I don't like the idea of abortion, purely because I think of it as my child I'm aborting, not someone else's. It's not anyone's decision but your own when it comes to that. I'm pro-life, when it comes to me. I don't enjoy the thought of abortion, but if you get one, it's not my choice. It's a personal decision, and no one should be told if it's right or wrong based on someone else's opinion.
PRO CHOICE. Go on you butthurt pro lifers, down vote me!
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
But it wasn't, because it died. This isn't sci-fi or something; there's not some alternate future that would've occurred. That child was aborted, and so that's what happened. Someone else'll get to being the curer of cancer, the first man to Mars, the inventor of the hoverboard, the latter two of which are probably not too far off (Mars for instance will have a travel somewhere between 2030 and 2037, approx.).
· 11 years ago
It really isn't. When it's majorly safe to do the abortion, it's nowhere near the same. Otherwise, why aren't people who do so getting tried for murder? If I wasn't here, that wouldn't make any sense because guess what? I am! Let the parents have a choice, but I can pretty much tell this isn't going to faze you anyway even if you were put into a situation where it was the only way :/
When my mom was pregnant the doctor ordered her to have an abortion since he thought that I would die anyways and that my mom would die if she went through with the pregnancy. She REFUSED and two months and 10 days before I was suposed to be born my mom had an emergency c-section and I was born at ONE POUND TEN OUNCES. She did not die but told me that she would have died in order to save me. She is the most noble and selfless person i know. To give her life for me and now 17 years later I can say that i survived because my mom found it unbearable to kill me in order for her to live.
Take a second to think. If we mark abortions illegal, that's for everyone. If you get raped at 12 years old, you would be FORCED to carry the baby and go through the pains of labor.
But you're 12. You're still a child. And yet you're subjected to something so painful, physically and emotionally, against your will. You don't have the financial ability to raise the child. Even if your parents help you raise the child, he/she is a constant reminder of what happened. And if you give the child away, he/she will grow up without his/her parents, and subject to not having a permanent home and stigma of being unwanted, which may possibly damage his/her life. Wouldn't it be more merciful if you had gone for abortion in the first place?
Personally, I think that whether it results in a pregnancy or not, rape should be punished by kastration. That's how it is in other countries. You misuse your dick, you lose it. And then in the case that it results in a pregnancy, the choice should be up to the victim of whether or not to carry it. It would be preferable to save the baby's life, but I understand if the mother is very young.
That's fucking stupid dude. Rape in other cultures (primitive african cultures mostly) is very cut and dry i.e. violent penetrative sex. However in this society you can be accused of rape for having sex with a drunk girl. Seems a bit fucked up to castrate someone because of that.
And it's fucking stupid of you to assume I was referring to what our country considers rape and pass judgement without full knowledge of the situation. I of course meant that undebatable evidence must be presented for extreme measures to be taken, i.e. vaginal scarring, indicating the female was unwilling, and semen of the accused present.
I totally get the pro choice outlook, but just think about a women who is pregnant and then is drinking and doing dangerous physical activity, and how appauled everyone would be. They would critisize her for endangering the babies life. But when a woman kills (sorry there just isn't another word for it) her unborn baby it's looked as something completely different...? I'm not here to judge anyone, I know people get abortions for different reasons but it seems people are brushing it off as no big deal. "Pro choice"?...sure, but abortion is NOT a positive thing. How many of you would be "Pro choice" if it was your own mom debating whether to abort you before you were born? Hm... anyways, thats just another side to the issue, not here to judge
Whether you're pro-choice or not, abortion is never a positive thing. It's an incredibly difficult decision, but it's a decision that every woman should have the ability to make for herself. I don't know why you think people brush it off as no big deal because it's a choice that weighs heavily on a woman. Nobody wakes up in the morning and goes about skipping and singing: "I'm going to get an abortion today!" Whether it's legal or not, abortions will happen. But instead of occurring in clean, safe, medical environments, women will be going to dark alleys or standing in their bathtubs with a coat hanger. Whether abortion is morally right or wrong, I'll leave to the philosophers. But it is never a decision that is easily made.
Well an abortion ends the potential life, but drinking and abusing drugs just damages the fetus’ growth and development. So you may abort a fetus because it is going to have a horrible painful disability or you may smoke and drink so much that’s the otherwise healthy fetus will now have a horrible and painful disability
I think the choice only concerns the mother, it's her body and she is the one who will deal with consequences whether it is to take care of the baby or to abort it. She is the one who will raise the child, pay the bills and take care of it and no one should be allowed to judge her for choosing how to live her life.
Even if they aren't married, it's still his child too.
But no, cobaltwave, it is not her body. It's someone else's. It is genetically unique and develops independently, under its own power. There's really no reason to think that a fetus is just part of the mother's body.
Yes if she is married or with a boyfriend he has every right and should participate in the decision. During the whole pregnancy the baby depends on the mother's body and it's nutrients that are passed through the umbilical cord to have any development so no, it's not independent, it's part of her body until it is born.
By that logic, it should also be legal to kill babies who are breastfeeding, no? Most human beings aren't totally independent until they are at least several years old. A newborn sure as heck can't get its own nutrients. That's why I didn't refer to nutrition, but simply said it is genetically unique and develops independently under its own power. The mother's body does nothing but provide nourishment and protection -- the same things it provides until the baby is several years old. If it's not part of her body then, it never was.
