You are a wonderful person, and it's people like you who make the world a safer and better place for non-heterosexuals. Don't be sad, be happy that there are people like you in this world, making it better!
Thanks. But there are more haters out there than people like me. I mean, I have a bunch a gay, bi, lesbian, and trans friends. They're all wonderful people. I honestly don't understand the hate, and it makes me sad because you can't teach ignorant people why they're wrong because they refuse to listen.
I think the generation before us are the ones with the older ideas, the ones who don't believe in equality- and they are being driven out by younger, fresher, more progressive people. I've been out for over ten years, and attitudes are definitely changing, and minds are opening. And people like you are a big reason why :-)
It took my parents a bit, but I think it was a lot more difficult when the hope of marriage was completely non existent for us. I am pansexual (which means I am attracted to people emotionally, despite their gender) but my mom still saw it as she would never see her daughter walk down the aisle. It's a lot different for us now, though.
You can't control love. Love is, the most powerful magic there is. Love is forever. Love doesn't care who you are. Love knows you deserve someone great. You are a beautiful person liveinbooks, no matter who you are. Quite frankly, I believe your way of loving is the most beautiful thing on this earth.
Thank you for your kindness! Unfortunately, I have not been able to show others my kind of love as I have never been on a date or anything like that. But, I'm only 16, so there's still hope!
The sad part would be the person who had to put it there for them :(
· 11 years ago
I can't understand why people are against "gay" marriage. I mean, you know what you like and that's fine, but why you have to fuck with other people's likes?
It's like if I get mad at someone because he/she doesn't like metal. Agh, this people...
EXACTLY leave people to their own opinions what's happening is just as wrong and stupid as hating people because they like the color purple or beacause like you said they don't like metal. Some people need to get this through their tiny pea brains!!!!!!!!!
That's horrible! What's even wrong with gay/lesbian marriage? Why should you deny the right to love? Those people acting horribly against gay/lesbian people have no right to judge someone else's way of life! I feel so sorry for those people, being persecuted for loving another.
Marriage equality is so much more than asking for equal rights, it's demanding that the government remove discriminatory laws in place preventing all adult couples the right to marry. You all are absolutely right! No one is hurt by equality, there is not a certain amount of love that will run out if more people marry- this issue should be a simple one.
I seriously am incapable of understanding why anyone should care about who someone loves. What difference does it make if Luke loves Larry? Are they happy? Are these haters just jealous because they love each other in a way that those judging have never felt? Why is the word marriage such a big deal? I really don't get it.
People should get to love who they love and not have anyone hurt them or hate on them the people that hurt them for who they love are just plain stupid.
I wish everyone could just be nice and understanding to everyone
· 11 years ago
The 8th and 9th one just makes me want to cry... Why would you beat you child and make someone want to kill themselves? The kind of world we live in disgusts me.
I hate when people say:"oh the bible said that's bad" well that was the old testament. The one where your wife can get beaten for wearing two different kinds of fabrics at the dinner table, and you could sell your daughters into slavery and it was acceptable. The new one says to love everyone, so those people are stupid. Its just part of the reason church and religion bother me. Some of them (not all churches I have a Christian friend who's church doesn't care about lgbt) basically just team up against it and I don't want to be part of that.
It's ridiculous to me that people would be against LGBT rights. It's not your life. It's not a choice. It's not a horrible disease that's contagious. Why stand in the way of someone's happiness?
Saying its wrong for someone to marry another person of the same gender because it's against your beliefs is like criticizing someone for eating meat because you're a vegan
No it's not. Let me just say this to everyone here: I'm just as disgusted by hate and violence and discrimination as you are, but you guys are making no effort whatsoever to understand where people who oppose homosexual behavior are coming from. You want them to understand and accept your position, but you are content simply writing them off as idiots that don't deserve any kind of basic human respect.
The hypocrisy I'm seeing in this comment feed is a huge turnoff. If you want people to respect you, start by being the bigger person and respecting them first. You'd be surprised how much of a difference that can make.
Also, keep in mind that not everyone who opposes homosexual behaviors is going to want to stone you. Unfortunately the loudest mouths get the most attention, but they don't accurately represent the rest of us.
