I conquer so much with this I am a girl and guys are expected so much from women. It's society and honestly women are never happy. If we were truly treated like guys we would be like oh well maybe that sexist thing about how a girl should want to be treated like a
Disney princess isn't so sexist and how Disney princesses are just a guys sexfied fantasy is actually a mans vision of how a woman is a princess and should be treated like one. This is why I really don't like girls -_-
It's totally unfair. Some (not all) women expect to do whatever the fuck they want, and guys should change so they can. That's not how it works, doll face. Don't expect a man to change so YOU can do whatever, and don't expect all men to be carbon copy of the same, stereotypical sexist pig. Some people may not believe it, but it is extremely sexist to treat men like shit, just because you can.
STOP STEREOTYPING. Not every woman is like that. Not every man is a fucking angel. Everybody is different. Historically women have been extremely discriminated and thats a fact. Its been a long hard road out of hell for us, so dont just act like it that easy.
Most women/females/girls are like that and this coming from a female that's saying something. And yes they have but not anymore so get the fuck over it.
Sure sweetheart... Lets start with something simple, ok? On average women still get lower salaries than men for the same amount of work; sometimes they are not hired because the employer think their are going to have babies. That happens everyday. I dont think women deserve special treatment. Just equality.
That's all, realgirl? Just thumbs down for me? You looked so self assured! Thats ok... Dont be ashamed, ignorance can be cured. But dont forget stupidity is forever ;)
I've know about the salary thing and it's not very common nowadays except for like in the WNBA etc and I have never ever heard of a woman not being hired for a job because the employer thinks they're going to get pregnant.
Your situation is not an absolute, only an example. You can't just apply it to everywhere, granted whatever company are complete jerks for not hiring you for this very dumb reason.
Everyone was getting downvoted so no need to react to that. It happens, no matter how what the intentions of the commenter. Just anonymous opinions, so don't even bother paying attention to the downvotes your comments get. And don't assume just because your arguing with a user that they were the ones who downvoted you. 7/10 times, funsubstance users will respect you and your argument, and will only focus on the conversation at hand.
OF COURSE not every company is like this. I never said it was. In my first comment in this post I say exactly that. Actually you wrote basically the same in yours. Take a look, ok?
No you just said employer and women in general,which gives off a general picture of any employer to act that very way when hiring. Granted if you'd have been more specific by using more quantitative phrases such as "some employers" or "employers I've dealt with" it would have given off a much clearer image of your intended message.
It's lonely at the top, isnt it smartass? Well, When I started with STOP STEREOTYPING, I thought I've been clear enough, but it is ok... I wish you were as smart as you think you are.
I would be inclined to indulge you ozzy, but considering everytime I punch a whole in your argument, you jump to a different point in your argument instead of defending the point I'm commenting on, along with lowering yourself to insulting me, I'd rather just let you keep your ignorant and self centered mentality. But here's a closing thought, when you said stop stereotyping, you followed with how things were the opposite of the post. When I said stop stereotyping I followed with how situations are not black and white. Giving the context of each statement, the phrase "stop stereotyping" took on different connotations. You think you've preached equality when your only continuing to preach putting men down as well. I'll always agree that woman are just as great as men, that's how I was raised. But I will never put one down in the favor of the other, regardless of how long one has suffered, which either you are too blind to see yourself doing or are just too headstrong to admit too it.
No one is saying you as a person are sexist. The problem is that it has become institutionalized sexism. Which means the large companies and other institutions have this sort sexism written into their policies and it is reinforced every time the policy is used. So, yes, we need feminism because though you might believe in equality; It isn't equal and the policies and regulations allow.