How the hell did you come up "it should also be legal to kill babies who are breastfeeding"? That's diferent than abortion, you may consider abortion murder but it's not the same thing. Abortion happens when the fetus is an aglomeration of cells that have the potential to create life and that's at the beggining of the pregnancy, locations who allow abortions only do it when the fetus has less than 3 months because afterwards it reaches the point where it is considered life. A fetus also doesn't "develop independently under it's own power" it develops because of the nutrients the mother passes down, that's what makes it grow. I'm done replying to you because it's obvious your opinion is based on religion and your beliefs are something no one can change. Like I said, It's the mother's choice because she is going to be taking care of it and not you.
I'm just trying to understand how the distinction is made, because I don't see the difference. If a fetus doesn't count as a human being because it can't survive without the nutrients provided by a mother, what's the difference? You say a fetus depends on the nutrients it gets from its mother. Well... so does an infant. If the infant doesn't have someone to feed and protect it, it will also stop growing and die just like the fetus will. If someone can explain to me what fundamental difference between a fetus and an infant classifies the latter as a human being and the former as not alive, please explain. I'm dying to know.
I liked that "It's obvious your opinion is based on religion." Nothing I've said has anything to do with religion...
I'm sorry to interupt all this deep abortion talk, but has anyone else noticed the look on her face when she throws the "baby" away!? Its kinda scary... Just saying.... Go back to your arguments
Most pro-lifers aren't opposed to rape abortions. You guys keep playing the rape card as if you think you're making a good point. The overwhelming majority of abortions are performed to extinguish the life of a fetus conceived consensually. That's the big problem here.
A lady my mom knew was considering aborting her kid (she was 17 at the time). Her family disowned her and her boyfriend left her when she decided not to. Now her kid is one of the people planning the mission to mars. So you know, you never know the potential in the kid your killing. And abortion isn't an easy thing either. You get a hella lot of emotions afterward, some even end up in depression and shit.
Exactly, it's not like they reserve jobs for non-existent people. Don't give me the whole "everyone is important" shit. Importance is earned, and anyone can become important in some respect if they try hard. Whether a baby is born or aborted does not make any difference to the world for better or worse.
I don't understand this argument. Maybe with planning the Mars mission that's true, but what about something that requires someone special, like finding the cure for cancer, there are things that not just anybody can do -- they require one special person. And even if someone else could do it, it would take them longer and/or wouldn't be done as well. Like that guy that developed the polio vaccine but didn't patent it so that it would be more accessible. If his mother had aborted him, someine else probably would have developed the vaccine, but odds are that that someone would have patented it and gotten fat off the profits, leaving poor people without the vaccine, and polio would still be a problem today.
The point is: abortion robs the human race of assets. Even if it takes a few years of discomfort, going through with the birth will lead to a lifetime of possibilities. Is it really worth it to abort?
I'm not one of the pro-life all the way people. It really is up to the mother. If the baby is a mistake made by a series of bad choices, then it could go either way. If it's a rape case, I think it would be easier for everyone to abort the baby before it is even able to have a thought. Imagine being a kid raised by a single mother that can't fully love them because of how they were conceived, or being a foster child knowing that your mother didn't want you and your father was a scumbag. But again, it really strongly depends on the situation and what the mother wants. Sometimes the mother really wants to keep the baby. But then there are some cases where aspiring mothers need medical assistance conceiving, but then the child becomes critically ill inside of them and makes them ill. The baby HAS to be aborted if they can't fix the baby in the womb.
Let's first think about the children who are homeless. Or the children who are suicidal. Or the abused children who have nowhere to go. Or the children who are dying from starvation or the abandoned ones or the children who feel like they aren't wanted. The children with parents that don't care. Or the parents who can't afford. Why bring an Unwanted child into the world where so many are mistreated.
In my opinion,abortion should only be legal for if you are raped,are in a bad financial spot, you aren't fit to raise a child, or you or the baby are in risk of death at birth. If you had unprotected sex, even if you are a teen, it should be illegal
Well dddddddd, most abortions happen because of that reasons, even the teenage pregnancies, they are usually in abad financial spot and not fit to raise a child
Whether they both die or not shouldn't even come into it. You should be able to have an abortion for whatever reason you want. A fetus is not a baby and a baby is not a full grown human, they do not have the same rights. At least we don't don't still practice post-pregnancy abortions like in roman times for example.
Is guest implying that babies have less rights than an adult? In that case, killing a baby shouldn't be considered as being such a bad thing, so we should extend abortion "rights" to include killing children up to 2 or 3 years old.
A human being is a human being. Obviously a fetus, a baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, an adult, and a senior citizen are all different, bit they're all human beings and deserve to be treated as such. Besides, those titles are all just subjective labels that we create and apply however we see fit. They don't actually correlate to any real divisions in nature. Making or defending moral decisions based on man-made labels is not a very strong position to take.
But no, cobaltwave, it is not her body. It's someone else's. It is genetically unique and develops independently, under its own power. There's really no reason to think that a fetus is just part of the mother's body.
I liked that "It's obvious your opinion is based on religion." Nothing I've said has anything to do with religion...
The point is: abortion robs the human race of assets. Even if it takes a few years of discomfort, going through with the birth will lead to a lifetime of possibilities. Is it really worth it to abort?
Also, my opinion, there's too many people on earth. Oneday, abortions will rule us. Sadly.
A human being is a human being. Obviously a fetus, a baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, an adult, and a senior citizen are all different, bit they're all human beings and deserve to be treated as such. Besides, those titles are all just subjective labels that we create and apply however we see fit. They don't actually correlate to any real divisions in nature. Making or defending moral decisions based on man-made labels is not a very strong position to take.