You are assuming that my life or anyone's life and who we love is of your or anyone's business in the first place, Mike. By opposing homosexuality as it is between to consenting adults, you are already stepping into others privacy and personal lives and judging them. That is disrespectful, that is judgemental.
Thinking you have the right to have some sort of say in others personal relationships is arrogant and a huge turnoff, to use your phrase. If you want people to listen to you, step back and ask if what you are about to say is any of your business to comment on in the first place. You would be surprised how often you would stay silent.
Wow, for a second I though Mike had a decent point but then Saviourself comes along and BAM! You are totally right, my savior friend. We don't accept the beliefs of the homophobic because they are totally unacceptable. Personally, I can see where they're coming from, but that understanding doesn't make what they do/say/feel right. They have no right to determine right or wrong something that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. Personally, I don't really care if we can't change their opinions; if they see a gay couple, let them think poorly of them and get on with their lives. Its when they start protesting and doing the shit done in this post against gay people that is not okay. They can THINK whatever the hell they want, but they have no right to act against gays. Don't get me wrong, I still think it is wrong for them to judge another human being, but them thinking "ew" when they see two men kissing is far better than them sending death notes or trying to beat the gay out of them.
You guys are missing the point. It's not about judging people, it's about helping them. A Christian does not judge any person. But a Christian does judge actions, attitudes, and behaviors. One of the problems here is that when someone like me says "I disagree with homosexual behavior", you guys turn on victim mode and act like you're being attacked. You're not. Someone's just trying to help. But you insist on making them the bad guy, because it's a lot easier to disregard them if you tell yourselves that they are evil or stupid. That's what I'm talking about. That's the kind of fallacious thought that is making these issues so hostile.
If you guys don't want this to be a war, don't simply insist that the other side be the first to offer the truce. 'Cuz you know what? They're waiting for you too. You take responsibility for the situation, and you be the first one to put your sword down. That's all I'm suggesting.
And you downvote me because I ask something hard of you.
The fact that I received the same number of downvotes on my second comment as on my first intrigues me. Certainly I said nothing even remotely offensive in the second one, but it was downvoted just the same, just because of who it was coming from. That's disappointing.
You talk about a world where everyone minds their own business only and everyone just walks around in little personal bubbles as if such a world would be a good thing. What people like me believe is that we're all in this together, and we've gotta help each other out. Keeping opinions entirely to yourself is nothing short of selfish. We all have experiences, and we all have things to offer and to learn from each other. That's why it would be foolish, even fatal to simply "mind your own business." Humanity will not survive that way. So I won't do it.
Oh please, do not lump all Christians together. The Christians I know actually listen to Christ and go by "let he who is free from sin cast the first stone" and don't do any of your little "I judge actions and behaviors because that's what God wants." That is why people look at religion as a sword and not a salve is people like you. If you want to be a Christian make like Christ and love thy neighbor.
I haven't said anything hateful. Have I? "Love" doesn't mean "tolerate everything they do and pretend the world is all rainbows and lollipops." Love means concern. Love means helping. Love means reaching out and doing what's best for them, even if it is difficult, or even if it stings a little. Jesus never tolerated wickedness for a minute. He loved the sinner, but always hated the sin. That's pretty clear if you actually read the New Testament.
This is a waste of time, so let me just finish with this: Do you guys really think I would be here making these comments just because I want to spite you? How on earth would that make any sense? I'm here because I believe in something that I know works, and I am confident that I have found something that all of you would benefit from. I try to share it with you because, as I explained above, I believe we're all in this together, and I want to do my part to help make the world a better place. If you hate me for that, I am sorry.
Peace out.
There is nothing I can say to someone who has the fundamental belief that they have the right to judge the personal relationships and sexual identities of others- and not only judge them, but by doing so and commenting on them believes they are being "helpful" and Christian. I can try to tell you that your opinion is neither warranted nor wanted, and all you are doing by pushing your beliefs and ideals where they are not welcome is damaging others and further rifts, but it won't stop you from feeling entitled.
Gay people exist, we've always existed and no matter how much you feel entitled to tell us you disapprove of who we are we're not going away. All that happens is you further discrimination through words and laws- you don't change who we are. This won't stop you from feeling it's your right to try to "help" or "save" us, but we don't need to be saved. We're just like you, our lives are the same- and we want the freedom to be safe and happy in them.