I'm not defending my self, I know I'm not a sexist, and I fully agree with feminism. I just don't agree with hypocritical feminism. By this I mean the broad generalizations people leave in their arguments, along with the denouncement of the other side of the argument. I'm just here trying to get people to see what your words can really come across as, especially on such a very touchy subject such as this.
to zmatrixing, that's incorrect, women NEED leave for about 1 week throughout the entire pregnancy for most white collar jobs, however, because people make it the stereotypical women roll to take care of the children, they are socially forced to take a leave for months. Most people don't know this but there is such thing as paternity leave. My male teacher took a 3 week paternity leave when his child was born, and his wife continued working, while he took care of the child. So, no it's not women that are unable to work during and after pregnancy, it's usually men who are unwilling or find it wrong that they should take leave instead.
I agree with soccer chick, but most places don't offer paternity leave and some don't even offer maternity leave and they have to use their vacation and sick days. If both maternity leave and paternity leave were offered it would benefit the child while eliminating the discrimination during the employment process since either sex could potentially take leave due to childcare.
Thapwnzor, I live in Brazil. We dont have such a law here honey. We are still fighting for our rights. Just a tip for you: making other people feel stupid doesnt make you seem smarter. At all.
I'm just going to put my 2 cents in like I always do when it comes to feminism, and the male reaction to said feminism. No situation is black and white, it will never be black and white. Every situation is different, every person is different. Stereotypes need to be ignored because the just give a bad name to those described by them and those who listen to them.
About the salary thing, of course women are paid less than men. You know why? Men are expected to pay anything for a woman, go to dinner? Let him pay, birthdays? See how much the spending difference is expected to be and you'll feel sick of it. And if the job is physical labour it is also justified since men are physically better in those kinds of jobs plus women are not there everytime you want as a boss since when they get pregnant they cant work for 3 montha and in the other 6 they cant do any hard work either. So please take this in mind. May I hope this won't get downvoted into oblivion.
Single women, lesbians, and even independent women are not having men pay for their meals. Also with the pregnancy thing, both paternity and maternity leave should be offered. This way, during the hiring process the fact that a woman might have to leave during the first few months after the baby is born wouldn't be such a big problem because the same thing could happen to a father. This would even out the hiring platform and give the baby more time with both parents before being given to a nanny or something. For instance the mother could have the first three months off and the father could have the second three months off and the baby gets six months of care from their parents and not a stranger. It's a win-win situation. As far as physical labor goes if she can't do it, fine don't hire her. I understand that. However, just make sure you didn't assume she couldn't do the job because of her sex.
Bulllllllllssssshhhhiiiiiittttttt! Listen Fred, if you go out on a date and you want to pay for the meal, pay for the meal. If you don't, don't. Simple as that. There is no rule that says "Man must pay, woman must accept." Men generally pay for meals because you they want to treat their lady to something nice; if you feel like you have to, then that's on you, boss. As for the pregnant thing, employers should not punish woman for something they are biologically built to do. The whole argument that pay is less for woman because they can have babies is a straw man that MRA's bring up when they have nothing of substance to contribute to the conversation. And woman are just as physically strong and capable of doing anything a man can do. Put your fedora back on, watch some Naruto in school library, and leave the feminist theory to people who actually know what they're talking about.
If you are dating a woman, and she is not paying for half of your dates, you do not have an equal relationship. As a women, I have always paid for at least the dates.
I think the basic problem is respect. Many men do not respect women. They don't respect them as equals in the workplace or at home. And, yes. There are absolutely women who do not deserve it. Women who want to take, be doted on, not work, and treat others poorly. But the same can be said of some men.
Women want to be treated equally on an emotional and mental and physical level. We want our opinions to carry the same weight and consideration. We want our efforts in relationships to be met equally. Most families require two incomes. Yet many men still see all household duties as female-only. If a woman needs to contribute to the finances, men have to expect that they must contribute to the house hold choirs.
It's about respect.
