.