I just want to say to mike on his last comment. It's not because you said something disrespectful, it's that you do not have your facts straight. I highly doubt there is not a SINGLE Christian who judges people. I know quite a few myself. I'm saying any other religion or atheist has no judgmental people, it's In any group. Don't think Christians are exclusive.
Mike, the fact that you think you have the right to do ANYTHING about someone's sexual orientation is ridiculous. If you were trying to "help" them, that would mean you think they are wrong, which is not for you to determine. Why do you even bother wasting your time worrying about it? See a gay couple, feel sorry because you think they will burn in hell, and MOVE THE FUCK ON. They don't give a shit about your sexual preference and you shouldn't care about theirs. Stop acting all high and mighty by saying your trying to help. Just so you know, you can't "fix" gays. You're either born gay or you're not. You have no choice and shouldn't be judged by something you have no control over. So go back to your perfect, homosexual free life and stop "concerning" yourself every time you see two people of the same sex holding hands.
There's a problem with your suggestion... I don't think/believe they'll burn in hell. :P
You guys are really good at putting words in my mouth. I wasn't even the one that brought up my disagreement with homosexual behavior or any of the reasons for it. I came here talking about something else -- about simply having respect for each other and trying to end the propaganda war. Then saviourself came along and re-drew the battle lines, which is exactly what I was advocating against. Unfortunately I fell for it and fought back, which I'll admit was a mistake.
Mike, you were talking of LGBTQI people needing to be the "bigger people" and respect those people who disagree with who they are. I simple stated that by judging and giving your opinion on domes personal and private life does not entitle you to any kind of respect. That by feeling entitled to comment on my private life you are automatically being disrespectful and disruptive, and I owe you nothing for that. This isn't propaganda, it's common sense.
Being human entitles you to respect, saviourself. That's where we seem to disagree. I believe that everyone deserves respect and consideration, not just the people who see things the way I do.
The propaganda is statements like "being against gay marriage is like criticizing someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet", or "the Bible also says your wife can get beaten for wearing two different kinds of fabrics at the dinner table, and you could sell your daughters into slavery and it was acceptable" or "Are these haters just jealous because they love each other in a way that those judging have never felt?" Those arguments are dishonest and spiteful. Yes, the other side does it too. But that's no excuse.
Exactly, as a human you deserve basic respect- and you don't seem to understand that interfering with the personal lives of others is disrespectful. Which I don't understand how you don't see that, it's very simple that everyone deserves to have their privacy and consensual choices respected- but you feel entitled to make judgements on them, and then demand that those you are judging respect you for your completely unsolicited judgements.
Every person deserves respect, but you don't get to barge into someone's home and then demand they show you hospitality- because you are not invited. You don't get to criticize others and then act offended when your critique, also unwanted, is neither respected nor appreciated.
Nobody is running into gay couples' bedroom with a gun forcing them to stay away from each other. That would be disrespectful. It's not disrespectful to disagree with someone's choices, and it's definitely not disrespectful to offer advice. Obviously there is disrespect in many of the anti-gay members of our culture, but simply being opposed to something like gay marriage is not inherently disrespectful.
Tell me something: All those commercials you see on TV about quitting smoking -- are those disrespectful? Yes or no, and why?
Elsewhere I've said that only a fool takes offense where offense is not intended. I stand by that. It applies here. If someone doesn't mean any disrespect by what they're doing, then they are not being disrespectful. End of story. Person B does not get to decide whether Person A is being respectful or not. That doesn't make any sense at all. But you're doing it anyway, as if you know everything about Person A's heart, mind, and perspective.
Mike, there is simply not a reasonable or respectful way to interject your unwanted views and judgements on other's private lives. If you are not giving them their basic rights of autonomy and privacy, you are not being respectful. It doesn't matter if you believe you are forcing your views on others for their own good or with "love and respect," you are still acting in a inherent disrespectful manner. It is not even to be compared to a commercial on television, which I still have to invite into my home by switching on the tv.
Our views of what is basic human respect are different, and that is where the disagreement lies. I believe I and everyone else have the right to my autonomy and privacy, and you don't find it disrespectful to intrude on that privacy to express to them or I that you "disagree with their choices and offer advice." We're too far apart here.
Nobody here has intruded on anyone's privacy. We're on a public forum where people are expressing their views. If someone doesn't want to hear anyone else's opinions, he/she could just not tap the comment button. Problem solved.