I just want to make a small point on the paying for dates thing, even if it doesn't have anything I do with what anyone has said, I'd like to say that guys paying for dates is not really trying to demean woman in any way, and It makes me sad that some find this demeaning. I personally love paying for me and my girlfriends dates, it makes me feel like I can provide for her and makes me happy. I occasionally let her pay but only if I truley cannot. It's not a way to keep woman down, it's just a nice feeling
Paying for dinner is kind gesture no matter who pays and I agree it is a nice feeling. Justifying an increased amount in pay because you pay for someone else's meal every now and then is not okay. It would be like saying "I host parties a lot and provide food for my guests. So naturally my pay should amount to more than theirs." You don't know a person's situation when hiring them so you can't justify lower pay by thinking "Well, she probably has a boyfriend/husband to pay for her meals and buy her jewelry and she'll probably never buy him anything nice. Therefore, the fact that she'll be paid less is okay."
My daughter told me, "I love you because I love you." It does not lose it's meaning because my 3-year-old did not represent it in a mature fashion. Get off your high horse.
Lost it's weight then. My apologies. Love is a subgect in it's own. I cannot respect a persons arguments when they feel the need to show they are shouting through all caps. But that's a personal preference on my part, so I do apologize to the guest who posted this.
Let's lay down a few facts and not get carried away:
1) I am a man.
2) I recognize that women face hardships from men in society.
3) I recognize that men face hardships from women in society.
4) I am not a god; I am not omniscient.
5) I am therefore incapable of judging which gender is, in the absolute, more wronged.
6) I believe feminism, especially in the USA, is misinterpreted as misandry (man-hating).
7) I refer to myself as an "egalist."
8) I believe "egalism" means that everyone is treated absolutely equally regardless of sex.
I've stopped focusing on feminism in most of the first world countries. Here we are arguing about the social issues about why it's wrong to expect guys to pay for dates, or how women and chivalry and all that confusing crap, when we should be focusing on how in certain countries women still aren't allowed to get the education they deserve and it's legal for men to abuse if "they deserved it". We need to fix that before we're ever able to move on to the other stuff.
Although this is very true, women still aren't given jobs equally. My mom worked for a company for a few years and had a management position. However, she was told that even though she did the same thing, for the same company, for the same amount of time, and with the same job position, she still would be paid less simple because she was a woman and the coworker got paid more simply because he was a man. Of course she quit and found a better job, but still. I u d'état and this is NOT the case with many companies, but the fact that it happened still shouldn't be okay.
Same thing with my sister. She got hired at a company because of her excellent experience and know- how, but found out a guy with no experience and a history calling in was hired at the same time, same responsibilities, as her, but was getting a higher starting wage. She was told because men were found to work more hours in the long-term picture of employment, i.e. they won't take time off for getting pregnent. She also quit and found a better job.
Companies legally aren't allowed to discriminate based on gender and can be prosecuted. I therefore find both of your stories to be false and exaggerated, otherwise your mother/sister would have known that she had every right to press charges. This is what feminists in the 70s achieved. I think nowadays, when a woman doesn't get a job, they rationalise it as gender discrimination rather than having to come to terms with the idea that maybe they just weren't the best candidate. It is however legal to pay someone based on how many hours of work they do, and this is why men may be paid more for the same job.
Throwing in my two cents here. Feminism is not the act of condemning or stereotyping men. A true feminist will campaign for the rights of women, but they won't downplay the needs of men.
However statistically women generally are paid less than men, in the UK this is only in higher wage bands. But some employers do refuse to employ young women because of the risk of them taking maternity leave.
In some countries women are refused an education altogether and expected to leave to become a home maker.
I'm actually doing a male oriented degree and for two years was the only female in my class. I had to sit through some awful kitchen jokes, and breast comments.
At the same time men do suffer from domestic abuse, and discrimination from some jobs that are traditionally female ones.
Anyway I'd actually like to see some sourcing for this sort of thing. Where did you get these statistics from?
Don't blame feminists for not campaigning against every inequality ever in the world. They see what they want changed and go get it done. The harm is done when some feel men are to blame for everything, when it's perceptions and outcomes that need to be changed.
