Punk bitch like this in elementary school tried to pull this shit. The non bully jock then seriously nailed him... colloquially I later in life learned was referred to as "knocked his dick in the dirt."
Went bawling off to the teacher to tattle. He was told, "don't be a crybaby tattle tale just because you aren't any good. Maybe you shouldn't play with them if you can't handle it."
Awesome teacher FTW.
I'm a guy and I would always have to wear my brother's handmedowns and he's a lot bigger than me, so I was basically this big cloud of shirt, and I would go out if it hit my shirt because it happened so much, but it sucked
Went bawling off to the teacher to tattle. He was told, "don't be a crybaby tattle tale just because you aren't any good. Maybe you shouldn't play with them if you can't handle it."
Awesome teacher FTW.