And here I thought guest was a Catholic making a whole "God is the sun, the Son of God" Jesus Christ wordplay. That would have been clever, lol, opportunity missed there.
I believe in evolution, and science has explained a great deal however, I also believe in God. If we go past our galaxy, who knows what else is out there? All of our planets could be the size of a fly compared to some other being. It's up to you if you believe in a God or not, and I don't think you are wrong if you do.
Besides all that, this woman is just really really dumb.
I am a Scientist, a Skeptic and an Athiest... but I could be wrong. Science has not proven, nor disproven the existance of (a) God(s). That is not the job of science. Science doesn't preclude the existence of a supreme being.
I believe in God, but I also believe in science. I believe in evolution and that there is a logical answer to everything. Who says God and science cannot coexist.
Well depending on what you believe some people would say that they completely contradict eachother. I.e. the bill nye-australian creationist debate that just went down.
Oh dear. I love this site but can we stop this whole religion thing. Believers aren't posting anti-atheism post. Can I please just love Jesus is peace while being amused on a site with awesome people on it ?
Why is religion precluded from being made fun of? I see nothing about religion that gives it any status warranting reverence or respect. You may, but that is YOUR choice. Mine is having developed an opinion after studying the history of religion and the bible. I find it interesting how religion gave itself this untouchable status and those who don't believe in it are supposed to grant it this same status as well. Doesn't work that way. You want devotions? Go cruise a site dedicated to religion. You want humor? This is the right place. Feel free to scroll past any posts you do not like. That's the beauty of the internet.
They can go litterally to your house and preach "the word of God". But if you go to a church talking about atheism then you'r fucked. And they get you out yelling things (personal expirience)
@darkanhell you ever stop to think that the church you went to and the people that went door to door were different religions? Or that even if you happened to go to the right church, the response was similar to how people treat those door to door people?
@bluedogs the reason people have such a problem with it is A) religion is a HUGE part of a lot of people's lives. Probably to a much larger extent than is healthy for many. So when you basically call somebody an idiot for believing something (not to mention the fact that millions of others also believe it and the fact that you can't prove it) of course they are gonna get upset about it. And B) the way that its usually said. Its never a joke about just not believing in God, its always "Haha look at how ridiculously stupid this person is for believing in God. Haha, they so dumb. I'm much smarter than them." When you come off as a pretentious douche, people aren't gonna like what you say, no matter what it is you said.
· 11 years ago
The difference is, lovely guest, that I can't do shit to prevent them to keep doing that, but if I do something like this they can (and they do) call the police, give you a fine and all that. But yeah, fuck me right?
Can we just not be rude to people. Because telling people what they believe it stupid is just flat out rude. If you want your opinion to be heard, write a book, publish an essay. Attacking someone for any reason is just RUDE. I don't care why you are doing it. And on the subject of belief , it does have a sort of elevated status. Because even if you have no religion, you still believe something about the nature of the universe. You still have some theory about what happens to you when you die, whether you become nothingness or go to heaven. I respect that some believe there is nothing after this life, because that is worth respecting. Some things are worth taking seriously, and speaking your mind about, you know ? Not everything needs to be dosed in a huge vat of irreverence and approached with sarcasm and irony. People deserve respect and common courtesy, and if we, people who I consider fairly tolerant and well-mannered, stop demanding it, then no one will.
Yes, some people do believe that "magical" things like a sunset, rainbow, the existence of humans, etc. is done solely by God. There are also people that believe those "magical" things, while explainable by science, doesn't disprove that a higher being set them into motion. You can believe that there was a Big Bang and humans evolved from apes, etc. and still believe that a God helped in its creation. They don't believe that it was all just random chance that when the earth was formed it just happened to be the exact distance needed from the sun, that the sun was the exact right size needed, or the atoms that made up the earth were just the right ones. They don't think it was complete random chance that the first life forms eventually evolved into humans. They use science and religion to help explain eachother.
And since nobody has proven one way or another (and they can't) calling any group stupid for believing one way is just stupid itself.
Firstly, I think it is dangerous to assume that we know exactly what the reasoning behind this woman's point is. We'd really have to ask her.