Seriously, this post is terrible. Not to downplay the hardships that men go through, but it made awful points. Men might "get treated like crap" but so are women. Both genders face sexism, but this post goes out of its way to victimize men, while dissing feminism at the same time, which, as soccer chick put it, is not just about equal right in first world countries (equal pay) but equality world wide.
wow. umm okay, thinking of it that way, it makes me ashamed to be a girl when chicks do all this fucking shit and get away with it. I know everybody is different, and I get that. also, both men and women can be crazy fuckfaces though, so... I lost my train of thought there. so umm, i don't want to choose a side in this. I think that was it.
It doesn't happen often but it happens. The defence in these cases actually plays up to female stereotypes (such as over-emotional, impressionable, at the mercy of her hormones) but you don't see the women complaining when it gets them off the hook. I'm pretty sure nobody would get away with drowning five children but there have been cases where a mother has done something similar and received a relatively reduced sentence by claiming she had a mental breakdown and pleading insanity (thus resulting in being locked up in an asylum rather than a prison and also avoiding the death penalty). There have also been cases where PMS has been cited as a mitigating factor in a crime; basically the woman pleads that she was at the mercy of her out of control hormones. It sounds absolutely ridiculous but it happens. It is also common knowledge (especially among psychology students) that women very often receive a criminal sentence that is less severe than a man's, and this effect is more . . .
. . . pronounced when the woman in question is considered physically attractive. Feminists seem to conveniently forget all about female privilege cases such as these. It happens every single day. For example, women getting free drinks at a bar, women being granted the last car parking space, women being prioritised for evacuation during natural disasters or ships sinking, or plane crashes; women being favoured at school because they learn more effectively than boys by writing and reading, while boys learn better by doing; or women being favoured at school because they cope better with coursework rather than exams; or women being exempt from national service in countries that still have it; or women being charged lower insurance premiums for driving and other things. Just a few examples, I am sure you can think of more. Women have a pretty good deal in the western world, they should be vastly grateful.
Everyone's had a bad time, and i agree with part of your argument, though to be honest, the chauvinist pig is just childish, but we have had a hard time too so calm down and realize that women to experience many perks and many cons.
Actually, my mom got less money when she divorced my stepdad.
Also, when she was almost done divorcing him, and they did their taxes together, she got way less money.
*Opinion Alert* I believe that both genders are discriminated and do not favor one over the other. Let's analyze each and every entry here starting with the first.
1. Vague comment. There are many reasons why the police can be called to the scene. Domestic/child abuse, public disturbance, etc. What are you proving with this entry? If you committed domestic abuse (and there is proof of it), the cops will arrest you. If you are a man and your wife or child has injuries, you will be charged with domestic abuse. If you are a woman and your husband or child has injuries, you will be charged. Very rarely do we hear cases where the woman abused the man. While both parents can abuse children, it is more common for the man to abuse the woman. Not all men do so, mind you. If you have committed this crime and get arrested when the cops are called, how do you expect to pin this on sexism? -To Be Continued.
1.5: I personally have not heard about many police officers picking you up from the street for no reason just because you're a man or woman. If cops are called and chase you (as another example), why are you running if you're innocent? Police officers will do their job, no matter the gender. Both men and women have been caught at the wrong place in the wrong time. Blame our judicial system, not our genders.
2. Ah yes, divorce. What is the top reason for divorce? Adultery! Statistically, most marriages become terminated because of the man's infidelity. Once again, I am not saying every man is a cheater because last time I checked, women cheat too! If the man cheats and leaves a family for someone else, how is it unfair for the person who was cheated on to get more in the divorce? Many and I say many divorces are split in half, custody and all. Now, a lot of this discrimination also comes from the law! Some judges unlawfully grant the woman more money for no specific but then again, some judges do the same for men. This is because of corruption that comes from the thirst for power, nothing else. A man cheats but has children at home, suddenly he doesn't want to provide for those children! A woman leaves a man with her children, suddenly she doesn't allow the dad to see them even though he was not at fault. Are both genders at fault here? Yes. Do all women and men act this way? I think not.
