I'm really sorry guys. Please don't down vote me,but what is this movie? I was never able to watch films as a kid, I just saw The Lion King a few months ago.
· 11 years ago
Don't worry, it's 'Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron'. I would definitely recommend it! It's a beautiful film (and, fun fact, features the voice of Matt Damon).
Oh. My. FUCKING. God. This was my movie for the better part of my childhood. I still have the VHS tape. The music is amazing, the story is beautiful. I will never not like the work of art!!
You people commenting fabulous things about this movie have made my day. I thought I was the only one! This movie is the only movie that will never fail to make my cry! <3
my then boyfriend took me to theaters to see this, we were the only ones in there (it was almost out of theaters) It was one of the best movies ever. I love horses and cartoons this was made for people like me :)
This is my movie for the rest of my life when I was young I loved it and wanted to be a horse and when I lost some of my family it really helped cuz it was something I loved that wasnt gone.
I was so obsessed with horses I didn't run I like galloped! And at one stage I hit my thighs like a whip to try and make me run faster.... I'm totes normal
OMG I loved this movie when I was little every time my friend would come over we would watch this sadly we aren't as close as we were before and she doesn't remember doing this but it will always be a wonderful little memory of my childhood
When I was like 4 I would pretend I was him and I watched this all the time and I sang the songs (but in french). At that age I obssessed over a few movies, and this was one of them. (Others include peter pan and this one not very well known ugly duckling movie)