Christians believe that sharing their beliefs is a core part of their religion. There is really no such thing as a Christian who keeps his religion to himself, because part of being a Christian is reaching out to others. In fact, that's really what the religion is all about. There are many reasons why it's simply not right to demand that they keep their mouth shut. I've shared several of those reasons here, and nobody has even attempted a response to any of them. And you completely dodged my question.
I mean, you're just saying the same thing over and over again, so we're obviously not getting anywhere. I guess you're right, we are to far apart. I'm just sad that I'm the only one here who thinks building a bridge would be a good idea. Can't say I didn't try.
You asked "Tell me something: All those commercials you see on TV about quitting smoking -- are those disrespectful? Yes or no, and why?"
I said: "It is not even to be compared to a commercial on television, which I still have to invite into my home by switching on the tv."
That is not dodging your question. I also made the choice not to get into an argument about how completely disrespectful and obtuse it is to compare someone's sexual identity, who and how they love, and their consensual choices to something that gives the user and those around them cancer and other medical problems. This is actually a really good example- you make an argument you most likely don't see as offensive, and then try to criticize me for not addressing it at all, and you are still going to tell me you are the one who is behaving respectfully. I absolutely agree, we are not getting anywhere. You still feel the way you do, and I am still gay.
Every argument Mike is giving for being able to have a say in the private lives of gay people (other then the whole gay people=cigarettes) is on the basis that he thinks they are doing something wrong, that there is something sinful that they need to be saved from. Saviour is a gay person who knows she is not broken or wrong, so therefore understands that the whole "good Samaritan" argument for intrusion into her and other gay people lives doesn't stand up.
You both fundamentally have different beliefs. Mike believes that Saviourself is sinful and needs to be saved (pun intended) from her sexual identity like all of the other LBGTQI Community. SaviourSelf believes her sexual identity does not require fixing. You guys are not going to hold hands and skip here.
Let me just clarify one more point (for some weird reason I think I might eventually get through to someone at some point). And for this, I am going to go back onto my side of the apparently unbridgeable gap for a quick second.
Identity is not a sin. There is no sin in being who you are. We all have urges and desires, but simply being tempted does not mean you have done or are doing anything wrong. If it did, Jesus wouldn't be sinless, because he was tempted too. We're all different, and we all have weaknesses. Some are more naturally aggressive, for example. That doesn't mean they're bad people, it just means they have a weakness that they should work on. Like everyone else. The only time that person sins is when he gives into his urges and does something bad.
So no, passion, I don't believe anyone needs to be "saved from their identity." We only need to be saved from the mistakes we have actually made. That's our responsibility. And as I've said, we're all in it together.
Then you have nothing to say. Gay people are being who they are and loving who they are the exact same way you are doing heterosexually. There shouldn't be a difference which in the eyes of the separation of church and state that makes Saviour any different from you in her relationships. She is not making mistakes or giving into anything unnatural, nothing about her private life is hurting anyone. Either is any other LGBTIQ person in a consensual relationship. Go focus on the millions of divorcees of people within your faith, man. Clean up your own house before barging into someone else's.
The person who gives in to aggression isn't giving in to anything unnatural either. That's not the point.
My "house"? Where does that come from? Besides the fact that it's incorrect to lump all Christians together as if they are the same, I don't have a responsibility to make everyone who calls themselves "Christian" absolutely perfect before I reach out to anyone else. Jesus certainly didn't refrain from teaching one person just because someone else had made a mistake. That's a pretty dumb reason to keep your mouth shut.
Once again, nobody is perfect, and we're all here to help each other. Let's try building bridges instead of walls. Why is that such a bad thing?
Thank you, passion- I appreciate your support, but I really don't think it's getting through. Mike, you have accused me of dodging your questions when I have addressed them, compared my sexual identity to that of a cancer causing habit and the "sin of aggression," and all the while talked about how it was MY responsibility as the gay person to make YOU feel respected and your opinions valid.
This entitlement you feel to comment on the lives of others that you label Christianity is not ever something I can use logic to reason away because it's not base in logic- Faith by definition is beyond logic. Your beliefs do not belong running my life, or anyone else's who do not ascribe to them. Hence why they are -your- beliefs.