3. We all know our judicial system slips up on some things. Frankly, someone committing aggravated murder shouldn't serve a lesser sentencing or pay a smaller fine than someone that illegally downloaded music. With this being said, unfair sentencing happens to many people. According to quite a few studies conducted on the matter, women are known to be sentenced longer than men for murder. Men on the other hand are sentenced longer for the crime of rape. Both crimes should never have an excuse and I strongly stand to that. I do want to say however, that men might be charged longer for that because it is more common among males than it is among females. I have seen plenty posts of posts on the Fresh page saying that a female rapist isn't really considered a rapist.
4. Andrea Yates, the woman that drowned her five children, was released on the excuse of insanity but is still stuck in a mental hospital. Mark Hacking, who killed his pregnant wife out of cold blood, only was sentenced to six years to life because many believe it was due to his father was a well-liked LDS figure.
5. While it isn't fair for any party to do that, who is the one that can get away with rape because our society stereotypes all women as those who 'were asking for it'?
6. If she doesn't respect you, she doesn't respect herself. If he doesn't respect you, he doesn't respect himself. We all deserve respect, it's a double-edged sword. Not all men are pigs that won't respect you, and not all women are backstabbers that won't respect you. If they won't respect you, you aren't any better if you think you have the right to not respect them. Let the ignorant be ignorant, don't put yourself on their level.
7. OP, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the exception that proves the rule. Has every female that was actually raped lie about it? Have all women put away innocent men just because they felt like it? I do understand what you mean by this entry though, since women have the possibility of doing this while men cannot. But..it makes you wonder...who can pick up a prostitute and not get in trouble? Prostitution is illegal, but soliciting their services is perfectly acceptable.
10. How about instead of picking on the other gender for everything they do (this is for you too, girls), why don't we try to fix ourselves? If men are pigs in women's eyes, then be the man that a woman will be like, "Wait, what?". If all women are feminazis, be the girl that guys will just say, "They aren't all the same." Don't even do this for the other people! Do it for yourself. See what the other side has to live with also. It doesn't make you wishy-washy, it makes you knowledgeable. Opinions are like personalities, everyone has one, it's just your choice and right to let them be seen.
Thank you Mythical gamer. You have successfully vocalized all of my thoughts on this post in a stream of well written comments. I would like 47 times if possible
Most women who demand "Equality" act as if men are the scum of the Earth. They simply want to be considered better. It's unfair that equality isn't taken the way the word is defined. I'm all for equality, and think no one should get special treatment for their gender. We are all people and should be treated like such.
Who gets higher pay, STILL?
Who is more likely to get into a graduate program (don't fuck with me on this, I've done my research)?
Who is FAR more likely to become the CEO of a major company?
Who can claim that a victim of rape is lying and have the media on their side?
Who can have sex with whomever they want, whenever they want, and be idolized for it?
Who can consciously and obviously degrade people of the other gender and not be called out on it?
I can't even believe this is still happening. Hearing men complain about advantages that women get or white people complaining about advantages black people get is ridiculous. Imagine two children, and the parent is giving candy to the other one for a while, and as soon as the other child gets some candy the first is putting up a fuss. It's like that.
Just stop, please.
I agree, people don't have equality. It's true men make more than women ect. but the fact is that those who demand "equality" don't simply want to be treated as equals they want to be treated better. They act like they should get special treatment because they haven't been equals. But that's not how equality works. You can't start giving the second kid MORE candy to make up for the candy it didn't get.
Exactly, it should be equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome. Women have equality of opportunity in almost all things now; however they still expect equality of outcome even if they don't deserve it (such as equal pay). Plus where did you research the point about university degrees? Because women have outnumbered men at university in the UK and america for quite a few years now.
Can we do away completely with this battle of the sexes?
It's 2014, and we should be well over this by now.
Life is not equal, nor is the argument that the post offers.
Some people are cunts, let's just leave it at that.
Well here is a list of mine :
Lists like these are still necessary.