But if I were to make her argument for her, I would say that she's not asking for a scientific explanation of how rainbows and sunsets could possibly work without God creating them. I'd say she's asking for an explanation as to why they are so beautful and make us so happy. I think her point is could be rephrased as, "how do you explain that all the little wonders that make life bearable just happened out of chance?"
Granted I still don't personally find that argument particularly persuasive on a general level, I just think some of you guys (particularly whoever made this post) are misunderstanding her point and not giving her enough credit.
*sigh* Do we who actually believe, may it be in Christ, or whatever, make fun of you atheists? Do we ever post something : 'Ha, how do you prove that, bitch! Only God can prove it!'. Have you ever seen such a post? No? Then please don't create offending ones to us. Please respect our beliefs, and we will respect yours. I was raised in a house full of people who said they 'believed' in God but they didn't ever pray or go to church or even read a bible. Except me, I actually pray and read the bible. I go through so many tough things each day, and here, somewhere I can relax and make wonderful friends (which I love soo much X3) you guys have to mock me and my brothers and sisters. Shame on you.
Also, who wants some brownies? :D *hands out brownies*
· 11 years ago
I was about to start a polite argument, but I'll let you win if you give me some of that brownies :3
People are disliking my comment, and let me just say something...
The girl in the top photo said: "how do you EXPLAIN a sunset... " well, sure enough people explained it (aka scientist) and believers still don't take the explanations scientists are giving them. People are here because they never stopped asking " why? " Since ever. And i just can't understand why people are asking questions if they think the answer is always god. Why don't they do a little research, step out of the box, THINK. Is it painful to use your brain, not the bible. (If i was hurtful i deeply apologize)
· 11 years ago
Your comment was okay, it's just crazy people, don't mind them
Unpopular opinion incoming. While I understand science explains things. I'd like to say that science explains what God has created to be possible. I read awakes from the watchtower tract society and there are many scientific articles explaining what makes this work, and what makes that possible, all the while still believing that God gave us these things to be possible. And I hate to say this, but if everyone is assuming that what was being said by her that sunsets are unexplainable because they're made by God, you could be wrong. Then again she could be ignorant and think nothing can be explained and all science is wrong. Point being, I believe science and God can co-exist. I even believe in Evolution, but not that we descended from apes. Just my two cents.
Hey. Not all religious people are bad.. : ( Some just.. get things wrong. Things are misinterpreted, and many use religion as an excuse to stay uninformed. This isn't all religious people, though.
Now I can't take your point seriously. :(
Besides all that, this woman is just really really dumb.
@bluedogs the reason people have such a problem with it is A) religion is a HUGE part of a lot of people's lives. Probably to a much larger extent than is healthy for many. So when you basically call somebody an idiot for believing something (not to mention the fact that millions of others also believe it and the fact that you can't prove it) of course they are gonna get upset about it. And B) the way that its usually said. Its never a joke about just not believing in God, its always "Haha look at how ridiculously stupid this person is for believing in God. Haha, they so dumb. I'm much smarter than them." When you come off as a pretentious douche, people aren't gonna like what you say, no matter what it is you said.
And since nobody has proven one way or another (and they can't) calling any group stupid for believing one way is just stupid itself.
But if I were to make her argument for her, I would say that she's not asking for a scientific explanation of how rainbows and sunsets could possibly work without God creating them. I'd say she's asking for an explanation as to why they are so beautful and make us so happy. I think her point is could be rephrased as, "how do you explain that all the little wonders that make life bearable just happened out of chance?"
Granted I still don't personally find that argument particularly persuasive on a general level, I just think some of you guys (particularly whoever made this post) are misunderstanding her point and not giving her enough credit.
Also, who wants some brownies? :D *hands out brownies*
*burries face in plate*
The girl in the top photo said: "how do you EXPLAIN a sunset... " well, sure enough people explained it (aka scientist) and believers still don't take the explanations scientists are giving them. People are here because they never stopped asking " why? " Since ever. And i just can't understand why people are asking questions if they think the answer is always god. Why don't they do a little research, step out of the box, THINK. Is it painful to use your brain, not the bible. (If i was hurtful i deeply apologize)