Oh my god this is going nowhere! How about you guys just drop it? Saviourself, I completely agree with you, but I think you are wasting your time. No matter what you say, mike will still feel entitled to stick his nose in other people's business. What do you say we all just walk away? Let mike have the last word if he so desperately need to. Just stop responding, you wont get through to him and its really not worth it.
This is like watching Israel and Palestine fight over the same thing forever and neither side even bothers trying to understand the other one. They each just assume they have the moral high ground and that the other side is the one that needs to change. So neither one does. This is stupid. You guys aren't being fair to each other.
Maybe this is what supernovamike is taking about:
I just think that being LGBT is not a desire or an urge. It's who you are. You can't change your whole being, your whole you. Cuz the you wouldn't be you. You can't give in to being LGBT because it's what you are. You don't give in to being yourself. You just are. Nothing more, nothing less.
One time a friend I mine yelled in my church that the bible was a guide line not a rule book and some many people yelled and threatened her and then the paster came out yelling at the top of his lungs saying that she was right. Paster-1,000,000 jackasses @church- -1,000,000
That's a good question, you don't ever have to be sorry for a question like that. It stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans*, Questioning/Queer, & Intersex. Some people add an A for Allies Too :-)
watch the intro to an episode of portlandia. its like "new" sexualities. examples: hobosexual. sexually attracted to hobos. homological. "you do the math. i should be gay, but i'm not"
THE ONLY TRUTHFUL SPELL CASTER AND MY GOD WILL REWORD YOU Dr ZUMA brought back my lover when others spell caster failed ME, he is the best spell caster on planet earth. I have contacted several spell casters to help me bring back my lover and after my ex he left me and my son for 2 yrs and moved in with another woman and all this spell caster they usually promise me and at the end fail me. MY NAME,SHEILA TAYLOR in CHICAGO' 2 weeks ago i was in the street of 148 summit ave jersey city IL and a lady was sharing this hand bill so i collected one and the content was about this spell caster that brought back her lover and also in the hand bill she said she is sharing the hand bill to raise awareness that there are still real spell casters and also as a way to thank the great spell caster. before i meet this lady who shared the hand bill had already given up on spell casters because they only promise and fail so this faithful day when i meet this lady and read the content of the hand bill wa
It's like if I get mad at someone because he/she doesn't like metal. Agh, this people...
The hypocrisy I'm seeing in this comment feed is a huge turnoff. If you want people to respect you, start by being the bigger person and respecting them first. You'd be surprised how much of a difference that can make.
Thinking you have the right to have some sort of say in others personal relationships is arrogant and a huge turnoff, to use your phrase. If you want people to listen to you, step back and ask if what you are about to say is any of your business to comment on in the first place. You would be surprised how often you would stay silent.
If you guys don't want this to be a war, don't simply insist that the other side be the first to offer the truce. 'Cuz you know what? They're waiting for you too. You take responsibility for the situation, and you be the first one to put your sword down. That's all I'm suggesting.
And you downvote me because I ask something hard of you.
You talk about a world where everyone minds their own business only and everyone just walks around in little personal bubbles as if such a world would be a good thing. What people like me believe is that we're all in this together, and we've gotta help each other out. Keeping opinions entirely to yourself is nothing short of selfish. We all have experiences, and we all have things to offer and to learn from each other. That's why it would be foolish, even fatal to simply "mind your own business." Humanity will not survive that way. So I won't do it.
This is a waste of time, so let me just finish with this: Do you guys really think I would be here making these comments just because I want to spite you? How on earth would that make any sense? I'm here because I believe in something that I know works, and I am confident that I have found something that all of you would benefit from. I try to share it with you because, as I explained above, I believe we're all in this together, and I want to do my part to help make the world a better place. If you hate me for that, I am sorry.
Peace out.
Gay people exist, we've always existed and no matter how much you feel entitled to tell us you disapprove of who we are we're not going away. All that happens is you further discrimination through words and laws- you don't change who we are. This won't stop you from feeling it's your right to try to "help" or "save" us, but we don't need to be saved. We're just like you, our lives are the same- and we want the freedom to be safe and happy in them.