Men make almost half a million more in 40 years of working than a woman – if they saved it up, it’s enough to feed their family for 37 additional years.
Some workplaces – including in Kansas City - require women to wear heels, which cause long term health problems. There is not an equivalent for men.
Mothers are less likely to be hired than fathers. Mothers are seen as a risk – she might take days off for the kids – while fathers are seen to be hard-working family men.
Women who report sexual harassment in the workplace are seen as “prudes”. Career experts advise women not to report it.
We’re still held to “lady like” standards at home and work – no such standard is a barrier for men. It’s funny when men fart, but disgusting when women do it. It’s ok when men swear, but on women it’s uncouth.
Ok, some of these do seem wrong, but it goes back to my original comment. People are cunts. If not one person chooses to speak out in Kansas, nothing will be done.
If this is accepted as uniform, and the person takes the job, why not be a pioneer, and refuse to wear them?
It's not a law, and unfair dismissal charges can be brought against them.
Where is the evidence to back up what you say about fathers being hired over mothers? Or are you just trying to perpetuate more hatred by spouting rubbish?
I work with a guy that is married, and his wife is just about to have her second child in a year, her employers pay hey wages while she brings up the child, and her job is not under threat because of it.
Lady-like standards, huh? Only if you choose to follow stupid draconian social moray.
"Women who report sexual harassment are seen as prudes"
Again, where did you find that nugget of fiction? On lifetime? In my workplace, and all workplaces I've ever been in, sexual harassment is taken..
VERY Seriously. Sexual harassment is illegal, and can see a person brought to trial if reported.
When I was 17, I was assistant manager of a pet store and reported my manager for that very offence, and he was subsequently fired.
Those supposed career experts should, and can also be held to account (which career experts are these exactly, any names?)
Who told you it's socially acceptable, or indeed a matter of sex if one farts or swears??
I know men that swear, and women that swear, I don't look upon either of them differently for doing so. The same for farting, I myself choose not to do it front of anyone because I find embarrassing, and yes, uncouth I would only do it in front of my closest friends, or immediate family.
I really can't see anything on your list that didn't come under the blanket of extricating yourself from a true depiction of MODERN society.
You don't understand. The fact that you need to make lists and try to justify arguments means that there is not yet equality. The fact that SOCIETY is perpetuating these standards, which you admit, is the problem. Society is the thing that needs the paradigm shift. Specific examples and your personal experiences mean nothing compared to thousands of years of oppression that women still feel the sting of. The debate is still raging on, therefore so is the problem. It hasn't gone away. If feminism were not relevant, people probably wouldn't keep asking if feminism were relevant. People aren't in the habit of talking about things that are completely irrelevant to them. I don't know why you don't believe me, and have the notion that I want to preserve inequality, but women only earn less than men. Its a fact (http://www.whitehouse.gov/equal-pay/career)
Go fuck yourself. Women in other countries can't have education, forced to marry at age young as 7, get stoned to death because wanting divorce, and in some places rape is legal. In the US sure guys might be subjected to little things but honestly you have no idea. So shut the fuck up
Look past this and just think of a person. A man and a woman. What is so diverse about women ??? Please help me understand. What is it ???We have breasts ??? Do men think that woman are inferior compared to them??? Or is it because we're a woman in general ???It IS true that we live in a sexist world where men are the superior power. Why can't women play equal roles in the world ??? It infuriates me when boys say things like , " You can't do this bc you're a girl!" or " Stop acting like a little girl!!! " WHAT IS SO TERRIBLE ABOUT BEING A FEMALE ?!?!? DOES IT REALLY HURT YOUR PRIDE TO BE BEATEN OR PROVED WRONG BY A GIRL ???WOMEN SHOULD BE TREATED AS EQUALS TO MEN !!! THEY'RE TOO MANY MALE DOMINANT POSITIONS IN THE WORLD !!! WOMEN SHOULD HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES AS MEN !!! EVERYBODY NEEDS TO TAKE A STEP BACK AND THINK ABOUT THIS !!! #EQUAL #RIGHTS
There are always going to be people who this ace train lifestyle is superior, it's human nature. Most young girls are introduced into thinking boys are tougher, just as most boys are introduced into thinking that girls are smarter, the preconceived childhood conceptions are what the worlds sexism is created on. A society can never take a step back, nothing will have been accomplished. Moving forward and teaching the in coming youth a better way to see equality in the ideas of race and gender is the only feasible solution. Faulting everyone now for being raised a certain way is only going to cause more issues, instead of helping the one your fighting for in the first place.
I understand that, but in all honesty, the only way we'll get past anything is if we stop categorizing everything and labeling it with a stereotype. Many woman can't do what many men can do. Many men can't do what a lot of women can do. It goes both ways. Focus on the individual.
I recently watched a show on youtube interviewing women who were part of the feminist movement in the 1970s (when it really mattered). They all agreed that feminism is no longer needed in the western world such as america or the UK. In fact inequality has been over-estimated in many areas by militant feminists (mostly consisting of white, privileged, twenty year old females). One of the older ladies spoke about how she went to university in 1950 with absolutely no resistance and all of her lecturers treated her as an equal to the male students. When she joined the feminist movement in the 1970s it was to do with discrimination in the workplace; this kind of discrimination no longer exists because of the work they did, which is why she thought feminisim is no longer needed. Pay is not different due to gender; the only differences that can be found between a man and woman in similar jobs is due to the amount of hours worked. Men work more hours in overtime than women on average.
Women also take more time off work for health reasons.
Furthermore, the 70cent figure which is constantly quoted is very misleading as well. When the entire earnings for men and the entire earnings for women for the whole country are averaged, women average 70cents for every dollar that men make. This is due to women working fewer hours, more menial jobs that require less training (such as secretary, teacher, minimum wage jobs etc) and fewer women in total being employed. When feminists use this "statistic" to argue their point, know that you are debating a moron who hasn't properly researched the very strong beliefs they hold. People like that deserve no respect.
Disney princess isn't so sexist and how Disney princesses are just a guys sexfied fantasy is actually a mans vision of how a woman is a princess and should be treated like one. This is why I really don't like girls -_-
I think the basic problem is respect. Many men do not respect women. They don't respect them as equals in the workplace or at home. And, yes. There are absolutely women who do not deserve it. Women who want to take, be doted on, not work, and treat others poorly. But the same can be said of some men.
Women want to be treated equally on an emotional and mental and physical level. We want our opinions to carry the same weight and consideration. We want our efforts in relationships to be met equally. Most families require two incomes. Yet many men still see all household duties as female-only. If a woman needs to contribute to the finances, men have to expect that they must contribute to the house hold choirs.
It's about respect.
1) I am a man.
2) I recognize that women face hardships from men in society.
3) I recognize that men face hardships from women in society.
4) I am not a god; I am not omniscient.
5) I am therefore incapable of judging which gender is, in the absolute, more wronged.
6) I believe feminism, especially in the USA, is misinterpreted as misandry (man-hating).
7) I refer to myself as an "egalist."
8) I believe "egalism" means that everyone is treated absolutely equally regardless of sex.
However statistically women generally are paid less than men, in the UK this is only in higher wage bands. But some employers do refuse to employ young women because of the risk of them taking maternity leave.
In some countries women are refused an education altogether and expected to leave to become a home maker.
I'm actually doing a male oriented degree and for two years was the only female in my class. I had to sit through some awful kitchen jokes, and breast comments.
At the same time men do suffer from domestic abuse, and discrimination from some jobs that are traditionally female ones.
Anyway I'd actually like to see some sourcing for this sort of thing. Where did you get these statistics from?
They think women are nazi masterminds who can kill a dozen children and get off Scott free. What a joke
Also, when she was almost done divorcing him, and they did their taxes together, she got way less money.
1. Vague comment. There are many reasons why the police can be called to the scene. Domestic/child abuse, public disturbance, etc. What are you proving with this entry? If you committed domestic abuse (and there is proof of it), the cops will arrest you. If you are a man and your wife or child has injuries, you will be charged with domestic abuse. If you are a woman and your husband or child has injuries, you will be charged. Very rarely do we hear cases where the woman abused the man. While both parents can abuse children, it is more common for the man to abuse the woman. Not all men do so, mind you. If you have committed this crime and get arrested when the cops are called, how do you expect to pin this on sexism? -To Be Continued.
1.5: I personally have not heard about many police officers picking you up from the street for no reason just because you're a man or woman. If cops are called and chase you (as another example), why are you running if you're innocent? Police officers will do their job, no matter the gender. Both men and women have been caught at the wrong place in the wrong time. Blame our judicial system, not our genders.
Who is more likely to get into a graduate program (don't fuck with me on this, I've done my research)?
Who is FAR more likely to become the CEO of a major company?
Who can claim that a victim of rape is lying and have the media on their side?
Who can have sex with whomever they want, whenever they want, and be idolized for it?
Who can consciously and obviously degrade people of the other gender and not be called out on it?
I can't even believe this is still happening. Hearing men complain about advantages that women get or white people complaining about advantages black people get is ridiculous. Imagine two children, and the parent is giving candy to the other one for a while, and as soon as the other child gets some candy the first is putting up a fuss. It's like that.
Just stop, please.
It's 2014, and we should be well over this by now.
Life is not equal, nor is the argument that the post offers.
Some people are cunts, let's just leave it at that.
Lists like these are still necessary.
Men make almost half a million more in 40 years of working than a woman – if they saved it up, it’s enough to feed their family for 37 additional years.
Some workplaces – including in Kansas City - require women to wear heels, which cause long term health problems. There is not an equivalent for men.
Mothers are less likely to be hired than fathers. Mothers are seen as a risk – she might take days off for the kids – while fathers are seen to be hard-working family men.
Women who report sexual harassment in the workplace are seen as “prudes”. Career experts advise women not to report it.
We’re still held to “lady like” standards at home and work – no such standard is a barrier for men. It’s funny when men fart, but disgusting when women do it. It’s ok when men swear, but on women it’s uncouth.
If this is accepted as uniform, and the person takes the job, why not be a pioneer, and refuse to wear them?
It's not a law, and unfair dismissal charges can be brought against them.
Where is the evidence to back up what you say about fathers being hired over mothers? Or are you just trying to perpetuate more hatred by spouting rubbish?
I work with a guy that is married, and his wife is just about to have her second child in a year, her employers pay hey wages while she brings up the child, and her job is not under threat because of it.
Lady-like standards, huh? Only if you choose to follow stupid draconian social moray.
"Women who report sexual harassment are seen as prudes"
Again, where did you find that nugget of fiction? On lifetime? In my workplace, and all workplaces I've ever been in, sexual harassment is taken..
When I was 17, I was assistant manager of a pet store and reported my manager for that very offence, and he was subsequently fired.
Those supposed career experts should, and can also be held to account (which career experts are these exactly, any names?)
Who told you it's socially acceptable, or indeed a matter of sex if one farts or swears??
I know men that swear, and women that swear, I don't look upon either of them differently for doing so. The same for farting, I myself choose not to do it front of anyone because I find embarrassing, and yes, uncouth I would only do it in front of my closest friends, or immediate family.
I really can't see anything on your list that didn't come under the blanket of extricating yourself from a true depiction of MODERN society.
Furthermore, the 70cent figure which is constantly quoted is very misleading as well. When the entire earnings for men and the entire earnings for women for the whole country are averaged, women average 70cents for every dollar that men make. This is due to women working fewer hours, more menial jobs that require less training (such as secretary, teacher, minimum wage jobs etc) and fewer women in total being employed. When feminists use this "statistic" to argue their point, know that you are debating a moron who hasn't properly researched the very strong beliefs they hold. People like that deserve no respect.