You guys are really good at putting words in my mouth. I wasn't even the one that brought up my disagreement with homosexual behavior or any of the reasons for it. I came here talking about something else -- about simply having respect for each other and trying to end the propaganda war. Then saviourself came along and re-drew the battle lines, which is exactly what I was advocating against. Unfortunately I fell for it and fought back, which I'll admit was a mistake.
The propaganda is statements like "being against gay marriage is like criticizing someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet", or "the Bible also says your wife can get beaten for wearing two different kinds of fabrics at the dinner table, and you could sell your daughters into slavery and it was acceptable" or "Are these haters just jealous because they love each other in a way that those judging have never felt?" Those arguments are dishonest and spiteful. Yes, the other side does it too. But that's no excuse.
Every person deserves respect, but you don't get to barge into someone's home and then demand they show you hospitality- because you are not invited. You don't get to criticize others and then act offended when your critique, also unwanted, is neither respected nor appreciated.
Tell me something: All those commercials you see on TV about quitting smoking -- are those disrespectful? Yes or no, and why?
Elsewhere I've said that only a fool takes offense where offense is not intended. I stand by that. It applies here. If someone doesn't mean any disrespect by what they're doing, then they are not being disrespectful. End of story. Person B does not get to decide whether Person A is being respectful or not. That doesn't make any sense at all. But you're doing it anyway, as if you know everything about Person A's heart, mind, and perspective.
Our views of what is basic human respect are different, and that is where the disagreement lies. I believe I and everyone else have the right to my autonomy and privacy, and you don't find it disrespectful to intrude on that privacy to express to them or I that you "disagree with their choices and offer advice." We're too far apart here.
Christians believe that sharing their beliefs is a core part of their religion. There is really no such thing as a Christian who keeps his religion to himself, because part of being a Christian is reaching out to others. In fact, that's really what the religion is all about. There are many reasons why it's simply not right to demand that they keep their mouth shut. I've shared several of those reasons here, and nobody has even attempted a response to any of them. And you completely dodged my question.
I mean, you're just saying the same thing over and over again, so we're obviously not getting anywhere. I guess you're right, we are to far apart. I'm just sad that I'm the only one here who thinks building a bridge would be a good idea. Can't say I didn't try.
I said: "It is not even to be compared to a commercial on television, which I still have to invite into my home by switching on the tv."
That is not dodging your question. I also made the choice not to get into an argument about how completely disrespectful and obtuse it is to compare someone's sexual identity, who and how they love, and their consensual choices to something that gives the user and those around them cancer and other medical problems. This is actually a really good example- you make an argument you most likely don't see as offensive, and then try to criticize me for not addressing it at all, and you are still going to tell me you are the one who is behaving respectfully. I absolutely agree, we are not getting anywhere. You still feel the way you do, and I am still gay.
You both fundamentally have different beliefs. Mike believes that Saviourself is sinful and needs to be saved (pun intended) from her sexual identity like all of the other LBGTQI Community. SaviourSelf believes her sexual identity does not require fixing. You guys are not going to hold hands and skip here.
Identity is not a sin. There is no sin in being who you are. We all have urges and desires, but simply being tempted does not mean you have done or are doing anything wrong. If it did, Jesus wouldn't be sinless, because he was tempted too. We're all different, and we all have weaknesses. Some are more naturally aggressive, for example. That doesn't mean they're bad people, it just means they have a weakness that they should work on. Like everyone else. The only time that person sins is when he gives into his urges and does something bad.
So no, passion, I don't believe anyone needs to be "saved from their identity." We only need to be saved from the mistakes we have actually made. That's our responsibility. And as I've said, we're all in it together.
My "house"? Where does that come from? Besides the fact that it's incorrect to lump all Christians together as if they are the same, I don't have a responsibility to make everyone who calls themselves "Christian" absolutely perfect before I reach out to anyone else. Jesus certainly didn't refrain from teaching one person just because someone else had made a mistake. That's a pretty dumb reason to keep your mouth shut.
Once again, nobody is perfect, and we're all here to help each other. Let's try building bridges instead of walls. Why is that such a bad thing?
This entitlement you feel to comment on the lives of others that you label Christianity is not ever something I can use logic to reason away because it's not base in logic- Faith by definition is beyond logic. Your beliefs do not belong running my life, or anyone else's who do not ascribe to them. Hence why they are -your- beliefs.
Maybe this is what supernovamike is taking about: